What is Bionicle: Origin-1?
Bionicle: Origin-1 is a fan project that aims to reimagine the rich story and lore of Bionicle from the ground up. Through this endeavor, Bionicle: Origin-1 hopes to offer new stories, new lore, new builds, and more for Bionicle fans to explore and enjoy!
Timeline of the Origin-1 Universe | Bionicle: Origin-1
Hey everyone! This is Pilot, and welcome to yet another Entry in the Origin-1 Codex! This Codex Entry is going to be a running Timeline of the events of Bionicle: Origin-1. It contains all currently released information about the story, and as time goes on, will be periodically updated to accommodate the release of new Codex Entries. The main goal of this Timeline is to organize all information about the Origin-1 Universe into a single place, which I hope is helpful for anyone following the story. Below you’ll find the Timeline itself, along with a quick explanation of the Time System in the Origin-1 Universe. I hope you enjoy it, and be sure to check back for updates to the Timeline!
-Time System-
All dates in the Origin-1 Timeline are based on the time system of the planet, Spherus Magna. A year on Spherus Magna lasts 512 days, with each day lasting 30 hours. This is also true for the Matoran Universe, which had its flow of time adjusted to match that of Spherus Magna.
Spherus Magna was created when the Great Beings used their powers to expand the Origin-1 Universe, birthing a myriad of new worlds in the process. This event is considered “Year 0” in the Origin-1 Timeline. Anything before will be labeled BUE (Before Universal Expansion), and anything after will be labeled AUE (After Universal Expansion).
Below you will find the full timeline of the Origin-1 Universe. This will be updated periodically to include information from new Codex Entries.
-Era of Origins-
In the time before time, the Origin-1 Universe is created by the divine powers of Nehrua. For a time, prosperity is in abundance, but in the face of death, Nehrua sacrifices the Universe to ensure their legacy lives on. From the ashes arise the Great Beings, who expand the Universe to new horizons. This is the origin of the Universe, as we know it today.
Circa Beginning of Time
Existence comes to be, bringing with it a species of god-like creatures known as the Oroborn. These Oroborn soon discover their ability to shape Existence itself and begin experimenting with these powers. For one Oroborn, Nehrua, this experimentation eventually leads them to create an entire Universe. However, this process leaves them severely weakened.
In time, the Oroborn develop a system to organize an expanding array of Universes. Universes sharing similar characteristics are considered a System, and each Universe in a System is given a unique number based on the order of discovery. The Universe created by Nehrua was the first in its System, so it came to be known as Origin-1.
Circa 1,000,000,000 BUE
The first life begins to appear across numerous worlds in the Origin-1 Universe. Among them are the primitive lifeforms on the planet Orolax, who will eventually evolve into the Orolaxians.
Left weakened from the creation of the Origin-1 Universe, Nehrua realizes they are slowly dying from the might of their own power. Nehrua begins searching for a means of overcoming this obstacle.
Circa 10,000 BUE
- After millions of years, Nehrua concludes there is no solution to their mortality. To ensure their powers live on, Nehrua begins to evaluate the many species that populate the Origin-1 Universe in order to find the optimal inheritor. To aid in their search, Nehrua forges the Aspects of Virtue, which will look for specific traits that Nehrua has deemed desirable. If a species fails to meet these criteria, it will be purged from the Universe.
8,547 BUE
- In their search, Nehrua comes across the Orolaxians, who begin to worship Nehrua as a deity in their religion. In their mind, they must do right by Nehrua if they are to remain in good faith, which places the Orolaxians among the top candidates for Nehrua’s inheritance. Over the next few millennia, Nehrua will become a key pillar of Orolaxian society and culture.
46 BUE
- The newest Orolaxian Emperor, Akeyan is born to replace the former Emperor Kravan. This marks the beginning of a new Age of Orolax.
After more than a billion years spent in their weakened state, Nehrua’s final days are fast approaching. Nehrua is forced to hasten their search, ultimately conducting one final test to decide the inheritor of their power. In this final test, Nehrua unleashes chaos upon the Origin-1 Universe, and whatever is left standing will inherit their power.
