Bionicle Monthly Magazine

hey folks,
i just bought this magazine at some random shop. they sold it for 4€, so i would guess it’ll also be sold for 4$. it was published by “blue ocean” in germany, but i know you can get it from “uniquemagazines” in the UK.

as you can see, the “giant skull scorpion” isn’t that giant. and it does NOT include a mask (much to my disliking). furthermore, will not translate most of this stuff, as it doesn’t hold any relevant information. i just wanna show off what you get with this magazine and then you can read it yourself if you so desire.

here we can see the instructions for the scorpio(n) and a summary of what’s inside the magazine.

this page contains “top secret” information about the toa. it’s consists of the bios from the bonkl website. nothing new, nothing special.

the “extra-large comic” is just pieced together from the first graphic novel. it contains pieces of vizuna’s, onya’s onua’s and kopaka’s comics.

the poster we get are just the normal 2015 and 2016 posters we’ve seen quite a lot now. it’s still kinda cool to get them, though.

this last page contains some advertisements, solutions to the little puzzles and an ad of what will be included in the next issue.

said next issue will include this thing. it is called “ekimu’s loyal falcon” and can apparently be placed on the left arm of ekimu 2016.

taking a look at the scorpio(n), we can see it’s really not that special. it’s still nice to get it. we asked for more rahi-like sets (at least i did) and now this magazine seems to deliver monthly rahi. i think that’s kinda cool.
and this thing fits in pretty well with the other G2 sets (don’t mind my mask-keeper-MOC :stuck_out_tongue: )

overall i would say this is quite a nice magazine, but definetly made for younger audiences. i’m gonna get all issues from now on and update you once the next one comes out.
cya then! :wink:


I think they mentioned it briefly.

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I wonder if it’s a free subscription



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That’s cool.

Hopefully it’s a free subscription.


nah, to my knowledge it’ll cost 3 or 4 bucks, just like the ninjago and nexo knights magazines


Well, that’s not that bad.


i guess it’s okay. i just hope we get some proper masks with the small builds. this might even be lego’s way of giving us more collectables as the nexo knights magazines included some exclusive armor pieces

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does anyone know how yo buy magazines like these when they do come out?

If it gets printed in English; I’ll find a way to get at least one issue. Yeah, they mentioned it on last week’s podcast which should be going up on YouTube late tonight or early morning tomorrow.

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this looks cool, I’ll get it when it start releasing

should be everywhere where you can get the other lego magazines like the ninjago and nexo knights magazines

If anyone here speaks German, could you PLEASE translate this for me?

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yes, of course.

it says “NEW!”
then on the image of the cover it say “GIANT skull scorpio”; “extra-long comic”; “2 amazing wallpapers”; “your toa heroes”

that’s it


Do you plan to buy it?

yeah, i will buy it once i find it in stores. i’ll probably post some pictures here

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Do they sell them online? I dont have any stores in my area that sell the other magazines.

not entirely sure. i know that “blueocean” offers a subscription, but i’m not sure wehter that’s internationally or just for germany. “newsstand” and “uniquemagazines” offer subscriptions for the UK. don’t know anything else, but i’, sure you could get them from amazon or ebay.
i’ll let you know if i find something out and update the main post later :wink:

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Interesting… :grimacing:

Fantastic news. The shot from the comic promised within appears to be new, so hopefully it’s not ripped from one (or both) of the graphic novels.