BIONICLE Headcanons

Unlike Makuta of the main universe, Melding Teridax doesn’t have Anger, Darkness, Disintegration, Fear, Fragmentation, Hunger, or Poison powers, instead having Peace (the ability to instill a sense of calm in others), Telekinesis, Creation (envisioning a final product from existing materials or inspiring such creativity in others), Courage (the ability to draw power from one’s own courage or to enhance the courage of others), Faith (the ability to draw power from the faith of others or to empower others through said faith), Prosperity (the ability to transfer one’s energy to another), and Purity (the ability to cure one of unusual ailments such as poison).


I like to think that shortly after Journey’s End, Jaller and Hahli finally got around to playing their long-awaited Kohlii match that they talked about in MoL and let Takanuva and Hewkii join in on the fun.


I know it’s canon, but I never really liked the idea that the Melding Makuta have a slightly different powerset. On of the more interesting things about alternate universes and Melding Teridax (which he himself points out) is that the only difference between himself and Prime Teridax is tiny, random events. However, that point kind of gets lost if the Melding Great Beings designed the Makuta with a more virtuous powerset right from the start.


Well, in the Melding universe, Mata Nui was never created. Perhaps Melding universe Makuta start out with the same power set as the prime universe ones, but, are able to purge them through meditation and discipline. They’re still beings composed of antidermis, after all.


I might argue that Teridax does have those more positive Rahkshi powers, and that they are the same as his negative ones. What changes is how he uses them. For example, the power to change someone’s emotional state of frustration, he could either send it one way, a peaceful way, or the other, and angry way.

Counterargument to myself, if Teridax (and other Makuta/Rahkshi) have these powers, couldn’t they be weaponized too? Like could you lull someone into a sense of peace to incapacitate them? And if they can weaponize them, why didn’t we see that? I would probably assume that either they’ve all purposefully let go of the ability to tap into “positive” powers to more fully embrace shadow, as Makuta taught them to. Or they do have these extensions of power, and we just don’t see them. Maybe that’s what Terry used when he trapped the Hagah in a vision of “peace”?

And then poor Macku and Hafu try to join, but are too short to keep up with the tall Toa. (Or maybe they use Boxors to even the playing field?)


Since Prime Teridax is dead and Melding Teridax doesn’t share his ambitious thirst for power, I imagine Melding Teridax prefers not to overly weaponize his more positive Kraata powers, only doing so as a last resort.


I really like this idea as a headcanon. It fixes my complaint from above, and it also makes the prime-universe Makuta seems less explicitly evil.


You know how Velika apparently gave inhabitants of the MU sentience? What if the reason revived beings on the Red Star are all zombified and buggy is because the Red Star tries to restore them to their pre-Velika pre-sentience state? Perhaps there’d be a dividing line where inhabitants created before Velika gave sentience would be zombified, but inhabitants created after would not be, or at least be more stable, because in either case the Red Star would try and restore them to what it understands as their original “perfect” state.

Tbh idk much about later lore as I’m only recently getting familiar with post 2009/2010 stuff so maybe this doesn’t make sense, or maybe it does. Let me know what you think (tbh I’m not the biggest fan of the MU needing to be given sentience, but I guess that’s a different can of worms).


I agree with this idea. I’ve come up with a similar theory before. In short, my idea is that Matoran Universe brains are a mix of hardware and organic tissue, and that Velika’s Awakening affected the organic tissue. But then, since the Red Star can only (in theory) recover the digital portions of their brains, it doesn’t quite work properly post-Awakening.


@gatheredfriends @TheJerminator That would be an interesting idea if it wasn’t for the presence of a non-zombiefied Mavrah on the Red Star (which I suppose implies that something went wrong after/during the Metru Nui saga).


I’ve thought about this, and I think it’s important to note that Mavrah likely wasn’t transferred to a new body; reviving him from drowning would be as simple as pumping the water out of his lungs and tuning him back on. As such, he should, in theory, still have his Awakened brain makeup.

And even if we assume that Mavrah was indeed transferred to a new body, that doesn’t necessarily contradict these theories. We don’t know if he has any of his old memories, or even his old personality; all he’s done so far is say his name.

My own theory would permit the possibility that Mavrah went through an unAwakening, but then his new brain tissue caught the Awakening virus and restored his sapience without any memories.


It could look cool if this manifested physically as darkened/dimmed eyes.




Crack theory: Shadow Stealer is Good Guy after absorbing the same energy that turned Takanuva into a Titan


Takanuva, along with the other Karda Nui Matoran, grew because they were all Toa/Matoran of Light and they were made stronger by the energies in Karda Nui.

So Shadow Stealer/Good Guy would maybe have to have some kind of Light-based powers. As far as headcanons go, it’s certainly plausible.


That’s an interesting ship of Thesseus thing.

I won’t take the organic = sapient thing too literally. I see it more as gaining a soul. The Red Star cannot manufacture a soul, because that’s bestowed by Velika.

Or I suppose spirit, since we know from the kanohi Iden spirits exist.

But for Mahvra to regain sentience, he’ld have to be reinfected, and as far as I know, the Red Star is sterile, so I’m not sure how that’ld be a good explanation, since if the virus got onto the red star, we wouldn’t have the spiritless zombies, since they’ld be infected too and regain sentience.

Also, the main reason why Kiina is the only female Bara Magnan with a set is because the core wars devastated the agori and glatorian female population, so they have a hard time to reproducing, and without the manpower, they could barely subsist and couldn’t reinvent all the technology the great beings invented (you’ld think they’ld be able to recreate technology over the 20,000 years during the core wars, even without the great being’s help, but I think the population was just so devastated they got launched back into primitivism and couldn’t recover).

I know the sisters of the skrall exist, but they’re femcels, so the skralls have pretty much stagnated in population, because Tuma is an idiot, and he’ll eventually run out of skralls without trying to reunite with the sisters of the skrall.

Also, skakdi are the orcs of the Bionicle universe.


This is the perfect definition of Skakdi.

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But better, because they’ve got actual elemental powers, laser beam eyes and come in way more colours than green.

Same look and attitude though!


There’s also still the possibility that he was revived in his original body with his original brain.

I’ll admit that I could be forgetting something, but I don’t think the presence of mindless zombies on the Red Star was ever mentioned in canon. There is a bunch of horribly mutilated bodies, but this quote here seems to say that the mind problems are only temporary:

Greg has all but confirmed that the two groups of Skrall do still get together to reproduce:


Any headcanons related to Magnetism vs Iron? I can sorta see the differences between the powers but Iron seems to be wayyy superior