BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

We’ll let everyone know definitively once we’ve discussed it further. Current route is to go forward with the art contest.

Good thing it isn’t, then.


Just 30 minutes though? Is it really that agregious? Surely there’s enough here to interest a Bionicle fan for half an hour?


At this point there’s nothing more to discuss concerning it, it’s not going away and at the end of the day it isn’t that much. Preferably it wouldn’t be there, but I understand why it exists and until the contest rules and voting systems are revised it’s a quick and easy way to help mitigate fraudulent votes.


Just to remind myself, the votes for this current poll will be vetted before the results are released, correct? If so, where will these results be shown? And will these then be presented to Greg for his decision to be made before the next stage in the contest?

Apologies if this has all been answered before, this has been a wild ride and I feel like I could be misremembering things. I’m also up far too late and my brain is only half working lol


I have a question regarding a future contest, when the Hagah contest comes around are you planning to have a rule requiring entries to use a metru buold?

I feel it would be unwise not to, as it would be quite unfortunate to have the Hagah not fit together as a cohesive team.


Question concerning the art portion of the contest with the different Kanohi for the voted Characters; do the entries for the artworks need the mask in question in the 4 picture requirement, the Front, Side, Back, and Action Pose? If the entry is just the mask itself should it be in like 3 pictures, Front, Side, Top? Not too sure on what it would be for the artworks.

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Ok, so the poll ended with entry #6 (Hoseryx) winnig with 32% of the total votes. Does that mean Hoseryx is canon now?

The poll has not ended. You can still vote, the topic is just closed.


Unless I’m mistaken, the model will also have to go by Greg before it’s canon


Yes, the votes will definitely be vetted. We will reveal the final tally in a standalone topic after this poll concludes. We will then enter the artwork portion based on the winning entry, and then and only then will we present the final artwork to Greg.

On the off chance he does not approve or vetoes the art that we submit to him based on the winning MoC, we would then move to the second place winner and hold an art contest for them. Greg reserves the final right to make any such decision.


Wait, so is Greg only being shown the artwork, not the physical build?


He’ll be shown both, rest assured. The art, however, is the only thing which will be officially recognized as “canon”. This was per extensive discussions with BS01 during the development phase of the contest. Ergo, the MoC will simply be featured on wiki pages and the like as a source of inspiration and included in the image gallery; the art, however, will serve as the official canon visual.


Ah, okay, that’s reassuring at least, given how underwhelming I find both front runners build-wise. I’m sure a good enough artist could jazz them up pretty well.


Would it be possible to have Greg more involved in future contests? Of course he’s probably a busy man but something like having the community narrowing down their top 3 mocs and then let him choose which one to become canon.

This way for the art contests people be able to do several takes on the different mocs, Greg gets some say over his characters and it doesn’t ban meme mocs but lets people still have their fun with mocs and they can make it to the finals without people having to fear the worse about a meme getting canon.

If this is not possible I respect that decision just thought it could be an welcomed addition upon whatever vote changes will come from the other suggestions since voting method doesn’t really affect this to much as its very adaptable to different voting methods

@Eljay, @Mesonak I @:d you guys since my suggestion seems like its getting buried but do not worry its no rush so answer at your own time.


I understand that this will be my 1st post. But I wanted to see the finalist because its linked to the galleries of each entry. I know about the controversy going on right now, so I understand the restrictions.

But I think its unfair to close all the previous booths since people like me didn’t get to see all the precious entries. Can you atleast open that back up?? I just want to look at the Galleries.

Question, What if I cast a bionicle mask using metal. Is that still allowed?

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I may not be understanding your question exactly, but the fact that the previous polls are closed shouldn’t mean that you cannot see the entries. I just checked, and they are all still there. If you can’t see them, that may be a problem with your computer or Internet service.

Two others options to see all of the entries would be to scroll through the main contest topic, where most people linked their entries, or to search “Helryx” in the LEGO Creations subforum. Since everyone was required to make note of their MOC as an entry in the title, you should be able to find them all easily.

Thank you for help, I’ll start there

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No problem!

Regardless of it’s allowed, it’d be dope and I’d love to see it!

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