BIONICLE Headcanons

Toa of Sonics are now on the hit list, I assume?


Whose hit list?

The only group I could see trying to eliminate Toa of Sonics would be the Makuta, but there aren’t any more Shadow Matoran to protect, or even really any Makuta, for that matter.


The Order of Mata Nui’s list. Though that theory is disproved by the fact that Krakua is a member of the Order.

Recently, Kopeke has become one of my favorite Bionicle characters. I was thinking about the scenes he’s in and I had an idea. Kodan, the first Chronicler, was killed by Eliminator, and his staff, the original Chronicler’s Staff, was “lost.”

I like to think that when that one group of rebels gathered during Reign of Shadows, Lariska and Guardian gave Tahu the OG Chronicler’s Staff back as a token of trust. I’d love to see Tahu accepting it, and presenting it to Kopeke!


Crotesius is actually Vultraz after he escaped the Melding Universe
(don’t tell me I’m wrong they look exactly the same build wise :stuck_out_tongue: )


Continuing this point from another topic, I have an idea regarding how the Toa of Plasma could be worked back into the story.

My idea is that, in the past, this Toa knew the location of something that posed a threat to The Shadowed One, and it was Zaktan’s mission to eliminate this threat. However, for some reason, Zaktan left the Toa alive; perhaps he didn’t want The Shadowed One to be too powerful, or maybe the Toa just got away and Zaktan didn’t want to admit failure. Whatever the reason, though, The Shadowed One believed that the threat had been eliminated.

Now, in the present on Spherus Magna, it’s been hinted that The Shadowed One might try to take some amount of power for himself. This is where the Toa of Plasma could be worked back into the story, holding unique knowledge of how to take down The Shadowed One.

In terms of actual story continuation, it could be cool to see this Toa lead a team into the ruins of the Matoran Universe to track down this weapon and/or lost knowledge.


The Glatorian are actually spiritual successors to the Slizers in terms of setting.


Maybe not a headcanon persay, but this art by bioniclechicken is my preferred look for Krakua’s Suletu.


I wonder if these two little trivia bits about the Skakdi are related:

Perhaps their more complex/intertwined organic components are the reason that the mutagen affects them more severely?


I’ve mentioned this elsewhere on the site, but I figure I may as well say it here for the record - Kopaka is the most capable Toa out of any group.

There’s a number of feats which convinced me of this:

  • Kopaka can outwill the strength of level 6 Fear Kraata
    Source: Biosector01

The infamously comedic scene in BIONICLE #14: At Last — Takanuva! depicting Kopaka succumbing to the power of a level 6 Fear Kraata in a Turahk is immediately followed up with Kopaka overriding the Rahkshi’s fear power and blasting it with ice.

  • Kopaka can tank a wall of flames with no visible reaction
    Source: BIONICLE Legends #2: Dark Destiny

There is some slightly strange phrasing going on, and it appears at though Tahu potentially cuts the flame wall right after Kopaka steps into it, but the usage of through makes me think he finished passing through before it went down.

  • Kopaka appears to be capable of outwilling the laws of physics
    Source: BIONICLE Legends #2: Dark Destiny

Pulse Bolt Generators are weapons used by Garan which send out pulse bolts, blasts of energy which strengthen over the distance which they travel. BIONICLE Legends #1: Island of Doom lists an instance where Garan aimed them directly at the ground.
Source: Biosector01

With this in consideration, let us assume Kopaka was standing six feet away, with the power creep of the blast being so minimally small as to make no difference. I’m not great at math, but a force that can carve six feet into the soil striking Kopaka dead-on in repeated succession is worth writing home about.
It’s also important to note that it does not say he took the blows unfazed, only unwavering. Unwavering synonyms are: unchanging, steady, undeviating, invariant. It seems that, regardless of his level of reaction o the blasts, it was minimal enough to never interrupt his stride.

Hopefully this will help recontextualize some of Kopaka’s other feats and how he is compared to other Toa, and to some of the villains who managed to take him down.


It should also be noted that those events in Dark Destiny occurred when Kopaka was maskless (and therefore weaker), as the Toa Nuva’s Kanohi had been taken by the Piraka at the time.

Ultimately, I think this all comes down to the fact that Kopaka literally has Makuta-level mental strength/willpower. Take this part from Legends 9: Shadows In The Sky, where Kopaka plays dead after a mental assault from Mutran:


Kopaka Nuva knew exactly what he had to do. First, a blast of ice to distract his foe, followed by an all-out attack with the skyblaster. Done right, he would be able to keep the Makuta off balance long enough for Lewa and Pohatu to do their job.

