This is how they’ve got the wings connected.
Here’s the leg hose, although I think it might be a 5 connector instead of the 4 they’ve used. The main reason the leg is bent like that is the hose being too short to let it extend further, I think.
I very much disagree with the wing connection. Iron Condor uses Hordika necks, it stands to reason Tinnuron does too, likely attached to a single double socket connector of some kind. The connection in the model would prevent his cape from being attached
Something like this?
It’s also worth noting that the DCC model uses 9L hoses for the arm and leg, whereas I’m using 10L ones, since those are the ones Sidorak used for his head, and that’s a model we know this builder owned.
Yeah, I should think something like that. The sockets likely go through the holes in the cape.
Also very much agree with the 10L hoses
There we go, that should be just about done (aside from the cloak, obviously).
I wasn’t sure whether the Bohrok eyes on the hand were Metru red or trans-red, but Sidorak used both and it looked slightly more like the former, so that’s what I went with.
He looks perfect! I’ll have to work on some of these myself, I like a lot of them more than the higher profile contest winners
Does the DCC model for Drewdika match your version? It might be worth checking over that and Zakron to make sure they’re accurate.
I’ll boot up and check that now
Actually, I’ll probably do it tomorrow. It’s getting late and my laptop takes ages to turn on
So, if we’re to number them from top to bottom and left to right, we’ve got:
1 (Andy Urschel)
3? (Dale Cerett, depends on whether the DCC model is accurate)
4 (Andrew Huang)
6 (Sarah Newkirk)
7 (Olena Zozulevich)
In progress
8 (Nick Santoni)
9 (Joshua Guthrie)
I might have a look at David S.’ Glatorian or Zakron, since the former looks to be the most simple one of that group and I like how the latter looks.
Edit: Just for ease of access, here’s the high-res scans from BMP.
(also shoutout to the top-left glatorian with half of the skyfighter as a gun)
I tried searching Brickshelf but I haven’t found anything. I did, however, find this cool submission to the Rahi contest.
Found higher quality versions of the Glatorian… top left guy, who originally looked to be one of the most complex, is actually just Maxilos with a Kikanalo head covered in a bunch of crap.
Unlike others that do this, like Vengeance and such, this actually still looks cool as hell so he’s currently at the top of my list. Love how he’s got most of Vultraz’s entire vehicle just bolted to his arm, it’s totally overkill and I adore it
this is the peak bionicle form
your mocs may not look like this, but just realize it’s possible
Where did you find this?
Fixed up Drewdika! Rather surprising how utterly wrong some parts of the DCC one were, but I’ve spent a few hours editing him and he’s looking as accurate as I can get. Even changed a few things around from my old physical model after noticing a few other details
I think I’ve got Xyron’s arms pretty much figured out, I’ll build them in studio in a bit.
I wonder if the feet are based off Voporak’s?
Edit: OK, here’s what I have so far.
(I know the Hordika armour is asymmetrical, that’s how it is in the Brickshelf photo)
(the claw tips should be silver, it just doesn’t work in my Studio for some reason)
There are Metru feet on the outside of the thighs as well, but I’m not entirely sure how they attach yet.
I also get the feeling that those pieces that the hoses attach to might be attached to the bar holes on the Piraka torso somehow.
I’m basically finished with the overkill Glatorian, but I’m stumped with the bottom of his staff
I’ve figured out everything except what the hell this silver blob is
it lowkey looks like a mask
Oh hang on
It’s a Thornax launcher! Connected to a grey 2008 socket and facing towards the viewer