For the Orolaxians, Nehrua’s test manifests in the form of a deadly virus called Mulox, meant to exploit the lack of genetic diversity among their species. Highly virulent and dangerous, Mulox is able to reshape its victim into a slave to spread itself further.
Mulox finds its way onto Orolax aboard a mining vessel and begins ravaging the population. Orolax’s Emperors establish strict quarantines to stop the spread which proves to be ineffective. Not long after Mulox’s arrival, the entirety of Orolax becomes consumed by the virus, forcing a small group of survivors to flee the planet. Among them is the last Orolaxian Emperor, Akeyan.
Nehrua’s test concludes, and they inform the Orolaxian survivors that they are the last life in the entire Origin-1 Universe. The Orolaxians each inherit one Element of Nehrua’s power, as well as a series of legendary artifacts called Kanohi to help them focus their abilities. This causes the Orolaxians to be reborn in new forms, which leads them to take on new names as well.
Akeyan receives the Element of Life from Nehrua, as well as the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life. Upon his transformation, Akeyan takes on the name Akirous.
Three other transformed Orolaxians come to be known as Angonce, Crasevous, and Tomidas, who wield the Elements of Space, Entropy, and Gravity respectively.
After his transformation, an Orolaxian renames himself Artakha.
With their mission complete, Nehura can finally die in peace.
The surviving Orolaxians use their newfound powers to expand the Origin-1 Universe, leading to the creation of new worlds. Among them is the planet, Spherus Magna, which is home to a species called the Agori.
The Orolaxians begin aiding the Agori with new technology to advance their civilization, which earns them a position as the rulers of Spherus Magna. It’s here the Orolaxians become the Great Beings.
2,958 AUE
- Akirous decides to share a discovery about his power with Angonce, involving the transference of Life Force between bodies or objects. Akirous theorizes that if one could learn to manipulate their own Life Force, they could use this to achieve a level of immortality.
-Era of Consequence-
The discovery of a powerful substance leads to war on the planet, Spherus Magna. As the planet’s inhabitants become divided, so too do its leaders, the Great Beings. Friends become foes as old differences are brought to the surface, dooming Spherus Magna to destruction. The course of the Origin-1 Universe has been altered forever, and everyone will have to face the consequences.
2,963 AUE
A powerful substance originating from the core of Spherus Magna rises to the surface of the planet. This forms a spring within the Northern Frost, a region controlled by the Ice Tribe. The Ice Tribe begins to study the substance and discovers its ability to transform anything it touches. The Element Lord of Ice schemes to use the substance to create more powerful warriors, which will give him the ability to conquer all of Spherus Magna.
The other tribes become wary of the Ice Tribe, as well as each other, and attempt to claim the substance for themselves. These disputes quickly explode into a full-on conflict, marking the beginning of the Core War.
The Great Beings obtain a sample of the substance, naming it Energized Protodermis. Through their studies, the Great Beings discover that Energized Protodermis is vital to the stability of Spherus Magna. If the tribes continue harvesting the substance, it could lead to immense consequences for the planet.
2,964 AUE
The Great Beings become divided on how to address the Core War. Some seek to assert greater control over the tribes to end the conflict forcefully, while others wish to let it play out and repair Spherus Magna afterward. Being the leader of the Great Beings, the decision is ultimately left up to Akirous.
Crasevous, a staunch supporter of controlling the tribes, warns Akirous about the potential ramifications the Core War could have on Spherus Magna. Crasevous envisions a dark future for Spherus Magna if nothing is done to stop it, and views authoritarian rule over the Agori as the only way to avoid it. Akirous disagrees, wishing for the Agori to remain free.
Akirous decides to let the Core War play out, angering Crasevous, who then stabs him in the back. However, Akirous miraculously survives this betrayal by transferring his Life Force into his Mask. The remaining Great Beings flee their Fortress.
Crasevous’ betrayal of Akirous leads to a schism between the Great Beings, who go on to form two factions called the Regime and the Collective. Crasevous becomes the leader of the Regime, while Artakha becomes the leader of the Collective. As each holds a separate vision for the future of Spherus Magna, both factions come to view each other as mortal enemies.
