BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

yeah, that was what I was referring to


We’ve entered maximum toxicity


now entering the swamps of shadows


Hush, I’m writing my parody of that ad as we speak…


This might be a good time to remember we’re all getting toxic over a toy contest


I for one welcome our new Voot overlords


HOWDOYOUOWN DISORDEEEEohwaitnothat’snotwhatyoumeant

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Epic parody contained within, read with caution :sunglasses: :clown_face: :question:


“Entering the treacherous swamp of Twitter Nui, the fans must be prepared for anything, Makooti has mutated into terrifying real life responsibilities-forever on the hunt! The fans will have to use all their skills and obscure lore knowledge to stay alive. Alone, fan become the prey, even die hard fans need backup…” *sha boom!!!

(They dodge being cancelled or something idk and arrive at Eljay’s digital doorstep)

“Only unity will make them strong in the search for the illusive Eljay! At the heart of the Bionicle fandom the fans hit the DM button that opens the legendary one on one conversation. The core of the mystery and the source of the contests continuing!”

“Deep inside the digital realm the fans are equipped for the final confrontation, with new opinions of what Lariska looks like and amazing thoughts on the Hagah polls. Makooti steals the Black Metru Torsos, the chase is on! Division must be stopped if the fans are to succeed in their ultimate quest! Reboot G1 or submit to the paua of Makooti…wait-”

“Dive into the darkness (Twitter is pretty dark yo), ignite the TTV Staff within, now there is no turning back…let the contests begin…”

(I mean let the contests continue…idk I realized halfway the word substitutions don’t make sense, I’m not saying hit up Eljay in DM’s btw, patience is a forth virtue that we need right now.)

Guys please heed Sabre’s words of wisdom, turn away from snide remarks and let’s stop squabbling like Gukko Birds…

They will be back, when they will be back, this too shall pass.
Although ngl I might actually finish my unfinished entry before they’re back, that would be cool.


My entry isn’t there :no_mouth:

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That’s cause if it were it would steal all the votes


This might actually be the worst part of these delays.

[EDIT: Rereading this, I realize I made it sound like you finishing your entry would be bad. That was super bad phrasing on my part]

The amount of time between voting periods kind of sucks, but it’s ultimately not a huge deal, as others have said many times before; it’s been ten years, we can wait a few more weeks; we’ll get results eventually; etc.

What is a bigger deal, though, is that a time limit was put on the entries for a now-seemingly-arbitrary reason; if the voting isn’t going to start right after the entry periods, then what’s even the point of having an entry period? It doesn’t do anything to speed up the contests, but it does limit the time and effort that can be put into entries.

If there’s going to be multiple months between voting periods, why can’t people be submitting entries for the entirety of that time?


Nah I see what you’re saying, I think it would be better in future that they timed prolonged breaks with the entry period maybe? Of course they would need staff moderating entries as they come in but still, such a method would be better.


We will be issuing a statement momentarily in a new topic. Stay tuned.

Alright, we’re reopening this topic. We hope to have the contest results posted soon, but we’re going to (as usual) wait on Greg before the big unveiling.

For anyone that would like to continue discussing the contests, read this.

It is very easy to discuss these things and not feed into drama or negative feelings. The goal is to have a good time, and mindset is the first step in that. Be respectful, be kind.

Ah, quick edit because I forgot to mention it earlier. The next contest held will be Tuyet. We’re going to be taking our break for the holidays and to recover from the Toa Hagah ordeal, as well as to attend to any refinements/improvements we can. Stay tuned for the next Nak & Jay. That said, expect Tuyet’s contest to be early 2022.

Best way to help out at this juncture would be to find any canon information on her appearance and make us aware of it. It’s my understanding that all we know is that she’s a blue Toa of Water, that looks like a Toa, with a mask of an unknown shape and a Broadsword with barbs that do more damage if removed from something. If there is something we missed, let us know!

Thank you,



Couldn’t find anything else on tuyets apperance but made this index for toa canon heights (mutated toa, transformed toa and normal toa are present in this scale) This is also nothing that should be a hard rule but a guideline for all future toa sized characters in my personal opinion should fall within this index. its sorted tallest to shortest, the avtoran limbs for tahu and takanuva stars don’t exist in so i’ve just measured that piece in studs and let the torso hover the appropriate distance. Beyond that height with masks does not matter in this comparison as this is more a general take on toa heights. Also some of them are more built than others but I’ve omitted details where it doesn’t affect height or the build.

If you disagree as Eljay said be respectful, If you are one of the people from the subreddit discord server who has by their own admission stated that they only argue with me to get a reaction out of me, please keep it in your pants



Is anyone else surprised to find out Helryx and the nuva were the same height?


Not really but its interesting. I’m more suprised at how many of the inika builds are the height of some metru builds though


I was. It was such a coincidence.
Also I’m really excited to start the Tuyet contest because I have a tuyet moc and all I have to do is get the parts irl


I’m not surprised. The fandom as a whole wanted articulated limbs, and to have those, you have to increase the scale. My entry was about the same height as onua and everyone complained about lack of articulation and use of system, even though the system pieces were more specialized ones that match bionicle pieces very closely. There are plenty of minifigure helmets and weapons that match bionicle. “Too much system” is now an inside joke my brother and I use now whenever we read nitpicky complaints online because of all the criticism my helryx and artakha mocs got from people with a poor working knowledge of how lego pieces actually work.