Probably should’ve said “different stance on the amount of system in constraction”.
What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t classify any of the entries in any of the contests so far as:
While you, apparently, do.
Probably should’ve said “different stance on the amount of system in constraction”.
What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t classify any of the entries in any of the contests so far as:
While you, apparently, do.
Enjoying the contests =/= Enjoying canonizing something. I (and based on numerous comments, both Eljay and Meso) cannot say the contests as a whole have been very fun for me, but the opportunity to have them is golden, and it’s more than worth discomfort on my part to have occur.
Maybe that’s why people have only shown up during voting because the rest of the contest doesn’t really interest them and they’re only here to vote on what should become canon - out of desperation? out of spite or boredom? I really doubt it.
Then you could not have made me more opposed. There’s no middle ground here.
False analogy, but I digress.
Are you going to die of an allergic reaction because we know what Artakha looks like now? I imagine the condition will worsen when the gsb is canonized.
We have enough food for the winter, so there’s no need to double it?
This isn’t a fan project or an animated short or a tabletop game, Hazash. This is a canonization contest, something I had absolutely no opportunity to participate in when I was younger and which has somehow, after years of Bionicle being dead, back again - only to be met with detractors the entire way through.
You feel strongly about the canon contests, I get it. So do I. And those fan projects are thoroughly inconsequential in comparison to the opportunity here. I’m not wasting it.
I think we’ve gotten about as far as possible here. You detest the idea of a canon contest and are using any means to convince me otherwise, but it will never work because I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for 15 years. So we’re done here.
Couple unrelated thoughts:
It’s more than that - LEGO Set 8534 Tahu is a literal physical depiction of the canonical appearance of Tahu during the 2001 storyline. That’s quite literally what it is. In universe, Tahu looks identical to that.
Is that kind of stupid? Yeah, a little. But that’s why the canon contests matter; they’re not about building an action figure to be considered a LEGO set, they’re about determining the literal appearance of a character - so scale, color, parts used, etc. really, really matters here. No, the plastic figure isn’t canon, but the appearance is (or more specifically the artwork done of said plastic figure).
That won’t trample creativity, by the way - people here have been making their own versions of the newly-canonized models already and just like LEGO set 8534 Tahu will serve as the base and inspiration for hundreds more models and action figures. It’s by no means a disservice to the general community who just likes to build with Bionicle to finally have an idea of what X looks like.
This is perhaps the greatest strength to Lightning’s argument - the same 10-20 people get into all the fights, fill the most debate space, have the most thoughts, disagree with Ghid the most cmon guys I’m Always right can’t you see that ugh smh
So the people in this topic can hardly be taken as the status quo for either side - even if assumptions about the rest of the crowd are the only way to gauge community consensus without mandating an opinion poll (which is still really unworkable), they’re more reliable than unconnected claims made in this topic about percentages and the like.
Darn, this really ruins my chances of entering my 100% system golden skinned being with minifig arm abs and pecs made from rocka helmets.
But… as far as I’m aware you haven’t even entered anything so far?
Being overly hyped for the canon contests does not make me completely foolish. I knew I stood no chance in the beginning ones and the Hagah contest offered very little interest to me since it boiled down to who could paint the best.
I’ve got some entries lined up for later ones, though…
This simply isn’t true.
Greg has stated in the past that the movie representations are closer to the canon in-universe character appearances, for example.
The characters all have canon appearances that make sense in-universe, which are only similar in some ways to the toys.
When I first saw and bought
I knew I got the Tahu exactly like he looks like in universe and thanks to this logic as the line progressed once the canon contest rolled around I could easily accept them into canon because they shared elements of other already canon designs so I didn’t have to question if it fits in because its literaly sharing elements with canon designs.
My point is that canon cohesion comes from the fact every set is their canon apperance disregarding scale because of the limitations of the medium. However looking at a creation built mainly from G1 parts I could easily place it within that universe without problem as it literally shares stylised parts and components.
He has said the opposite in Eljays own podcast for example. Where he has stated he imagined the characters to look like the models, sets and prototypes he were shown during the time he was writing the story. Its one of the reasons, Jaller inika/mahri has two swords in one of the books. Since it was literally based on jaller inika/mahris prototype
It’s canon that Tahu is biomechanical.
There is no evidence of this on the set.
Therefore the set cannot possibly be a perfect depiction of his canon form.
And that’s just one example.
Its flawed thinking as Greg has said the opposite. Also its canon that most of the matas organic tissue had rotten away from their time in the cannisters
Are they though?
I will bet my entire Kanohi collection the broader community is more interested in these things than in the canon contests. Consequentiality is a matter of interest and passion. You and I are probably in the minority.
I don’t detest them. I’d just rather not have them.
And at no point in the last few weeks have I tried to convince you. I know you’re not going to budge. This is for everyone else’s benefit.
Exactly. Either side. That’s why we need polls.