Angonce sides with the Collective.
Tomidas sides with the Regime.
2,965 AUE
Remembering the discovery Akirous had shared with him, Angonce refuses to accept Akirous’ death and returns to the Fortress on the anniversary of his death. There Angonce is intercepted by Tomidas, who attempts to steal the Kanohi Ignika containing Akirous’ Life Force. To stop him, Angonce is forced to destroy the Kanohi Ignika, causing a blinding explosion. Akirous transfers his Life Force once again, this time into Angonce’s sword, while Tomidas absorbs the powers of the Kanohi Ignika. Angonce escapes the Fortress with his newly transformed blade.
Tomidas becomes cursed with an untamed form of the Ignika’s powers, causing everything he touches to come to life. This quickly drives him to insanity.
Through visions, Angonce and Akrious are able to communicate, affirming that Akirous had in fact survived.
Angonce renames his sword The Akeyan, after Akirous’ Orolaxian name. In addition to acting as a vessel for Akirous’ Life Force, he can also channel his powers through the blade.
2,976 AUE
The Regime begins using the allure of advanced and powerful technology to gain control of the tribes on Spherus Magna. They hope to obtain control over all the tribes in order to force an end to the Core War.
Left impoverished by the Core War, the Sand Tribe becomes the first to side with the Regime. One among them is chosen to receive physical enhancements using the Regime’s technology.
The Collective wishes to keep the tribes out of the Regime’s control and begins pursuing a means of countering them.
2,977 AUE
To battle the growing influence of the Regime, Angonce proposes the creation of biomechanical war machines to defend the remaining tribes on Spherus Magna. The other members of the Collective support this idea.
Using Angonce’s proposal, the Collective launches Project: Toa and begin work on an initial prototype.
2,979 AUE
Following the creation of several prototypes, the first Toa is completed by the Collective. They begin conducting tests with this Toa, who they discover to be far stronger than any Agori. Angonce names this Toa, Helryx.
Helryx begins to be sent on operations all across Spherus Magna. Judging from her performance on these missions, the Collective deems Project: Toa a success.
The Collective begins experiments to create an entire team of Toa with the ability to cooperate and work together. This leads to the creation of the first Toa Team, who soon after their completion, are massacred by a high-ranking warrior of the Regime. The only survivor of this Toa Team is its leader.
2,989 AUE
- Now a veteran of the Core War, Helryx is reassigned to the Toa Ordahn, much to her own dismay. This Toa Team consists of 5 members, including Helryx, Hypanthus, Eronix, Rohtun, and Arvanis. Hypanthus is given the role of Team leader.
3,002 AUE
The Collective realizes that Spherus Magna is doomed to be destroyed by the Core War, and begin making preparations for the eventual repair of the planet. The Collective looks to Angonce for ideas, who proposes the creation of a pair of massive automatons that will journey across the stars to find the key to repairing Spherus Magna. With this, the Collective launches the Great Spirit Project.
To aid in the construction of the Great Spirit Robots, the Great Beings develop small construction drones called Proto-Matoran. Unlike Toa, these Proto-Matoran are purely mechanical and lack any measure of sentience.
Underground factories are built to produce these Proto-Matoran en mass.
3,006 AUE
As construction on the Great Spirit Robots continues, concerns arise regarding the inner stability of the Robots. Angonce’s solution is to place Matoran inside the Robots to sustain them, which he then follows with the idea of creating a society inside the Robots. In addition to finding a way to repair Spherus Magna, the Collective could also study this society and learn from it.
The Collective updates their plans for the Great Spirit Project to include the foundations of this new society, which Angonce names the Matoran Universe.
To realize this society, the Collective begins experimenting to create more advanced Matoran.
3,007 AUE
The design of the new, more advanced Matoran is finalized by the Collective. Using many ideas first tested in Project: Toa, the Matoran are made to be fully sentient creatures with a connection to the same Elemental Types as the Toa. All Matoran are given the ability to transform into Toa, which unlocks their innate Elemental Abilities.
Many of the underground factories built to produce Proto-Matoran are retrofitted to accommodate the updated Matoran Design. New factories are also constructed for this purpose as well.
