BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

There is a link in the post with the image.

EDIT: Huh. I clicked on the link in the question, and it took me here:

I assume it was supposed to go to this image:


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Here we go again…

Could someone catch me up on what we’re arguing about this time?


Whether or not the standard Inika masks are identical to the organic ones.

The link to the image in that post is broken, but its most likely what is now listed on BS01 as the Mask of Aging, which if you look at, does have resemblance to an Elda. Some time after this quote, Greg retconned it into that when asked. I personally headcanon it to be an inorganic elda based on this quote, but as it stands on BS01, it is not canon unfortunately.

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Isn’t the fact that you have to place a separate adjective ahead of the word mean that they’re different from the normal ones?

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We know that they are different in material. That’s why the modifiers are necessary.

The difference in shape, or lack thereof, is unknown.

Even if they were identical in shape, the modifiers would still be necessary because of the material.

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To recap: Greg has said both ways, and I say: if a hagah moc uses a 3-d printed “non-organic” Inika mask, then either

  1. That’s the default shape, and the inika masks look different, or
  2. The inika masks are the default shape, and The Hagah honor someone who wore a variant shape like Lhikan’s hau.

Either way, it will fit with canon.

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Wasn’t aware there were inorganic representations of the Inika masks :grimacing:

The Inika masks are so drastically different in appearance from other Kanohi. It’s hard to justify calling them aesthetically identical to their inorganic counterparts, at least to me.


There’s not (at least none that we have seen. Inorganic versions definitely exist, canonically). That’s why we’re having this discussion.

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Thanks to Lhikan, we already know that the same mask can have multiple variations. I think even hyper lore crusaders would understand that masks are canonically hand made. There must be some minor variation, hence Lhikan’s mask and Tahu Stars.

No one can convince me that Varian and other Toa have those green roundish heads.


Agreed. Some of them, especially Kongu’s, look so explicitly ‘fleshy’ that they just don’t work as inorganic ones to me.


The mouths are the big thing for me.


When you say “The difference in shape, or lack thereof” it implies that the organic masks are similar in shape to their inorganic counterparts, which we don’t currently know.

Something seems to stand out, no?

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I’d just like to share these helpful topics

Could be great for anyone making a Varian Moc, or maybe a Hagah moc.

yes, the Metru masks not only have a background, they’re at an angle, and they are on heads.


The big thing in that picture for me is that the Zatth has tubes, which is confirmed to be specific to Kongu’s aquatic version.

The use of the organic versions there does not mean that they are the standard shapes, just like how the use of Kongu’s Zatth doesn’t mean that that is it’s standard shape.

If you go to the pages for each Kanohi, those pictures are specified to only represent the organic versions.

EXACTLY. This confirms my theory that the Metru are actually the tech-savvy ones who know how to make good photography.

That’s not my point. The Inika masks are so aesthetically different from the other Kanohi.


I see. I totally agree with that.

At least get rid of the mouths…


Bukkey is a very talented builder, so I’m not surprised that’s his work. Thanks for linking them.

It would certainly provide some options for Varian, such as a gold mata head and pinkish eyes, plus it wouldn’t look exactly like Jaller’s head on another body. I wouldn’t make using the rubbery mask mandatory for characters such as Varian, but I can see that design deservedly going far.

Varian isn’t happening for another year though


They all have different aesthetics, though.
The mata masks have very rounded, simple shapes.
The Metru masks have a very squared, metalic look.
The Inika masks have a rounded look with some veins and organics
The MAhri masks have tubes, and look under-waterish.

No two groups of masks match aesthetic. If anything, I’d argue that the mata masks are the least aesthetically matching.


I guess that’s just your opinion. To me, The Inika masks really stand out from the others.