This is actually super helpful I’ve been looking for this
Yeah, that gave me a lot of inspiration
are you like still part of this
Gathered friends, listen again to… us!
On BIONICLE Day, Aug 10th, we’ll be hosting a Q&A Livestream on Youtube related to everything Iliad and Bionicle. You can send us questions either during the event or over on our Discord server.
We hope to see you there!
Dang! These Toa are neat. You should actually try selling them if you need funds.
But, for something more intelligent, I’m glad to know where they came from. The design is just amazing! Also, I may be willing to submit MOCs, but I can’t use Discord as of yet. I may be able to in the future.
What sort of designs are you looking for in MOCs, and how would this affect, say, a Metru-build Toa?
A Metru-build Toa? Well, unfortunately, that would not fly.
(Unless it’s Matau.)
You may have noticed, with the design of the Iliad Mata builds, that the entire model is constructed almost entirely out of smaller system pieces. We try to avoid prefab torso and limb pieces if at all possible, and replacing the Metru torso piece for one built to match the appearance and proportions will, when the time comes, ultimately be necessary in order to maintain the look and feel of the rest of Iliad’s designs.
I welcome any and all builders who wish to try their collective hand at the process. We have some very experienced builders in our server who can show you the ropes, as well as a good catalogue of existing Iliad mocs for reference.
will we get to hear the voice of the high emperor, for the first time in years?
Tbh I kind of had my own plans for Bionicle day, like everyone is streaming or hosting events so it is hard to choose where to go, especially when there is uncertainty about “pay-off” so to say. Still, glad you guys are giving an update, maybe I’ll tune in…or watch it later!
it’ll probably be at 4am for us when its streamed like the rest of them
In 24hrs we will be hosting our live QnA. Questions can be asked either in the chat or on our Discord server. For those who arrive on time, we have something really special to share with you.
oh heck 810nicle is tomorrow?
I know that, for everywhere else except America, Bionicle Day is going to be October 8th, so Iliad may do something special on that date as well. No promises, but we’ll see.
I thought it was tomorrow
It is tomorrow (in less than two minutes today over here) because americans write the date wrong for some reason.
Edit: Happy 108nicle Day!
Old habits die hard
in that case happy nz 108nicle day
I missed it, didn’t I. Welp, the animatic is really good, like the voices although cheesy actually felt in character (Jaller voice was too real man, had me grinning ear-to-ear) and even Vakama’s one-liners and the way he showed up felt spot on. Vakama throwing the fire back in Tahu’s face was a good demonstration and way of telling the audience, “hey he has powers of fire too.”
Seeing as I’m basically done with my own project now, maybe I am in the position to have a lookie again at any ways I can contribute.
(My reaction to the stream be like:)
“I miss my wife”
That’s a heck of a way to introduce yourself, well unless I got you and moho mixed up
“Next episode will be about Kopaka.” OF COURSE BRUH Okayokayokay that’s actually good you’re giving them all equal screen time.