3,009 AUE
- Feeling their time is running out, the construction of a second Great Spirit Robot is canceled. Its resources are diverted to completing the first Great Spirit Robot.
3,012 AUE
- Construction on the Great Spirit Robot concludes, and the Proto-Matoran are retired for good.
3,014 AUE
The Collective realizes the Great Spirit Robot needs a failsafe in case something goes wrong, so Artakha forges a new version of the Kanohi Ignika. Akirous’ Life Force is transferred from The Akeyan into this Mask, which then gets placed within the Southern Continent of the Matoran Universe.
The Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time, is split into fragments in the form of 6 Great Kanoka Disks.
Sensing the imminent destruction of Spherus Magna, the Matoran Universe is brought online, and any remaining Toa or Matoran are instructed to enter the Great Spirit Robot. The Collective then orders the Great Spirit Robot to depart Spherus Magna, beginning its mission to repair the planet.
After entering the Matoran Universe, the remaining members of the Toa Ordahn arrive on the Island of Artakha.
All remaining Toa from the Core War are designated members of the Hand of Artakha: a temporary organization created to establish society within the Matoran Universe.
Having become too destabilized, Spherus Magna gets split apart in an event known as the Shattering. Spherus Magna is now comprised of 3 fragments, the desert planet of Bara Magna, the jungle moon of Bota Magna, and the ocean moon of Aqua Magna.
-Era of Hope-
In wake of Spherus Magna’s destruction, the mystical Great Spirit Robot becomes its final hope… but hope is fragile. Within the Robot lies the beginnings of a new Universe, overrun with evil that threatens the sanctity of its mission. If hope is to remain, a new generation of heroes will need to step up to confront the dangers plaguing the Universe. Will they succeed, or will the Universe fall into Cataclysm?
3,015 AUE
- The Toa Ordahn are sent to the northern regions of the Matoran Universe by the Hand of Artakha. For a time, they oversee construction in the region and hide the 6 Great Kanoka Disks within the City of Metru Nui.
3,017 AUE
- The Toa Ordahn are called back to the Island of Artakha.
3,022 AUE
Having accomplished their goal, the Hand of Artakha disbands.
Helryx departs, while Hypanthus and Eronix remain on the Island of Artakha.
3,023 AUE
To fill the void left by the Hand of Artakha, Helryx founds a new faction called the Order of Mata Nui and begins recruiting agents from all over the Matoran Universe. Helryx restricts Toa from joining the Order due to conflicts with the Toa Code.
Alongside the first agents of the Order of Mata Nui, Helryx establishes the faction’s headquarters on the Island of Daxia.
3,367 AUE
- Kestora aboard the Red Star become dissatisfied with the performance and durability of the current Matoran Design and create a new one to replace it. All Matoran born after this transition are made using this Kestoran Design.
-Era of Cataclysm-
Their worst fears came to pass. The Great Spirit was cast into a deep slumber, and the Universe fell into Cataclysm. Now, an elite group of Toa are left to pick up the pieces, as a dark Shadow seeks to usurp the Great Spirit as ruler of the Matoran Universe. In time, new allies will join the fight to defeat this evil and reawaken the Great Spirit.
-Era of Shadows-
After all they had done, the Toa thought themselves victorious. Little did they know, this was only the beginning. The Shadow has taken control of the Universe, banishing the Great Spirit and assuming control over his Robot body. Now the Great Spirit and Toa alike must wage one final battle to secure the future of Spherus Magna and the Origin-1 Universe.
-Era of Reformation-
Spherus Magna has been reformed, inviting the Great Beings to return to finish what they started. As old conflicts are reignited, chaos erupts across Spherus Magna, which threatens to tear the planet apart yet again. Sides are taken and battles are fought, but a precious few will become disillusioned and embark on a journey to discover the truth at the heart of the Universe. May they succeed in their quest, or die trying…
Theme Music
A series of Theme Songs have been chosen to accompany each Era in the Origin-1 Universe. Check out the full playlist using the link below!
Thanks for checking out the Origin-1 Timeline! I hope you enjoyed, and be sure to check back regularly for any changes or new additions!