Vahlix: Skeletonpatch's Self-MOC

Welcome to the Boards.

Vahlix’s colors are a bit all over the place, which makes it difficult to tell what’s what when viewing him. He very much feels like an old Dark Hunters build, in that it’s very cobbled-together looking and uses a lot of older pieces. Being so frequently posed directly in front of the table/large wall art of gears and masks makes it even harder to tell what’s part of him and what isn’t.

The vahki are vahki and the bohrok is a color-mismatched bohrok, so I won’t go into either of those. One way you can help improve the viewability of your model is to narrow down which of the many colors he has is the primary and secondary, and sort through your collection for pieces in those colors you can use. Having a custom torso unfortunately doesn’t matter too much if nobody can see how it’s implemented.

There’s also an entire topic on how to use certain building techniques or difficult-to-use pieces, as well as expertise from many different people across the boards with years of backlog to look through. Who knows, you may be able to find some inspiration there.