BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions


We know for a concrete fact that Norik had the same equipment prior to his Hagah membership. Whether the other hagah did, we can speculate, but there is straight up not an answer for sure due to conflicting quotes. Even if Greg himself decided to step in and give a definitive answer, it won’t matter for the topic at hand: Varian.

Varian’s unusual. Varian was created entirely by someone not-greg. Greg didn’t have any larger intention or thought when creating varian, as he just wasn’t involved. So we can’t really try to draw on authorial intent or anything like that.

So, for the shield…I personally want a hagah shield required. That’s pretty clearly what this author intended. But I can’t justify it. And since I can’t justify it, “shield that shoots rhotuka” might be all we can define for sure…and that could be cool, tbh.

One thing I wanna throw out there: this is, again, the only character we’re dealing with not created by Greg. It’s a different author.

Has that author said anything extra-textual about Varian? Would asking them be prudent? in either case: would their answers even matter?


If this is the same Shadow-Nui account, if they did say anything, it probably has been lost to time.

On Brickshelf, there is a Shadow-Nui account as well.

While it has nothing on Varian, it appears to have entries for other contests. And with the avatars, along with the content on the BZP account, it seems to match this Eurobricks account.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any useful information inside. On his Brickshelf, if the avatars are only for his accounts, there are other potential names to search. However, I didn’t notice anything during a brief look. Again, assuming this is the same person who won the contest.


Okay, if there’s no easy to find quotes (in, say, a bzp post), and if it doesn’t appear he’s active in a bionicle community, then I think it’s safe to say that there’s no additional quotes to find, and we should assume he doesn’t wish to be involved.

The question of whether or not any additional quotes/his extra-textual input would have mattered at all is still up in the air, but it’s a pure thought experiment question now, as Varian is a unique case.

That answers that.

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Whatever SN intended for the story, only the story is canon, not their intentions.


SN is still the author and creator of the character though, if they could be contacted, having their input on the character would be an interesting resource to have, even if their words wouldn’t have any canon binding.

EDIT: I agree if anything they have said is found, it shouldn’t be mandated for the contest though, I don’t think anyone would say that. I just think their input might be interesting.


A lot of people seem to be using the khingk sword for Tuyet entries, which is a cool piece, but the barbs are facing the wrong way – based on the description, they should be facing the handle.



Aren’t 3D printed parts just placeholders though? We haven’t had one come through yet, but iirc they follow the same laws as 3D printed masks. So, wouldn’t it be fine if someone decided to use KhingK’s version of the sword?

Yes but like

it looks really really cool

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But does anyone really care?

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I mean …

Yes, some people care. That’s obvious to the point of making your comment sound malicious. That said, there is a difference, I would say, between “does this make real-world sense” and “this should be a mandated rule”.


Oh, Winger, you silly goose.

The 9,000 replies in this topic are from people who don’t care at all how the contest is run or what requirements are created for the contest. Every post is just a blasé expression of noninterest. Clearly you haven’t been reading closely enough. Not a single soul cares, and they’ve spent 9,000 long and carefully-crafted essays explaining that to the lowest and least-effortful of their ability.


I mean, its actually the reason why I got his mask for my moc but chose not to buy the sword as well.

Each barb goes downward before going up, so I feel like it’d still deal extra damage when pulled out of a target, as it is described. Whether or not those barbs are curved or not could be disputed, however.

As a personal preference, I would like to see a different design for the tool.

I cannot provide an official response, but I feel that if they could be placeholders, then there’d be no point in necessitating the sword in the moc portion at all.

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The larger prongs facing outward would (in addition to making the weapon much harder to push into something) create such a bloody mess on the way in that the additional damage on the way out would be negligible if present at all.


I imagine the difference is that custom swords will be mandated in the art portion, seeing as they’re not 3D printed. The whole reason the 3D printed parts have to be placeholders is that BS01 won’t allow unofficial Lego parts to be allowed on a official Lego wiki.

Really hope this won’t be a rule.



The answer is: no one knows, not even Eljay.

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But it’s the artwork that’s canonized. They wouldn’t have any issue with a drawing of a 3d piece, like how they didn’t have an issue with Artakha’s mask.

Unless I’m misunderstanding.

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In addition even if a brand new custom sword was made, it’ll just spawn 3D prints anyway.

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It’ll be mandated for the art. So at the very least, any MOC Sword not featuring backwards facing barbs would be subject to replacement.