BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

how tho, and why intentionally pick a guy if you know he’s destined to betray you

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The same reason Onewa kept Ahkmou in Po-Koro. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I think a much more reasonable explanation is that dume simply hand picked the mangai and nidhiki happened to be a toa he was aware of and felt could protect metru nui.


Rac, quit trolling. Student, don’t feed the troll.

I think he singled out Nidhiki just because he was the other Toa sitting on the window sill with Lhikan and not floating on a Vahki in the background. He might have known Tuyet, but she was further away and possibly harder to recognize.


“These eleven Toa came from many different islands, and while some had been members of Lhikan’s team in the past, the rest were summoned by Lhikan to answer Dume’s call and fight against the Kanohi Dragon, which the Dark Hunters had unleashed on Metru Nui.” Toa Mangai - BIONICLEsector01

Dume did tell Lhikan to summon certain Toa. Either that or Lhikan somehow knew the names of the Toa he wanted to call

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Since the “southern huna” idea is passing around, I’d nominate this for a fitting shape.


What about the 2 Glatorian pilots within? They were mentioned in Reign of Shadows, i also heard they died due to the Great Cataclysm.

He went in a dark path after the battle agaisnt Tuyet ocurred with Lhikan over the Nui Stone, he then betrayed the Toa Mangai while negotiating with Lariska by having the Dark Hunters cornering them in one spot by the numbers until Naho arrived in time with an army of 1000 Toa or so. Hakann told Lhikan about Nidhiki and Lariska’s deal in exchange for the makoki stone (i think that was). After the defeat of the Dark Hunters, Lhikan told Lariska to take Nidhiki with him and never come back after he pretended like he did nothing wrong. Nidhiki became an insectoid looking being after Roodaka blasted him with a rothuka spinner of mutation when she revealed the plan to The Shadowed One to gain his trust and training. And was a move to make sure Nidhiki never leaves Odina, for being ugly and scary to others. Once a Dark Hunter ALWAYS a Dark Hunter.

I dunno; the wording doesn’t say that Dume chose them, just that they “answered the call”. Could be Dume just called for a bunch of Toa, probably specifying Ice Toa since Lhikan brought four of them. Neither the encyclopedia nor Legacy of Evil says either way.

They were in stasis in a room no one from the MU was ever supposed to access. Plus, when the Hagah find them, Miserix specifically says he’s never seen anything like them.


We don’t know this.

What we know is that Dume saved Lhikan as a Matoran 17,500 years ago and later “had a hand” in him becoming a Toa, but that didn’t happen until over 10,000 years later.

This is a pretty wild assumption, but it also doesn’t really answer the original question of how Dume knew Nidhiki. Dume didn’t summon Nidhiki because of “Dark Hunter reasons”, he did it because the city needed protection.

Whether Dume wanted protection or because he wanted to connect Nidhiki with the Dark Hunters (which is, again, a completely baseless and couterproductive assumption), it doesn’t tell us how he knew Nidhiki in the first place.

That’s not what I get from that quote.

My understanding, based on the sources attached to that statement on BS01, is that Dume asked Lhikan for help, and then all of the other Toa were recruited to the cause strictly by Lhikan. Also, some of the Toa were already on Lhikan’s existing team when the call came, and we can gather from The Many Deaths Of Toa Tuyet that Tuyet was likely one of these Toa.


Lhikan nodded. “There’s been another death. Tuyet, I know you don’t like Nidhiki, so I left him behind. You and I have been friends for thousands of years. We’ve traveled together, fought together, and once almost died together. If you know something about what’s going on, you have to tell me.”

EDIT: Actually, we can’t; other parts of that story suggest that Tuyet came to Metru Nui directly from her homeland without much involvement from Lhikan. It’s possible that they could have been friends while still being on separate teams, and that the near-death experience came at a time when Toa were more organized, and cooperated with other teams as referenced in No One Gets Left Behind.


Ok so here’s what I’m thinking:
1). Nidhiki was a part of Lhikans pre-Mangai team, just a recent member compared to Tuyet. EDIT: Or just a Pre-Mangai member
2). Dume knew Nidhiki some other way, potentially being his inspiration.
3). Tren Krom told Dume

I know all of this my guy, we’re talking about when the mangai first came to metru nui, before any of this happened

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There’s one more possibility.

The Toa were once far more organized. Aside from that Greg Quote, this is also hinted at in No One Gets Left Behind, and is somewhat implied in the ease with which Metru Nui gets mass reinforcements in the Toa-Dark Hunter War.

As the leader of one of the most important cities in the universe, and as a former Toa, it seems well within reason that Dume was up to date on the goings-on of all the Toa, whether or not he had ever met them in person.


The stars told him. We know from Greg Quotes that Nidhiki was destined to turn traitor and die. And we know Teridax was able to read the stars when pretending to be Fume and saw the Metru destined to be Toa, so it stands to reason that Duel could read them too.


seriously, how many different ways can my phone autocorrect the same name? I swear it comes up with different ones each time.

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I just think like this. Dume said to lhikan, “Hey, Metru-nui is being smashed by superdupergreatbigdragon, can you help us? Besides your team, I think you need a few more Toa,” and informing lhikan of the location of the nearby island.
lhikan randomly recruited toa from nearby islands. someone who toa of a air on the tren krom peninsula responded happily to the request because he hated his home island, which he was fed up with.


Yeah this was also what I was thinking. Nidhiki was just recruited because he was needed.

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poor Nidhiki

I don’t know why I didn’t just post this yesterday, but I already made this piece a while back:

[Link Deleted]

Let me know if there’s any issues with connectivity or anything else; I’m not sure if I shared everything properly.

EDIT: I deleted the link due to issues with the part. An updated link can be found below.


Thanks! I’ll have to make some renders with it soon. Here’s what I was doing in the meantime, to try and make it like the set connection:

Not sure how I’ll attach the spikes to the arms with the tow ball connection but I’ll find a way
EDIT: Tow Ball connection doesn’t seem to work for me.

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Is the axle connection working?

No, it’s clipping through instead of connecting. Sometimes you can get it in the right position, but rarely.