BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I’d say its slightly different since it requires adding or removing parts unlike a gear function which hopefully is connected to the build at all times.

Of course she shouldn’t wear Kanohi in the art nor is the intent to show the main entry photo of her with a mask on. However having a function for her and her species to allow you to let them wear kanohi I think could be neat and very unique(as many if not all older canon non toa mask wielders can’t wear them on their sets and models, since they weren’t designed with that in mind) imo.

Well, I don’t know. if it’s just wearing and taking off Kanohi, i think it’s ok but if some parts need to be replaced, it seems to be a matter to be discussed further.

I also can made my moc that Kanohi wearable head if I change my lariska’s face parts or removed a piece, but it’s not important for her character and it changes the build composition

so I only cared about the appearance.

Of course, the most important thing was that Kanohi Wearable head looked ugly.

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Its pretty much this^ I’m considering. While on the topic I think something similar to this is weapons. May I depict say Lariska in one picture wielding her daggers and then in another picture show them on her weapon storage/removed completly or would that count as a change of build too?

Does this clear things up a bit?

Good question, since Varian also can hide her Elbow Blades and Shield so I’d assume it’s a similar answer?

Discussion seems to have moved past Nidhiki’s mask a bit, but I’ll throw this here anyway:


Well that settles that then. Would silver chest armor be allowed or does it have to be green?

Looks like no. Well I have some rendering to do

I mean, sure, you could keep the chest armor silver, but it does kinda stand out against all the green.

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I was brainstorming what to do for Tuyet and was wondering what’s the plan for her art contest?

I feel like for 99% of characters it’d be required to do the main universe, but for Tuyet it feels like the stuff with Dark Mirror is her most iconic arc and I think a lot of people (+me) would really like to do something with that.

Another option I’m wondering is on the table or not is a sort of collage. Tuyet kinda has something different going on in every story she appears in- serial killer, empress, nui stone shards, alternate dimensional prison, and even being a zombie. So I was also tossing around the possibility of combining all of those versions into a single piece. It might be a tad too ambitious so it’s not my first choice, but still wanted to consider it and see if it’d even be allowed.

Edit: “versions” not “aspects,” I’m not planning on making some freakish hybrid of them

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The reason I chose a silver chest is the lore and text seemed to back it up, as his chest was never mutated, or mentioned to be mutated by the Shadowed One. Currently if I change it to Green I’ll be using the theory above that the Mata Green armor was reverted back to it’s base silver color by the mutation. Plus the Mata Green adds to the whole dangerous or poisonous animals have bright colors to tell others to stay away.

I think that the contest should allow for other versions to be shown, but you have to have a base Tuyet. That way you don’t get a situation of the before and after picture looking vastly different. As for Nui Stone and Zombie, this is new waters as no canon contest characters have had this many alternate forms.
Also figured I should mention this, Chromastone’s Crystals make for pretty good Nui Stone shards


The prime universe Tuyet looks the same as DM Tuyet. Or did you mean the background and scenery?

Pretty much, yeah. I figure I’m going to do some kind of throne room or something for DM Tuyet if I can which would not really align at all with her in the prime universe. Maybe drop some references to story beats in DM in the background if I can commit to doing that version

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I think you’re misinterpreting this rule. Rule 4c just means you can’t enter a moc, then go back and change it later. You can put whatever alternative designs or weapon wielding in the entry topic that you want (Many people showed Helryx and Artakha with their weapons on their backs) just so long as you specify which photo is your entry photo. Rule 4c just says you can’t alter the entry design.


You know, for being incredibly pertinent to these contests, there’s a remarkably miniscule amount of advertising for this event that’s tomorrow. Nothing on Mask of Destiny or TTV’s Twitters, nothing on TTV’s YouTube channel. I know I’d never hear of it if it weren’t for Tarkur’s posts here. So, was this information released by mistake, or is the assumption that everyone does Discord?


I don’t know, the screenshot of the announcement I posted got taken down, so I don’t know if it’s fake news or a hoax or some board conduct I broke but I feel like TTV would have made an official statement by now on the matter if it was super important or they just let MoD handle the promoting I guess.

As far as I know I know essentially nothing myself. They may record it and its potentially about reworking the contest management is what I’ve heard. However that is about it, I don’t know if this is accurate tho.

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MoD is calling TTV out on their failures and ttv don’t want anyone to know about it because they’re ashamed.

Source: dude, trust me. My uncle works at Lego – I mean TTV

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For starters, that’s not quite what Rule 4c is about; that rule is moreso to prevent people from changing their main entry after it’s been reviewed and accepted, rather than preventing alternate builds in the optional photos.

As for your actual question, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be allowed. The important thing is that the entry photo and the mandatory breakdown and turnaround photos have the same “official” build. If you want to include additional photos of alternate configurations or poses to show off the versatility of your build, that’s allowed, even if they aren’t considered “official”.

I personally disagree. For me, Tuyet’s most important arc is the one with the Nui Stone, and she makes 2-3 appearances in the story over the course of this arc, first in The Many Deaths Of Toa Tuyet, and later in Reign Of Shadows. I would also argue that zombie-alternate-Tuyet also counts as an appearance for the sake of this contest, because, unlike Dark Mirror Tuyet, we actually know that this Tuyet looked the same as Prime Tuyet; the replacement plot wouldn’t have worked if she didn’t.

For mine, I accidentally managed to work the Minecraft spider eye print into her torso, and I think it works really well:

To me, they do a better job of showing “microscopic” crystals than any separate piece. I just with I could have worked them into the build in at least one other spot.

Obviously it (probably) won’t be allowed in the main entry photos, but I think the option is a nice “feature”, just like the Kanohi-wearing Lariska discussed above.


The reason the image was removed was because it contained a discord link. As far as I’m aware the event is real


Yeah they work much better for the small shards. Maybe for the Zombie Tuyet you could modify her slightly to make better connection points?Also another cool pic could be Matoro using his mask to raise the parts out of the sand

For those wondering about the event, there’s still time to ask questions via this Google Form. It will be held tomorrow at 5:00 pm CST in the r/BionicleLego Discord server, and will be recorded and posted to YouTube.


can we ask any question relating to the contests, or are we supposed to focus on a certain aspect of the contests?