If it ease your mind I was agreeing with you
Cool. That’s not what I said.
The community was also really interested in a Helryx moc with tube arms. That does not make Hoseryx more valuable than anything else occurring, but the canon contests are 100% unique and official. Nothing else holds a candle, no matter what Reddit of all places says about it.
You know, for someone with a casual opinion on the topic you seem incredibly vocal and opinionated. Call it an assumption, but there’s a lot of large posts which seem to imply it’s do or die for a revote, a revote every contest, or canceling things altogether.
Hope they’re reading mine, too.
Well I’m not gonna continue this any more. There’s been plenty of discussion on this topic and it will never stop as long as someone feeds the flames, so…
No but that’s impossible
Someone agrees with Ghid? This is IMPOSSIBLE
If the thinking’s flawed, please explain why. Characters are biomechanical in canon but the sets don’t reflect this. Therefore, the sets aren’t the canon.
Best Greg quote I could find was this regarding characters having hands:
1. I’m still confused as to the “official” Bionicle character appearance. I see it this way – both set portrayals and movie portrayals are equally accurate, changes being made to fit the purposes of each. So depending on your viewpoint, Toa could have fingers or not. I’ve heard many times that both set and movie are always official, so the only possible answer seems to be that they both are. Is this right?
3Well, basically, the official appearance for the movies and the books is with hands. The comics have to reflect the actual sets, so they show them without hands. Just different visions of the characters.
Which doesn’t support the idea that he sees the sets as canon, just that they’re one “vision”.
When the ultimate goal of these contests is to canonize something, I don’t see a distinction.
They look like the sets but they are made of metal and biological mass in canon. Not plastic, the scaleing is also a bit different in canon.The Inika should be the height of the Nuva for example.
The toys are canon in apperances not in the material or scale they were made in. Unlike Transformers for example were the toys almost always are way different from the canon, Bionicle’s toys are more inline with how they would look in universe as they aren’t as limited as transformers. Because Transformers has limitations due to what it takes to engineer a transforming toy.
Do you equate enjoying the voting and end product as enjoying the ceaseless debates, lost sleep verifying votes, stress, drama, and naysaying? Because I sure don’t, and I doubt the people running it do either.
But that’s still equally part of the contest. Without it, the individual processes of voting, ruleset, and the like would look much different.
When I said I didn’t enjoy the contests, I meant I didn’t enjoy people abusing the opportunity to either force headcanons onto people and/or negate long standing, community-held headcanons, or even overturn previous official canon (like the pushback when the quote was found about Pouks and the Mask of Emulation). I didn’t enjoy Eljay and Meso going against the majority in the Hagah format poll, defeating the purpose of a poll in the first place. I didn’t enjoy them banning custom builds for the Hagah despite having no good canon reason. And I most certainly don’t enjoy the drama and stress from the discussions that has come from them. Yes, these are all part of the contests, and yes, I don’t enjoy any of it.
Set 7116 Tahu is canonically the same character as 8534 Tahu, just with armour on top. How can both appearances be totally canon when they’re contradictory?
The toys don’t have hands due to toy limitations, but they do in the less-limited movies and books. The more limited version of the two can’t be the canon form.
Anyway, I’ve posted enough about this and nobody cares anyway
Adaptive armor and the stars Tahu was Tahu Mata restored to the form he was before he entered the cannister. Meaning Tahu Stars is Tahu Mata in his prime with his adaptive armor on and as I mentioned earlier:
This is the canon explanation for the mata sets skeletal apperances^
Similarly Gresh stars and Takanuva stars replaced their armor in canon but they are supposed to be the same lengths as before. Nektann is supposed to be the Piraka stars in canon he is also supposed to be the tallest skakdi. His set obviously isn’t that but again scaleing was never the Bionicle sets strong suit. Doesn’t negate them being canon apperances though
The quote about Pouks and the Mask of Emulation was already canon since Greg already stated as much - that’s not TTV’s fault or a byproduct of the canon contests. It just came to a more direct light due to the contests occurring.
As for abusing the opportunity to trample headcanons, that’s absolutely an opinion. Nobody voting in the contests is chuckling to themselves maliciously about all the precious little headcanons they’re about to destroy (barring the one comedic statement I made which caused Hazash to panic). Yes, that’s an assumption.
Neither did I, but as I already said - and you already disagreed with - they had legitimate reasons outside of canon allowing the possibility - namely, an absolutely royal upset which would’ve spoiled the contest and keeping the torsos the same just making sense. How would you have mandated proportions and shoulder angle had the torso not been required?
Because that’s the other side of the coin. Custom builds would have needed to conform to the exact proportions of the Metru build, whereas if the Metru torso was required, the freedom to do whatever with the rest of the construction would be much greater. Nobody ended up taking advantage of that, unfortunately, but the opportunity was there.
So can we at least agree their decision makes sense, even if it’s unpopular?