BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Well if Lewa is described as emerald-armored while having secondary silver it could still leave room for metallic/secondary colors

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I mean, there is no one whose dark blue the main color, medium blue secondary color toa

It is a common combination, but never been officially used for Toa.

Hahli is dark blue and lime.
Nokama is Dark blue and gray

and gail is Mata Blue and Medium Blue.
Or dark blue and silver.


Well that brings in the whole arguement of “is the metallic armor counted as a second color?” Since Lewa is described as being not being “dual colored” with Matau

Ohhh sorry I misread. Yeah that’s a great combo and even the reverse could work.


Yeah that was my point, since that had been getting talked about already

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Lewa Mata was described as Emerald.


Well I’m on the side of it not being considered as part of the color scheme, since as I said above, both Lewa and Matau are not Dual colored. Along with this, Zaktann is also Emerald like them but still has a gold chest.

He says why would any other Toa of Air be, implying they’re all not “dual-colored”, besides Toa from where Lhikan came from. Also, he refers to him as just “Lewa” so we can’t be sure about the armor.

Same as below, since that would be good to have on reference. I know the only reference to Matau being Emerald is in a Summary on BS01 so it might be in a weird place


Where was it specifically said it was Mata? Not saying you’re wrong, I just want to be certain

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The quote was from the first BIONICLE novel, where Lewa was a Toa Mata.


Correction on that: It’s from Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets. However, it is during one of the flashbacks, when the Toa Mata are being trained by Hydraxon.

(Unless you’re referring to a different quote; the one in SoS is the only one I’m aware of)


Ah, yup, you are correct! My bad. The first novel describes him as being the color of the leaves, and that his mask is “bright green.” So not news, and fortunately we have the set. =P


Nice job on the research, I somehow missed that one.

So base Toa of Air are all “Green” according to Greg, but what about Lesovikk and his armor? He’s the only other Toa (who wasn’t given new armor - Iruini or mutated/organic - Kongu) besides Lewa Nuva with silver armor.

Part of me is thinking he got new armor or the Pits mutagen leeches out the color, since no other Toa we have representation, besides the Toa Nuva or Inika/Mahri has silver armor naturally.

Lesovikk is technically mutated by the pit. We don’t know to what extent, though, since we never saw him pre-mutation, but it was probably less major than the Barraki. At the very least, it added the gills tubes to his mask.

Also: Takanuva recognizes him as a Toa of Air upon encountering him in Dark Mirror; this would presumably be his pre-mutated form. Doesn’t mean much, just wanted to point it out.

Alas, I can’t take credit for it; @KDNX originally posted the quote.


So the theory that mutated Toa gain silver armor potentially holds water?

From the description of Lewa Mata though I think its worth considering exactly what “armor” is.

When I look at Lewa, the only thing I would consider armor from first impression would be the black voodoo ball and his mask.
The description of Emerald armor (being all of his shades of green) would imply that his arms/legs, torso, and feet are possibly included in what would constitute as armor

Personally, I’ve always interpreted Bionicle characters entire body to be “armor” that is sort of akin to a metallic exo skeleton. Their organic tissue sort of remains inside/weave through it, much like an exoskeleton/frame


This page has a boat load of info on it talking about this sort of stuff.

Also one note is that armor as a term is used for both the body of a being and the kind of armor the Hagah wears.


Good, thats how I had always interpreted it.
So unless we have exclusive clarification that a character is exclusively a single color, I think it can be made a case for more secondary colors/metallics.

Could find the significance of Matoro’s acknowledgment of the armor’s color being blue as an identification of element, as thats usually a key identifier for Toa due to elemental affinity


I’d be fine with this. The situations are extremely similar as well; a purist solution is possible, but the rules allow for custom parts.

It is very similar to this other random Kanohi, which BS01 identifies as a Komau:


Admittedly, I don’t know the source of the claim that it is a Komau, but these two masks are shockingly similar. They both have the same forehead protrusion, the same hexagonal mouth, and the same rough pattern on that hexagon.

In fact, does anyone know the exact sources of these images? Are they both of the same Matoran (except randomly recoloured) in the same scene?
Because if not, that’s impressive consistency to have this exact mask in multiple scenes.

If there were to be any kind of “competition fatigue”, it would probably be from all the blue characters; Helryx was blue, Gaaki was blue, Kualus featured blue, Tuyet will be blue, Lariska will kind of be blue, Orde will be blue and gold, Chiara will be blue and white, and Varian will be blue and gold.

(I’m not actually saying that this is an actual problem, I just wanted to point out the coincidence of all these blue characters)

And mutations have often led to silver colouration where there was none before.

This is exactly how I’ve interpreted it as well, that Toa don’t “wear” armour the way that we understand wearing armour; they can remove it, but it’s still part of their bodies, just like how a car door is removable despite being part of the car.

The way I see it, these are one and the same, and the Hagah presumably removed their original armour to replace it with the metallic set.


With respect to the armor discussion, I think Toa can also choose to wear armor atop their normal, un-removable armor, like the Toa Hagah.


That’s what I thought as well


They’re both in the same Panel in comic 6: All that Glitters

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