BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I’m not saying that.
I literally just said the opposite of that. Clearly you don’t need a ranged weapon to use a sanok. Yobduk has a sanok.

If that is the case, it msskes less sense for order to have one.
Thou I will point out that hewkii uses it with a zamor launcher.

Well, it’s your opinion. But I clearly don’t think both telekinesis or accuracy would be able to cover ANY situation the other power could face. “At worst”, they’re complementary. “At best”, they’re synergistic.

Oh shoot, that’s right. Well, the Ignition arc and especially '06 is known to go full woo-woo on the application of different powers and extrapolate their canon descriptions sometimes ahah

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Never heard that word before. I like it!

And I argue that at worst, the sanok is redundant; at best, it helps in certain specific circumstances (like him using a ranged tool, or perhaps if he runs out of elemental power and needs to throw something)

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This is just my opinion, I agree Sanok for Orde.

If he uses a mix of sanok and his elementals, his enemies probably don’t know if the “snipe” is a " attack definitely hit by sanok" or a “disturbance by orde’s telekinesis.”
“definitely hit to me” means “I can guard definitely it”. it never become a misshot.
If the target guarded a flying object with a shield, it may be judged as “hit”. so target still fine.

but if Orde moves many things by his telekinesis and mix the one by Sanok in them, it will be almost cannot dodge/guard all attack.
so it makes “usually-Telekinesis-attack” also hard to dodge.
and it will defeat the enemy at finally.

and this already said by Count_P, Orde can use telekinesis.
yes, telekinesis.
it means he can make almost anything become to ranged weapon.
at this point, i think he is one of “no-need ranged weapon Toa” elementaly.(of course if he had, it will be more usefull. but usually Toa has a tool as melee weapon. If he is a warrior, he should try to avoid unnecessary equipment. That would be a waste of weight.)

if this has a strange point, I am sorry! :sweat_smile: :wink: :blush: :blush:


That’s a good point about the combo.

Maybe he could set up a force field of telekinesis, then use his Sanok to throw something at the exact point in the field that will curve it to his destination.

Besides, as others have said, using telekinesis doesn’t mean he can always hit his target using it.

Think about it this way, by comparing telekinesis to the way we manipulate objects with our hands: we can use our hands to manipulate a small object into a small hole, but we can’t necessarily do it fast; just try stabbing a pencil into a pencil sharpener really fast.

That’s what it’s like for Orde trying to use his telekinesis to propel objects; if he slows it down and takes his time, he could hit any target with telekinesis. But that kind of defeats the purpose of a thrown object.

The Sanok would allow him to throw objects with an accuracy and speed he could not achieve with telekinesis.

Also, for the Sanok to work, do you have to be physically holding the object? Or could Orde use it to make his telekinetic throwing really accurate?


I don’t have any preference to what mask Orde has.

While it would be helpful to use a mask that compliments a toa’s elemental powers, it would also be useful to use a mask with completely different powers, to give the toa a more diverse moveset.

For example, a toa of water might wear a Kaukau to enhance her water powers, but if she had a Kadin, she would be proficient in working in both the water and in the sky. The latter would arguably be superior, because it would make her more versatile


Now there’s a good combo.

yeah, so I just enjoying this discussion! :blush:
I think this may help my researching of BIONICLE-world.
and his mask will be decided at a contest finally. So, this is a discussion that can be enjoyed only now. :grinning: :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(I love Kadin combo, it is great…)

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So should we have an imgur post with each mask design on the artakha moc for comparison like we did for the helryx polls?

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Yo, on the Meet the Maker art Contest entry list, you misspelled NOTaHFfan’s name (NOTwaHFfan). Junot sure if that’s an issue, just thought I’d point it out.

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when is the ahkatan pool going up? or if it already is, where is it located

I don’t know when they will be up, but when they are, they will be pinned to the very top of the message boards.

Not pinned in the topics. I mean they will be visible at the top of every page on the message boards, just like the last three rounds of polls.

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i thought so but wasn’t sure because i missed the last ones. thanks

And the topic will likely also appear in the “polls” section.

I too am curious, though I’m starting to bet it’ll be tomorrow or the third, y’know, to clear the air, let people a chance to fix their potential DQ’s n such. Let others a chance to see all the pieces in their entirety as well.

Since there are many late comers.

Aight so due to some coding mishaps on my end the polls are going back down for the time being. Unfortunately due to the way Discourse handles polls this will require everyone to recast their vote when the polls come back online. While I can’t give a timeline for when this will occur, the banner at the top of the boards will be updated with the proper info once we fix things on our end.

Apologies for the mix up guys!


You realize this is going to take away many votes from the entries? There are people who voted and probably won’t check the forums again.


Of course they realise that, but have you got an alternative suggestion? Besides, the polling situation here is changing every few days, so anyone really interested in the competition will likely be on in the next few days.

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You do realize we’re gonna make a video announcing when the voting properly begins? And people should be checking back regularly regardless, as the new round begins every three days.

My goodness.


So it didn’t begin properly yesterday? Huh. I’m confused.

No. It didn’t. Hence Kini’s post right above yours. Hence me saying “when voting properly begins.”