@Jowm Actually I’m sure it was confirmed that MUI can’t reproduce, even though I wish they could (would be cool to have blood lines and such things in fanfics). Atleast sentient species not, still not sure about Rahi though. It’s much more likely that they would use it for nutrition just as you said.
Someone just said that it would be impossible for biomechanical beings to reproduce. I was trying to explain, that beings born with a partially metallic body are pretty easy to explain. Just that all the metal ends up in the right form in the right place is something I would consider impossible.

Ok, yeah that’s what I was trying to say, I’m pretty sure it was confirmed.

I like your argument there. One of the things Greg likes to point out on the LMBs is that unless protodermis is discovered in out universe, than don’t expect anything in Bionicle to have a logical explanation.

So protodermis is the building block of life in Solis Magna? WOW


Thank you. Yeah, it has an important relevance in Bionicle physics.


Think of it more like a substance that’s a blank slate, and since the whole MU is comparable to a computer, think of it like a very basic piece of code that doesn’t do anything by itself but is a very vital part of everything else. It’s like a blank object that they can alter just a little and its properties change to make it into different substances. I’m not sure if it can become organic or not, but it seems perfectly reasonable to me to say that, whether or not it can become organic, its properties could be changed during a Matoran’s change to a Toa or a Toa’s change to a Turaga so that it’s size and shape could change, then it could be reverted back into it’s tough, steel-like form.

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Actually, there is a type of protodermis that is organic.


Ok, thank you, I thought so but wasn’t totally sure and didn’t want to make any false statements.

If you have any questions regarding BIONICLE, don’t be afriad to browser BS01 or ask Greg.

Haha I know more about Bionicle then most, I’ve got so much lore and details memorized that most don’t, I just need to brush up. At one point I knew literally everything, now I’m a little rusty but still have almost all of it down. Thanks though, @Collector

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No problem. I overlook things in the story line too.

So, back to topic, have any of the questions asked not been resolved or discussed?

About BIONICLE biology?

Yeah, that’s the topic, are there any more discussion points?

No, I do not have any more questions regarding the biology of the species seen in BIONICLE. It just doesn’t seen to intrigue me like the biology of real organisms.

But it does make me consider wether the blood effects seen Ids’ All Stars were accurate or not. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha alright then.

TLR had a lot of inconsistencies. Don’t use it as a source.


I fully support and endorse the upper statement.


And I fully support and endorse the above statement.


Holy sheei-I mean, crap. I’m gonna start on this monumental project textbook thing that attempts to explain BIONCLE with SCIENCE!!!

This means, I’ll probably need help and stuff and yeah, I’ll probably be asking more questions to you guys to see what you think later on. In the meanwhile, I’ll be making an entirely separate topic over in promotions and advertising later.

Heyyyyy, don’t those little…H-shaped rocks count? They’re glowing, too!

I always assumed the Skakdi to be more organic than the Matoran races, honestly. They’re probably one of the most organic races out there.