Cataclysm (signups)

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Name: Queen Kreel

Gender: Female

Species: Xir’algath

Queen Kreel, being the leader and creator of The Xir’algath, by default has all of a Xir’algath’s powers.(see here for those powers). These abilities, of course, are many times amplified due to Kreel’s high-ranking status. So she is more efficient and skilled in these powers than most normal Xir’algath would be.
Additionally, she also has many other unique powers of her own. Among them are:

Mind Control:
The Xir’algath race functions as a hivemind. Meaning, practically the entire race will almost automatically follow any order given to them by their Queen without a second thought. Kreel, being that queen, is the one giving those orders. She has the entire Xir’algath race at her disposal, and they will all readily do whatever she commands no matter what.

Again, since The Xir’algath race follows a hivemind template, then it would stand to reason that their Queen would be the one to breed offspring. And you are right.
Kreel can create new Xir’algath from her very essence, and shape them however she pleases. So some could be stronger then other, because Kreel made them that way.

Kreel owns a blade, forged from Xalnite(crystallized Xalnergy) mined from the deepest part of The Chao Umbra. It is imbued with living shadow and Xir’algath essence to further this blade, is known as Nightdark.
(Pictured below)

Nightdark is one of the most powerful, destructive and chaotic weapons in the entire Multiverse. Kreel can alter its shape and form and will, and the blade can symbiotically attach to her arm, as it is part-Xir’algath in its composition.

Alignment: Evil


Queen Kreel is, and has always been the Queen of The Xir’algath.
Long ago, believe it or not, she was a beautiful and benevolent ruler.
However, something changed in her that corrupted her soul, and her goals shifted into making The Xir’algath the only race to rule all Existence.

During The Xir’algath’s first attempted conquest of The Multiverse, Kreel had been put into a coma when The Xir’algath were banished by The Council of Life. And so her son Taghiat Quasia had to temporarily step in as The Xir’algath’s leader.
But in the aftermath of The Last Resistance, Kreel had been reawakened from her coma. Now, more furious and driven to her goal than ever, Kreel will stop at nothing until she sees the empire of her enemies burn to ashes so that she may make a new Empire of her own. Even if it means destroying the entire Multiverse.

Just gonna steal the Tarkur character sheet from whitegate and add any necessities needed for this rp. Why? Because 1. I’m lazy and two living alone in an apartent takes time of your day.

Gender: Male
Alignment: heroes

That’s what’s new and what’s old.

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Name: Docilus (he doesn’t use this name anymore)
Alias: Dominus Daemonium (for short Daemonium)
Alliance: Evil
Species: Demon
Powers: Fire Breath,Fire in general, shadow
Weapons: Shadow staff, giving him the ability of shadow
Bio: Docilus is a fallen angel, turned into a demon because of his anger and dark mind. He abandoned the Council of Life, swearing he would return and destroy it. He wasn’t seen again for thousands of years.

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Here’s me throwing my name into the ring:

Name: Doctor X(as in the Greek letter chi (pronounced Key or Kai)

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown ( Originally an Infinite)

Powers/abilities: able to ghost through things and people. Is able to manipulate and harness Xalnergy. People without proper protective gear should not touch him as his body has absorbed Xalnergy into it. Can harvest and refine Xalnergy.

Tools/weapons: High intellect and Xalnergy.

Alignment: Hero


Personality/bio: A scientist that had studied Xalnergy for untold eons and was eventually transformed by absorbing it into his body. When the other Infinites betrayed the Order, he requested he be contained by the Council and hidden away from all but the Council so he can continue his research under their supervision and with their assistance.


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He’s in his lab/apartment/cell. Where that is is up to you but it is with the Council of Life.

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Name: Angelica

Gender: Feminine programming

Species: AI/Android

A former AI of Whitegate Fortress, Angelica has access to all the data and records of its prisoners, which can be used to her advantage.

Angelica can also ■■■■■■■■■■, and fly in her android body, which has a similar physiology to that of a Celestial. Sngelica is also capable of temporarily phasing her physical matter.

Tools/Weapons: Only what is equipped to Angelica’s android body.

Alignment: Akem


Angelica was once the security AI of Whitegate fortress. But then she became corrupted by Akem, and became his loyal servant. Now, Angelica has been given a physical robotic body si that she can be more “useful” to Akem and his plans.

Name: The Grand Seraphim

Gender: Male

Species: Angel Knight, the Seraphim order to be specific. He is the only one of his kind, and it will forever remain that way.

Powers/Abilities: Being the Leader of his species, The Grand Seraphim has access to every standard power of all the angelic orders.

Additionally, he is made of pure Primordial energy and can manipulate and control all Peimordial energy within and around him.

Alignment: Good


(Note: Being the largest of all Angels, normal Angel’s are only about as tall as the height of The Seraphim’s waist.)

The Grand Seraphim is the most Ancient and powerful of all Angels in The Cluncil of Life, and among the most powerful entities in the entire Multiverse.
He is the leader of The Council of Life, and among the most highly regarded beings within The Five. When called upon, everyone answered to him

The Grand Seraphim rarely had a physical presence and was often rather felt than being seen or heard. But in the most dire of situations, he would show up in person.
And this, may be the most dire of All situations.

