BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Well he canonically does not wear silver as a Mangai, he wears emerald and his volitak is emerald.

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this but unironically


Yes, I apologize for correcting you without reading your whole comment. Genuine my b


Itā€™s all good. Just pulling your leg.

Funny enoughā€¦ a green Volitak has been released by lego :thinking:


Iā€™m interested in downloading so that I can participate in these canon contests. However, when I try to install it on a Mac, it says that apple canā€™t search it for malicious software.

Iā€™m pretty confident that itā€™s safe to use, but I just wanted to check
just in case. Have any of you gotten any viruses or other kinds of malicious software after downloading it?

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I have a mac and nothing like that has happened to me. Same when I downloaded parts packs containing parts from KhingK, Galva, and various Bionicle pieces that arenā€™t featured in the program.

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Okay I genuinely like how that looks and Iā€™m sad I hadnā€™t thought of it before.

Maybe I should invest in more of those tiny weapons and such.


Hereā€™s how it looks on my dark hunter Nidhiki moc. Iā€™ve also just recently started playing with minifig weapon utility.


Um excuse me you used rahkshi shins as the forearms and glatorian hands idk if I can call that a metru build according to my loaded checklist sir smh 4.5/7


They do it a lil different out on the Tren Krom peninsula you uon even know what its like growin up like dat


Haha. In all seriousness, your moc makes me more curious to see how the Nidhiki contest turns out. I wonder how something like this will do :thinking:


I wouldnā€™t of known that was supposed to be Nidiki if you didnā€™t tell me. Looks cool, but no way I wouldā€™ve known


I feel it prudent to mention that unlike the hagah, nidhiki isnā€™t confirmed to be a Metru build.


Yeah, but it still seems to be the general consensus that heā€™s a metru build or at least akin to it.


As for me personally, after many attempts trying to download the parts packs onto my MacBook Air (during the course of which I think I ended-up downloading Flash in at least one of my attempts (I was going about it in a quasi-clueless manner)), my safari started acting up (messing with my default starting website and such), which I found out was due to web extension applications that had gotten into my laptop somehow, the work of which eventually got undone and those applications erased, though they (or others like them) tended to reappear in my computer seemingly periodically and out of nowhere afterward (though, for all I know, maybe Word or Excel were punishing me for not updating :stuck_out_tongue:).

On the subject of the ā€œMetru Buildā€, can we all take a moment to appreciate the irony that in all likelihood it did not originate in Metru Nui? :stuck_out_tongue:
(Kinda like how the British didnā€™t invent tea, but now theyā€™re famous for it.)


nobody said that he canā€™t have a Kualsi-shaped Volitak
you know
like it was supposed to be before they invented the Toa Haga out of nowhere to sell more sets

There are plenty, for example the fact that pieces existing in an official source are often not the way those masks would look diegetically inside the story itself - due to lack of pieces, molds or whatnot. Mazeka could have never received a new mold for his mask if only because he was a limited titan set (so basically the trash heap of the Bionicle sets, just to get rid of old pieces. If it is bad and has no new pieces weā€™ll just make it harder to come buy). The same goes for Tobduk and Jovan - one of them is a freaking MOC made before the existence (or the widespread use) of 3D parts and the other a combiner model. Pretty sure that today you would see about half-a-dozen Tobduks in a canon contest using some variation of the non-organic Sanok. It is canon for Konguā€™s Suletu to look different from other Suletuā€™s because guess what - it is a mutated freak of nature mask created by what is basically a giant Deus Ex Machina in the sky. Same goes for all the Mahri masks, either if we consider them to be amphibians or if we consider them to be specifically adapted for the aquatic depths.
Those are not Masks that would be worn by characters that have not gone through the specific circumstances provided by those particular instances of Toa creation and transformation. In fact, it isnā€™t unlike the adaptive masks worn by the Toa Nuva during their stint as the Phantoka/Mistika. Nobody would claim a regular Kaukau Nuva (or even Kaukau) would look like the waffle-iron abomination worn by Gali Mistika, right? Why would anyone claim the same for the Inika/Mahri masks?




No, itā€™s my understanding that Greg Farshtey confirmed Nidhiki has a Volitak-shaped Volitak.


Also, whatā€™s wrong with a volitak

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Literally nothing, itā€™s a S-tier mask

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