Blessings of Astrea | Signups and Discussion

Right, I got a second hand account on what the story was and misunderstood it slightly. I was going for a character that was from another age and time, and ended up getting revived as part of the going’s on.

As for the portals, it just seemed like a fun thing to add, I suppose I didn’t realize what power level characters were at here yet.

The personality type one was for the Enneagram test, I should have probably labeled that better.

Yea didn’t know if skeletons would be allowed, but it seemed like it could lend to some interesting character interactions. As for the cargo pants I tend to use that as a cheap descriptor of characters who have an eclectic amount of pockets.

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The only kind I would see is them freaking out over a walking skeleton. That kind of idea is completely alien to them. I would have to disregard any and all reasoning as to why a skeleton would be chosen.

You gotta go with the grain, not against it.
Basically, this character, unless you really modify it, is an absolute no go.


Imma be real, you could just read the topic :man_shrugging:


Name: Fodbgen the Blind of Shepherd’s House

Age: 27

Appearance: Tall, that would be the first word to describe Fodbgen, tall and well built. Furthermore, his personality dictated his dress, due to his lack of sight he declares that he should only dress in crisp white, or sharp blacks depending on the occasion. His eyes remain a misty white, and his hair a crisp black, and it is rare that his face is not grinning with a level of mischievous intent.

Personality: Fodbgen is outgoing, and even that is an understatement of what he truly is. He is best described as brave, foolish, and without fear, all at once in equal measure.

History/Bio: While not the firstborn of his house, he remains the proud middle child of Shepherd’s House, that is the house on the outskirts of the kingdom dedicated to the gods of the moon. For to keep sheep means to be out in the gaze of the moon for quite long. The eldest, his sister, commands the most of the family’s finances and knowledge, and his younger brother commands the fields having bested many beasts. For it was not in the nature of the family to grow far from brought them wealth. As Fodbgen’s skills were not for the fields, he was brought up to be one of sharp mind. Therefore he knows many things on the topics of Arithmetic, Writing, Reading, and that of the many branches of Science, including of course Alchemy as a sub study.

Equipment/Weapons: A hefty cane of knotted wood remains his key tool of use, it is of old wood, and treated accordingly. It is not wise to give a blind man any weapons other than that, but to that Fodbgen would say the tongue is much sharper than anything he could possess.

Blessings: (I still remain that it would be far more entertaining for you to choose what you think best.)

Trivia: Deathly allergic to blackberries, can’t stand the sound of dish washing, and loves to play the pan flute.

Finally had a minute to reassess, and if me joining wouldn’t be a hassle here is my new submission. I went for a rich family known for their animal herding if that fits the setting better.


Yes, this will work.


Ah great! My apologies for my original misunderstanding.

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Tebor trying not to get picked



Watches a bucket get placed on the ground and waits to see if it’s kicked.


Tebor over here trying to pick a fight knowing he’s playing with fire

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Holidays, where free time is an illusion. :stuck_out_tongue:

And now to review material to relearn the headspace and style I was using for this one.


I know right? I really do want to continue this story, so I hope I can make it a reality.


Before Conleth does the BadlandsChugs impersonation, would his hair be changing color when he drinks from the chalice, or at some later time?


I’m gonna say it changes a few seconds afterwards.


Uhhh…(gee, I really gotta get back into this)

Thats kinda in limbo right now, but it’s pretty likely things will shi f t. Your character sheet just has the starting one. If you don’t want one at all at the start, that IS on the table.


Welcome to the Boards.

I like how even after the Transformers RPs have died away Astrea revives


How Conleth generally sees Tebor

How Tebor acts after seeing the comet


How Tebor reacts when he notices Conleth’s expression.

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