BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

No, my Kualus is silver, and I don’t have a Gaaki. I just haven’t seen any solid reasoning besides opinion. If you just think it’s personally confusing I get it, but presenting it as fact and like its mandatory is what I can’t get behind.

What are you on about? There is no rule that we’ve ever seen which indicates that gold armor is mutually exclusive to being a Toa of Air, or that there’s another element which is signified by green and gold armor. We do know that Toa of Psionics are blue and gold, and therefore Toa of Water most likely cannot be blue and gold because that defeats the purpose of color-coding the elements, which the GBs apparently went out of their way to do when creating the Matoran.

We cannot be 100% certain that no Toa of Water has ever worn gold because you can’t prove a negative, but it’s for that exact reason that you can’t prove that it’s unreasonable for a Toa of Air to wear green when there’s no element signified by gold and green.


So as you just proved, your logic is inherently inconsistent and flawed. Just provide me the evidence saying something can’t be a color. But there isn’t, so you can not.
We have several instances in Matoran where the color coding has failed already.

This would be a huge problem for me if I ever said that it can’t. My thesis was that it’s illogical and would be confusing even in-universe, and it wouldn’t be consistent with the Hagah we have thus far.

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And Toa can canonically be any color.
This is entirely different from the Metru build debate, where we have a defined canon, but disagree on what it means. This is something that the canon doesn’t indicate at all, and in fact has examples of different colors for Toa.

Sorry, I meant we needed it. It should have been around, but wasn’t until after that debacle because the admins didn’t realize it would be a problem.

Doesn’t matter. What matters is that it was allowed.

So my question is then: why does there have to be another reason for not allowing it other than that the color scheme is already taken? As I’ve said so many countless times, not everything has to be so meticulously defined.

Furthermore, allowing element-specific color schemes into other elements defeats the purpose of even color coding elements. By your logic, this is a Toa of Fire.

As the rhetorician himself said.

  1. Where is the evidence for this, exactly?
  2. We already have the existing logistical problems of it being confusing both to us and to characters in-universe. This is something the Makuta would have chosen.

And it was the first contest, and there was oversight, which you just said about letting Bendy through. As I said, we’re not debating the Helryx contest. We’re debating rules for the Hagah contest.


Well if that isn’t the flimsiest little strawman I’ve ever seen.

You’ve recognized Iruini as being unique so far amongst other Air Toa, yes? Therefor its arguably more consistent to have another unique color scheme.

Your point up here was based off of what could not be. You backed this with defense on color consistency, which we’ve also proved is already inconsistent.

It’s not. He’s following your line of thinking to its natural conclusion. If color schemes don’t matter, that can be a Toa of Fire, but this creates problems in- and out-of-canon.

To our knowledge, yes. Which is the point of the Hagah armor.

Unique meaning what, in this case? Because we’re not debating giving Gaaki, idk, pink armor. We’re talking about gold armor–which is potentially unique to Toa of Water, but not to Toa.

Because you said the Hagah were inconsistent. You’re reading into my semantics too hard.

You haven’t proven it’s inconsistent, you only said you did whilst (possibly unintentionally) burning down a strawman I never erected.


Fine fine I’ll explain my reasoning.

Your argument is that because we haven’t seen a rule that Toa of water/light don’t have gold armor, we can include it. My argument is that based on that logic, we haven’t ever had a rule that says a Toa of Fire - which can have yellow armor - can’t have blue armor. In fact, Takua had blue armor and everyone though he was a Matoran of Fire, so technically my argument is even more consistent that yours.

And even disregarding that, the point that has been made several times still stands - why even color code elements at all if we’re gonna change them anyways?

Also this a recurring thing where you try to say your counterpoints in the most offensive way possible just because you disagree and it’s getting annoying.


Are people seriously arguing that gold should be banned?

Really? The same people who care so much about canon that they want to enforce a specific piece, now want to restrict canon because a Toa might kinda look like another Toa?

This is ridiculous. Kualus, Gaaki, Pouks, and Bomonga can be any metallic color. Including gold. End of story.


you mean look identical right.


While I get the “don’t like it, don’t vote for it” mentality, its frequent use comes off more as a kneejerk reaction than anything constructive. The same applies when to how X is supposedly good, only to retreat to “it’ll probably lose anyways.” Inb4 argumentum ad populum and whataboutism.

On a somewhat related topic, there’s been little to no regulations that pertain to articulation, basic color blocking, and stability. Somewhat unsurprisingly, we’ve been given two unstable mocs, one which can’t stand up properly. It would be nice if there were rules to prevent this but like iBunny said, I doubt things are going to change and they’re probably going to allow lookalikes so whatever I guess


Good that isn’t actually my logic, its what I juxtaposed as a counter to:

He introduced the logic that Iruini was not unique because we hadn’t seen otherwise. You guys are arguing with your own logic, not mine. I’m not saying any Toa can be different. I’m saying specifically the Hagah. Because they aren’t just any Toa. They’re the Hagah.

I provided evidence of inconsistencies with Iron and Stone. Amongst Matoran, we’ve already seen overlaps in Stone and Earth. Av-Matoran overlap with everyone.

every night, i see Arflopkha in my dreams


I only use it when I feel certain things shouldn’t be enforced. If the majority agrees it shouldn’t be allowed, then the votes will indicate such.

I’ll also use it for things I disagree with. I really don’t want Orde to have a sanok. I don’t like it, I don’t think it works with the canon abilities of psionics, and i won’t vote for it. But I don’t think it should be disallowed just because of my opinion.

We know they can be different. Why should they be confusing? Once again, we know of 2 Hagah, and neither has a color scheme for a different element, only one that’s either rare or totally unique.

Iron is specifically burnt orange. Hewkii is ■■■■■■■ yellow decidedly not that.

EDIT: If you mean him as a Matoran, he doesn’t have any metallic colors, so there’s no conflict with Iron.

This is the one good example you’ve provided so far, looking at Hafu and Taipu. However, Tan is only intrinsic to the element of Sand, which isn’t its own thing in the MU, as there are no Matoran of Sand. Ergo, this one’s still kinda iffy.

do you ever have the one where he comes in through the window


If we’re talking matoran colors…

Onepu, kaj, and Damek are Ba-matoran.
Jaatikko, Matoro, and Kopeke (pre rebuild) are vo-matoran.
Midak is a de-Matoran.

Hewkii isn’t yellow, and I only personally referenced his Inika Toa. But it still could easily be confusing. I agree it isn’t still a perfect Iron Toa color scheme but it’s so darn close.

Not true, several color overlaps.

The only thing you’ve solidly provided is that to your opinion that it could be confusing. Which I get.
All I’m saying, is that theres nothing saying overlap never occurs at times, and we have no evidence saying that a Toa Hagah can not wear a traditionally different metallic armor based off of what we’ve previously seen. And there hasn’t been any evidence to prove me otherwise besides opinion.

Krakua looks like a Toa of Earth. I don’t like it. But those are canonically his colors. Both versions of Toa Hahli have color schemes borrowed from other elements (though I hear the argument that she was changed unnaturally both times, and also her Inika color scheme fits her lightning powers)

I don’t believe there’s any canon that states Gaaki and Kualus shouldn’t have gold armor, so I don’t think they should be banned. I’m also firmly in the camp that doesn’t want them to have gold, but I don’t think there’s any canon-derived reason to ban it.