The TTV Message Boards
Introduce Yourself!
May 9, 2022, 11:01pm
100. Achieved.
Transformers Steelbite.
Toa Tuyet (Fanon Contest #1)
Makuta Tridax moc
Good Guy Moc Contest
Mausoleum of Good Feelings: A collection of horrific Ghids
Toa Takanuva and Helryx
What Is Your Evil Plan to Infiltrate TTV
Mata Nui Stone
Gali GWP MOC Contest Entry: Toa Jaller
Real Life Kohlii?
Hello everyone, new to all this :)
sccbs ONUA
Heyahs, I'm new here and a bit at a crossroads with my interest in Lego Ninjago
The Volara Cycle
Lariska, Deadly and maniacal assassin
Megatron TLK
MNOG 2 Map and Math
Holes' Plot Holes
Armored Mewtwo
What Was Your BIONICLE Childhood Like?
Botar's... clone?
Show Us Your Self-MOCs!
Creating Alternative Lore based on Set Designs
Vahlix: Skeletonpatch's Self-MOC
The C U R S E D topic
Zaria, Scarred Toa of Iron
MOC: Toa Verik
Some moc I made
Lego Bionicle Pen- is it real?
This is my idea for what nidhiki could look like if he was in G2. ( The base is used from a knockoff g2 toy
"I'll take it fom here.."
I'm looking for acrylic paint "Mata blue"
Oldschool Bionicle MOC - Masque Of Red Death
Will Linkin Park’s Meteora go down in history as one of the greatest rock albums of all time?
Blessings of Astrea | Signups and Discussion
[Poll] If Bionicle was ever in a video game such as Fortnite would you play the game?
where are the other gwp style toa?
The Mandalorian
Tattoo-ish designs
Kanohi Dragon Build Help!
Zada, my first moc in absolute ages!
Var's Animated Series Toa Designs [Art][Character][Pitch]
Bionicle, What If?: Hewkii was unmutated and Maku found a toa stone
Mask of Light style Tahu Nuva (& Takua)
Tuyet, the Toa Mangai of Water (ver.Bu / MOC for canon contest)
Self MOC Dekio
Bionicle hand design
In need of a cyan Mata foot….
Self Moc
Mario movie (2022)
Lirena of Gravity - Toa or Machine?
Want to Buy: German Bionicle #25 (Ignition #6)
Which other Toa would you’ve liked to see get krana’d?
Pohatu - Grandmaster of Stone
Revelations in the Element IDs of early BIONICLE
Metroid Dread: Samus and the EMMI
Mata Nui Rising [Lego Ideas Project]
The Lego Gallery topic
Pohatu GWP MOC Contest Entry: Axalara T9
Onua Contest Entery: Big_Bads_Of_Bionicle
Pohatu GWP MOC Contest Entry: Takanuva and the Ussanui
Best Of LEGO Bootlegs
Kopaka GWP MOC Contest Entry: Taikaha, Toa of Gravity
Piece compatibility
GWP Style Toa and Pirakas
Onua GWP MOC Contest Entry: Roodaka (and Sidorak bonus!)
TTV MOC Contest: Build in the GWP style, win a Toa! [CONGRATS WINNERS!!]
What Is The Rarest BIONICLE Mask You Own?
Nui-Kiore (Yellow Rahi Rat)
Bioman's combiner challenge - you request it, I build it!
Canon contest winners 2007/2008/2009 instruction
The Battles of Some: Signup/OOC Topic (Late signups welcome!)
BIONICLE Headcanons
If the Makuta Mistika and Phantoka exited the Swamp Of Secrets, would they return in their original forms?
Bionicle in Helldivers 2?!
Help with a "Bionicle Prototypes" Iceberg image
How Were You Introduced To Bionicle?
Kydv404's art
Melding Teridax revamp
The Rahi's Instructions
[joshdem] BIONICLE Upscale Series: The Toa Hagah
What did you think of Bionicle when you first started?
Is there a way to tell how the bio community has changed over the years?
The Custom Alternate Build/Combo Model Topic
GWP 2008 - The Phantoka Makuta
Metroid Series
Whats the coolest toa mata and why?
A state of Biotube in 2022
Toa Eliminator MOC
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