Bo-metru matoran, and other updates

Of the random bits I was able to get my hands on before going back to college, a lot of them were various masks.

I found a dirty brown/purple huna, which revealed just the blue I needed underneath after warm washing. Soon my Metru Macku will be complete as I can manage. I also found a purple Pakari, so I can switch out Hewkii for Onepu now as needed.

I also got into the idea of making a Bo-matoran in Metru style. Did my best with the info I could find and the parts I had. I look forward to making him a full Toa of plant life soon.

So, Onepu and the new Bo-Matoran(I’m going to call him Raiz) both future Toa candidates under Tuyet’s regime…

And just a little something for Takanuva and Jaller. Post movie but pre-Inika, two friends chilling


cool metrutoran

kinda confused what this would even refer to

Ooh cool! Nice to see some new faces amongst your Matoran crew, Raiz looks neat. Also Takanuva and Jaller just chilling at the end is great.


ooo cool!

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