BIONICLE is Officially Cancelled

My feelings are incredibly convoluted right now, but I’d still like to try and condense them enough to provide some closing thoughts.

Generation Two was never something I thought I’d see. That kind of thing simply doesn’t happen with IPs as small as lego subthemes, yet somehow it did. Bionicle came back not two weeks after I had finally given up any hope of it, after I had given up on constraction as a whole. I would have never seen it coming, and it’s been both a privilege and a pleasure to see it come to pass. It’s been a jolt of nostalgia that’s revived my long-degraded spark more effectively than anything before it.

Some part of me is very sad to see it go, but from day one I knew that I was on borrowed time. This was a pleasure that just kind of manifested without precedence, and I knew not to waste it. And so, I suppose it’s easy come, easy go. Really, I’m just thankful to have had the opportunity to enjoy an echo of my childhood before it’s gone.

Say what you will about how it was handled, but ultimately, I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.

It’s been a nice run folks. Here’s hoping for another, sometime.

Where does this put me? Well, I don’t know, really. I think I’m done with constraction now though; I have no real intention of getting into whatever comes next… The only foreseeable reason I would might be for moccing purposes, but even then I have my doubts.


Well Colt McCoy sure is salty…


Everything good about TJtO Season 2 has been soiled by this.

I’m really depressed right now.

It’s 2010 all over again.


…Welcome to the Boards…?
Yeah my day is pretty much shot too.
Maybe JTO will cheer me up.


I just hope we’ll get another original constraction ip instead of just more Star Wars


I’m just gonna say this…

Lego, way to take candy from a baby.


I admire your optimism, but the ending will crush your spirits further.

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It’s good, but…

I think we’re all pretty salty about it ending a little bit too soon


Yes and we have every right to be.


I KNEW IT! me, my friends and many others told you all that Bionicle is going to end this year, because of how many stores are putting almost to all of them on clearance and the lack of effort they are putting into Bionicle. But no, none of you didn’t listen at all.

You guys may think there going to be a Bionicle G3, but sense how bad Bionicle G2 did, they will never bring it back. No matter how much you guys cry for it.

People yelling at me in 3… 2… 1…


it will only depress you further.


Will the summer wave still be put on store shelves for a few months longer, or are those not going to be manufactured as of now? I don’t have any of those sets, and I’m missing some winter wave stuff too…



It is such a weight off my chest.

I am soo happy it’s gone…


Yeah I think literally nobody here thinks that.


I recommend checking your local Barns N Noble for a bunch of stuff if your local one has a toy section. Mine has the skull villains still, which I will be hitting later today. Toys R Us is basically the ONLY place with summer 2016 sets.

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The Hype in 2014 was good…


Thanks, but I don’t think we have Barnes and Noble in Canada.

You and me both ELK. :raised_hand:

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It was SOOOO good. That was quite the time to be alive.

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