BIONICLE Headcanons

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Iron has the ability to create metal, but aside from that Magnetism appears to have more advantages. Both are ridiculously overpowered, however.


My headcanon is that there are only a handful of Toa of Magnetism in the universe because to me it isn’t really befitting of a normal matoran/toa/turaga element :gregf:
(I would say the same about some of the other secondaries)


I don’t mean to go off topic, but how is Magnetism superior?


Greg mentioned a few superior skills here.

Also, think anything Magneto was able to do with Metal (in some versions he’s kinda OP)


While this might be a bit too technical for anything that would actually be written in Bionicle canon, Magnetism could allow generation of an electric field in the right circumstances.

A proper degree of control over a magnetic field would allow a Toa of Magnetism to heat up metal extremely quickly through induction. A Toa of Iron may also be able to heat (and cool) metal if he had atomic-level control over the metal, but that seems less likely.

Also, Magnetism could plausibly allow for a similar degree of metal manipulation as a Toa of Iron, though Greg has said otherwise in the past:

As for a more general idea, I’ve thought before that Toa of Magnetism, Lightning, and Iron would be a ridiculous team, and could form a very synergetic kaita.


Here’s a silly idea I came up with in a half-awake stupor, and only remembered when I checked my notes earlier today:

What if the “lightbulb” on some versions of the Faxon is actually a terrarium holding a tiny, super-unique Rahi that’s just crammed with as many powers as possible so as to give the Faxon user a wide selection of powers to copy?

Im aware that this isn’t quite necessary given what we know about the Faxon, but I thought it was a funny idea when I found it, so I figured I’d share it here.


Lhii was Lhikan’s original name before having it changed for Naming Day or when he became a Toa.


I though virtuous powerset was canonically a result of Makuta meditating their darkness away. Our makuta started with shadow powers and enhaced them with closing of light. Melding makuta shut of the dakr and as a result their powers switched polarity also.


For some reason, I think that Axel F by Harold Faltermeyer would fit the Le-Koro musicians really well (but not the part of the song that everyone knows).

For the full effect of what I’m thinking, mute this video of the Le-Koro band and play the song from the timestamped video below:

(From 1:43 to around 2:20)

I think it works because the music sounds like the percussion-y sound you’d expect from their instruments, but also with an electronic-y sound that you’d expect from Bionicle.


Since Greg stated that the Great Beings all came from the various Glatorian/Agori tribes, here are some thoughts I had for each of the Great Beings we know, mainly going by characters they’re connected to or general themes:

Angonce: Rock Tribe (mainly for how the Sisters of the Skrall seem to consider him a legend for giving them their power, even though it was actually Annona). Alternatively Water Tribe since he seems to be pretty kind and gentle.

Heremus: Maybe Fire Tribe since I always got the impression he was a leading figure among the GBs. Alternatively Sand Tribe since his name means “desert” in Latin.

Velika: Inclined to think Sand or Rock Tribe as well simply for him choosing a Po-Matoran for a body as well as his connection with the Bota Magna Vorox (even though he has other agents as well).

Cursed GB: Iron Tribe for their history of being cursed as well. Alternatively Earth Tribe for being outcasts as well, along with the whole “life = nature” connection.


Headcanon: Glatorian and Agori can breed naturally, but Skrall live separetly from their sisters, because female Skrall want to obliterate male Skrall. Yet, there is whole Skrall army. It means that Skrall were breeding by kidnapping the represantives of the opposite gender and… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Given the fact that there was enough Toa for Lhikan to lead an army of 300 of them, I feel it stands to reason that Matoran destined to become Toa are more common than we were led to believe. (I’m not counting Toa that were never Matoran in the first place such as Helryx, Orde, the Toa Mata/Nuva, and (presumeably) the first Toa of every other element.)

Matoran have no problems drinking through their mouths. It’s been established that Matoran are 85% mechanical. Machines with moving parts can potentially overheat from too much use. A good way to prevent that is a coolant (a drink). Maybe their mouths are the only really effective way to get the coolant into their bodies. They mainly drink water. So, it would hydrate their organic tissue while simultaneously cooling and lubricating their mechanical parts. The water used to cool the mechanical parts would likely evaporate from the heat and be expelled through their mouths as they breathe.

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight


Mata Nui is a brother of Makuta, in a sense that his essential being is a prototype Makuta antidermis-type. This would also give reason to how Teridax could figure out that the virus would work to put Mata Nui to sleep and how T could claim that MN would be in pain otherwise, from knowing the effects on the Makuta themselves.


Since Halo 4 came out, I’ve always liked to imagine the Glatorians & Agoris looking pretty similar to the Prometheans from that game.
They’re just looking straight up at how they’d be in IRL. (Or at least in a big-budget G1 movie).


so like this?


Honestly, I think you’re on to something here. The Forerunner face designs do look a lot like organic versions of the Glatorian heads.


Yes, that’s what I meant when I said they look very similar. (At least, when we look at their main facial features, like their nose area).
Thanks for acknowledging my point!

I’ll admit, you got me with this one! :stuck_out_tongue:


he’s beautiful and fabulous and amazing and i wanna look like this and and and


Therapist: “Live action Ackar isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.”

Live action Ackar:


I like the idea that Mata Nui’s programming has some sort of “physical” form. It explains how he was able to be contained to a mask, and how he could jump into the Prototype Robot.