Of the random bits I was able to get my hands on before going back to college, a lot of them were various masks.
I found a dirty brown/purple huna, which revealed just the blue I needed underneath after warm washing. Soon my Metru Macku will be complete as I can manage. I also found a purple Pakari, so I can switch out Hewkii for Onepu now as needed.
I also got into the idea of making a Bo-matoran in Metru style. Did my best with the info I could find and the parts I had. I look forward to making him a full Toa of plant life soon.
So, Onepu and the new Bo-Matoran(I’m going to call him Raiz) both future Toa candidates under Tuyet’s regime…
And just a little something for Takanuva and Jaller. Post movie but pre-Inika, two friends chilling