Welcome to Bionicle: Origin-1!
Bionicle Origin-1 is my new fan-story project, which aims to create an Alternate Universe with its own unique take on the lore and story of Bionicle G1. I myself got into Bionicle much later than most, in fact, I didn’t get my first set until around the Summer of 2009. As such, the way I experienced the story was mainly through reading about it on sites such as BIONICLEstory.com, and later, BSO1. I think back fondly on the feelings of wonder I experienced when first learning about the wider Bionicle Universe, but now that the series has been gone for more than a decade, there’s been a lack of new information for us fans to consume.
As I’m sure is the case with many Bionicle Fans, I too have my own ideas for changes and additions I would like to make to the Bionicle story. Through sharing that vision in this project, I hope to also provide the community with a slew of new lore they can explore and learn about.
This lore will primarily be conveyed through excerpts posted here on the TTV Message Boards, which collectively will form a Wiki that details all known information about the Origin-1 Universe. The topic you’re looking at now is the Home Page for the Wiki and will serve as a portal, through which you can easily access all the media I’ll be creating for this project. When this topic initially goes live there won’t be anything for you to access quite yet, however, in the coming weeks you can expect to see the first lore excerpt go up. As more excerpts are created, this topic will be updated to accommodate them, and the replies below will also be a place for me to share news about new lore excerpts, as well as updates to existing ones.
Thank you for coming to check out this fan-project, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to see where this goes!
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