He glanced at Solek, unconscious on the hive floor, thanks to a blow from Mutran. The Toa Nuva knew he would have to strike hard and fast if he was going to save himself and the Matoran.

But now something made him hesitate. The thought of creating ice sent an actual chill through him. Ice was so cold… hard… if he lost control of his power, he might fill the chamber with it. He would be buried in ice, unable to move or breathe, dying slowly in a frigid tomb.
No, that’s insane, he told himself. I’m a Toa! I have used my power hundreds of times and never lost control. I am one with the ice. I control it… don’t I?

Certainty turned to doubt, and doubt began to turn to fear. What if this was the fight where Kopaka’s precarious hold over the power of ice slipped, even a little? What if, once he started, he couldn’t turn his power off? He might doom all of Karda Nui to a frozen eternity.

None of this was logical. None of it made sense. But Kopaka Nuva found his mind filled with such thoughts, and so he hesitated, just an instant too long. Mutran was on him in two quick strides, armored hand around Kopaka’s throat, lifting the Toa into the air.

“I don’t just experiment with the physical form, you see,” Mutran whispered. “I like to play with the mind as well. You Toa always have such interesting minds – filled with grief over all the horrors you have seen, fear of disappointing others, anger at your enemies. You are all flood tides of emotion, Toa Nuva, and I am about to break the dam.”

With his free hand, Mutran tore the Midak Skyblaster from Kopaka’s grasp and hurled it away. Then the Makuta increased the power of his mental assault. To Kopaka’s credit, though his eyes widened and his breath came in ragged gasps, the Toa never screamed.

“A little rip here, a little tear there,” Mutran said, in an almost sing-song voice. “Before you know it, your mind will be torn to pieces. Of course, Antroz would probably want you intact for questioning. So we had better be finished before he finds out you’re here, hmmm? Yes, we had better get right to work.”
The shadow energy flew from Mutran’s claw, but it never reached Kopaka Nuva. A shield made of light erupted from Solek’s hand, intercepting and reflecting the shadow bolt. Both the Av-Matoran and the Makuta were taken by surprise, so much so that neither noticed the gleam of intelligence return to Kopaka’s eyes.

The Toa Nuva sprang up, firing ice from both hands at the startled Mutran. Rock-hard hailstones the size of boulders pummeled the Makuta, while razor-sharp icicles pinned his armor to the wall.

“You’re all right?” Solek asked, in disbelief.

“A little trick Lewa, of all beings, taught me,” said Kopaka, never taking his eyes from Mutran or letting up on his devastating attack. “When attacked by an ash bear, it pays to play dead.”

Not only did Kopaka resist the attack to start with, but he was also able to convince Mutran that his mind was already destroyed, even as Mutran was still actively trying to destroy it.


Oh shoot I forgot about that one

It’s important to note that Kopaka’s apparent ability to simply ignore the law of physics is not so out-of-place in Bionicle. Reidak’s adaptation after defeat ability made him equally immune to the laws of physics despite showing complete adherence a moment ago:
Source: BIONICLE Legends #1: Island of Doom

While the first attack decked him, the second didn’t even move him.


Ok, now that actually scares me. If his mental strength is that high, he’s really dangerous. He could possibly beat someone with Psionics powers…


It didn’t scare you that he could tank being hit by a speeding car?


I’d also be interested in seeing how he could handle a Legendary Kanohi.


Axonn did something similar when he was fighting Brutaka in “Inferno”:
It would seem that some beings can tap into their rage and become temporarily immune to pain and/or damage.
We’ve know the Vohtarak can become invulnerable during their “berserk charges” they’re known to do as well.


Axonn displayed this capability outside of a rage, as well:

Source: BIONICLE Legends #2: Power Play

It seems Axonn is just that tough naturally, or at the minimum, strong enough to swat away a blast that would’ve, in theory, knocked his armor off. It’s evident that only certain individuals, like Axonn, and certain species of Rahi can defy the rules of how the universe works, but Kopaka doesn’t bear any special significance in the universe.

The question is, why is Kopaka capable of feats far more prominent Toa like Helryx don’t seem half capable of performing?


He’s just built different.

And I’m only half-joking; take this line from Legends 8: Downfall:


This is absolutely perfect. It fits with the idea that the Mata/Nuva are a special type of Toa.


You mean, build on purpose to be special ?

Now you mention it, I find their shape very interesting; they’re really looks manufactured in their mata and nuva shapes, instead of the other toa tams