Mata Nui Rising [Lego Ideas Project]

I too will be undergoing the purchase


Check out Axelford’s cool 10K Club Interview :partying_face:


I was out of reception when it was posted so you’ve beaten me to the punch! Thank you for that! It is interesting reading what is to me a time capsule of how things were last year and seeing where some of my answers may be different now.

Hope folks find it interesting and maybe the pointers about promoting a project helpful. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Still yet to get that final closure on the fate of this whole endeavour, but we shall see…


Results have just come through

They picked a telephone box


telephone box < Mata Nui robot


I stand by my previous sentiment. The honor is in the effort, not the end result.


Too bad about the project not passing the review, I really would’ve loved to buy the Great Spirit Robot in some form or another. Anyway, congratulations on the great design and making it this far.

Is there any chance of something like this getting repurposed for the BrickLink Designer Program like rejected Ideas sets of the past? I don’t think so as there is an IP involved, it may be Lego’s IP but it still is an IP.


oh well it was a fun ride.

at least we get a 500usd gift voucher


I’m free now. Years in the making and an email this morning changes it all. I’m at peace now.

Again, I always knew it’s chance was slim, but getting a set made wasn’t really the point. It was showing we care. I think that goal has been achieved. Especially if the Mata Head current ply being voted for reaches 10k and if the GWP sells well, maybe they’ll see there’s something there.

Plus, the very initial goal of the Moc was to make an accurate Moc of the GSR, prior there had been none that captured all its details in my opinion. There were some good smaller ones, but they missed a lot of elements of the design.

Yeah I’ll admit for a moment I was peeved off that all I had received was a “thank you for trying” email but then I noticed the unexpected voucher. So me and the bro will be hard at work thinking of how to squander it all (turns out it doesn’t go very far which is a shame as we’d love the castle and the lighthouse, both which we’d never dream of owning as is.)

Sorry to snatch this quote from a PM mate but I would just like to say that despite the seemingly “lame” choice, it does have a market. Red Telephone Boxes, such as the K2 Model represented there (and the subsequent variants such as the equally iconic K6) are famous worldwide and…found worldwide, thanks to what was the British Commonwealth. So, people outside of Britain will recognise the design, I for one recognise it from my home city’s “Post Office Square.”

Also, the K2 design was the result of a competition to make an artistically designed telephone kisok which wouldn’t be rejected by some boroughs as the prvious (and frankly butt ugly) K1. So technically, like the recent Effiel Tower set, the K2 is an art piece, a design art piece. Subtle geometries, neo-classical touches and perhaps a bit of “vintage nostalgia” like the typewriter which they may have found to be a good seller, who knows, they’re obviously aiming more and more to the adult/casual market which means accessible Ideas, such as iconic real-world items.

Ramble over :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too LOL. Thank you for your kind words, learnt a lot and I might even do other Ideas in future.

I suppose there could be a chance, however I strongly believe a physical model must be made first so I can refine stability issues I will have missed in Studio.

As stated when we hit 10k, thank you so much to all who voted, it means the world to mean what has happened. And I thank the fandom as a whole. Bionicle has never been gone and as long as there are fans out there building, drawing, printing, animating and gaming…or simply telling tales around the Amaja Pit, Bionicle will be still here.

Oh yeah and I will publish the instructions soon now, just gotta fix all the goofy mistakes in the steps and stuff :ok_hand:


So the real Mata Nui Rising lego ideas project was the friends we’ve made along the way, wasn’t it?


@Axelford This still deserves a healthy round of congratulations for making it to this stage, and that should always give you a sense of great pride.

Also, as someone fortunate enough to own the Lion Knight’s Castle, it is a beautiful set and recommended if you are really looking to go all-in on your compensatory prize.


or it will just be the Mata Nui Rising parts you slowly buy off bricklink


“Uncle Ben what happened?” :anguished: :scream:
“50-dollar shipping from Europe” :skull: :weary:

The actual value of the parts is around 190 usd but buying them across separate stores etc. may inflate the cost sadly.


I just realized you’re the guy who posted this. Turns out I supported it a long time ago and never made the connection. To think we got BTS instead of this!

But hey, now I have an excuse to make an obscene amount of BrickLink orders. Lego will get my money one way or another. This thing is still seriously cool!


Haha yes

Oh, btw sorry to everyone who has been asking for instructions, Bricklink has twice denied my attempts to set the project to public download etc.

I may just have to share the file itself around manually although I do feel a bit weird about that violating the “TLG owns the rights to your Idea for the next two years” thing.

I’m happy for the BTS stans, I hope they make TLG’s investment worthwhile :cry: :grin:


What exactly are the stipulations of that? Unless you signed some sort of NDA amd can’t get into it


there’s an easy workaround.

you found a fellow who reverse engineered the design and improved some of the connection issues, right? get with him and release his version. make sure people know it’s his so he gets the credit for it.


Axel send me the file and I’ll change some stuff


So will you @Eilrach be the one to release instructions or a file? Or can I too just ask @Axelford for the original file?
Im a little confused how exactly that works now.


Welcome to the Boards.

If anyone’s releasing the instructions, it’ll be Axelford, although how he does will be up to him.

Although releasing the real version might come off as in bad faith and jeopardize its chances of making it through, either now or later…