BIONICLE is Officially Cancelled

I’m wondering what the future of constraction will bring us. If they’re planning another constraction line, then maybe that will have enough energy to keep us together.

Hopefully we won’t have a massive resistance to it like we saw with Hero Factory.

im doubing it. i kinda of think they brough bioncle back as the sawn song to there own ideas in constraction. i think the best we could see is ccbs being used for star wars then maybe a few other things at best. i think its likely it be star wars for a bit and then end…


the no makuta set and the smiley face at the end of their tweet just pour so much salt into the wound. Exo force had a better ending.

I guess I’ll just focus on other things now.


I’ve heard some people talking about having a robot-themed minifigure series. Would that be a possibility?


Ripperonies Bonkle
You died, came back and died again

At least you tried


To be fair, the print lines indicated those were prototype pieces. We don’t know if they went as far to actually making the mold for the actual part.

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Yes…it was called Exo-Force.

Lad, that wasn’t the question.

Dont call me Lad, and yes I did answer your question, it was possible and still is.

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Oh, so Lego cancelled Bionicle for not selling well, but insisted on wasting money for new parts that will never be released? Smooth. Suave. Smoo. Smol. Sm. S. s.


I mean that you’re talking about Exo-Force, a line that existed in the mid-2000’s. I’m talking about a line that would come to existence in the late-2010’s.


Who says Exo-Force or similar to it wont come up again? But due to the currect futuristic line such as Nexo Knights, that might have to wait a while.

You see, I’m not sure if Bionicle even will have a replacement, even in the form of a minifigure line. Nexo Knights and Ninjago seem to have taken the front seat in terms of Lego’s original lines.


I at least hoped it would last the three years that was originally planned but I guess it’s over now, either way =P

Glad we got it back for a little while, though, even if the story wasn’t quite as good as we had hoped…

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Smash’s nearby wall in anger

They still havent made a space oriented/mixed line that is like Neo Knights or Ninjago, maybe the robot concepts can go there.

  • repairs the wall for you *

I suppose you’re right. Traditionally there’s always been a space-themed system line, so maybe Bionicle’s replacement could go there.

I guess only time will tell.


Ok guys Bionicle isn’t over, sure they cancelled the toy line, and their version of the story, but was Bionicle just toys? If it was it never would have made us wanna make places like this site, what made us make places like this were the feelings we felt when we got those sets, when we played with them. They aren’t just plastic, they’re characters I mean how many people got upset when Eljay said something negative about your favorite toa during a review? I did, because I was invested in the character, and to me it’s the characters that make Bionicle great, it’s not the complex story, all the background or stuff like that, because if you need that to enjoy a line maybe 40K is more your thing. I prefer G2 to G1 because it doesn’t have as much lore, leaving us free to write it, I mean after all it was created by Lego, who are all about creativity


i hope that anything is a possiblity. maybe bioncle will come back in g3 and be fully system and last 20 years. the chances of that though are so veyr small. but i hope something like a minifigure series or something would happen

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