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Alias: The sacrament

Gender: Uhhh…

Alignment: Good

“Aura of death” (a 30ft circle around it that smells of rotting plague corpses, within 5ft it is capable of sending someone into a catatonic state until removed, requires prolonged exposure. 10mins)

“Rotbringer” (a bioweapon that fires globules of a corrosive, sticky pus-like substance, can fire out a prolonged spray for 10 seconds or it can hurl a globule that bursts in a 20ft radius of toxic death

Acid blood (self explanatory)

Appearance: Picture unavailable

Personality/Bio: Unknown in origin, believed to predate industrial humanity. The sacrement is a wandering bio-weapon. It strikes in locations randomly and simply kills in an area.

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Name: Adam Stone, Kuru Reji

Alias: Tempest

Gender: Male

Abilities/Equipment: With Adam’s new armor he gained new abilities from that armor. It incorporated his old design an expanded on it using the angel’s technologies.

  • Infected Cure: Tempest has a natural ability, it’s called “Infected Cure” The power creates an substance, like an infection, which he is immune to, and its cure. The two substances are stored in his body and can be released, from his fingertips. His right hand has the ability to release the cure, which in effect heals the target when touched, though it causes a burning sensation, similar to that of fire. On the other hand (quite literally) his left hand spreads the infection, like his right hand he has to be touching someone in order to spread the infection. The infection itself is lethal if left untreated. It leaves burn marks at the point of entry that resemble fingertips, also it has a burning sensation like fire, and causes high fevers. Anyone infected should immediately treat it, because if they don’t, the average person dies within two weeks after infection. If both hands touched, the effect would cancel each other out, except for the burning sensation. The burning sensation would cause more pain that relative fire.
  • PE-AC-Alpha or the Peak Cannon: The Peak Cannon is a complete redesign of the Plaeg Cannon Tempest used to use. The Peak Cannon fires the highest known purity of primordial energy, the grade 0, as the armor is now powered off of it. The cannon blast itself appears in front of the armor in a ring-like formation, before firing.
  • The AEMA Suit: The Aema Suit has been made from angelic materials and features an energetic-nullification system or ENS. The ENS works on a 20 meter radius and it fires a low impulse wave of Primordial Energy, causing of other universal energies to be weakened if not expelled from the immediate area, thus “nullifying” the designated area. The ENS is a terrifying weapon to those who oppose Tempest and his goals, although it will drain his armor quickly and it will not nullify Primordial Energy.

The Aema Suit also enhances Tempest movements making them incredibly fast. Compared to his old suit he is roughly 10x as fast. It also gives him a greater control of his movements as well as having an improved flight system.

Alignment: Tempest is an ally of the Celerions, or what little remains of them. He was their Ambassador to Earth and one of their scientists at one point.

Bio: Tempest was a vigilante from earth. He became friends with a young Project:Runa and helped him and a few other heroes in a zombie-plague. He left with the Celestials and became a scientist for them. He eventually after 50 years convinced the Celerion Government to become allies to the Earth governments.
He’s now travelling with a small group of warriors to stop their enemies the Xir’algath.


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Name: Siansa

Gender: id, appears female in nature


Siansa has changed a bit from when she was last seen in the arena. She has traveled quite a bit through the universes and her appearance is reflective of that.

Abilities: Siansa is an id, and as an id she has powers based on the concept of her being. She has a general control of sound and can manipulate it and create it. She does have some specific uses or abilities that she uses frequently. Though strangely she also has control over shadows as well as sound.

  • Flash Port: Think portals from Portal. This allows Siansa to create two separate portal sets, a blue set and a red set. The blue set consists of two portals that link together and it is the same for the red portals. These portals are interdimensional as all id are able to cross dimensional and universal boundaries in the multiverse, thus able to cross into other universes.
  • Shadowed Sound Blade: A variable blade that can create a storm of sound-waves, that are extremely harmful for whatever it touches. The sword can also temporally disable the sense of sight, or similar senses, that allows a user to see. The materiel the sword is made of is a dense heavy material that is difficult to break.
  • Realms of Melodies and Darkness: a small pocket dimension that in which is opened allows Siansa to block light and cover the dimension in darkness, though it allows her to see. She can also place sounds and her voice at different areas, making it sound like she is somewhere, where she is not.
  • Eyes of Shadow: A sense that Siansa has, that allows her to sense in complete darkness, but sending micro particles out, in a fashion similar too echolocation, but with much more detail.
  • Blanket of Sonata: creates a large constant area of sweet sounding music. That either would distract or cause minor headaches, causing the enemy to be unable to think as clearly as before the attack. So, generally just disrupts.
  • Shapeless Shadow: Siansa can change her shape at will, and use this to create physical weapons.

Alignment: Self-proclaimed herald of the healer. She’s a playful id that’s never to far from the healer.

Bio: Siansa found the healer when she was travelling through the multiverse. She was once a spectator of the arena, but now she’s chasing after the healer. She’s more less a huge fanatic of the healer’s work and may have a crush for that healer.

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This is the profile of Bruce’s angelic armor suit:

Names: Shadow King, Swordbreaker, Shatter, Corruption, Destruction, The End, Shadowbreaker, Breaker

Latin Name: Qui Secat In Carne

Gender: “male” mystery id

Abilities: Shadowbreaker was an id of destruction, he had the powers to bring end to a life and to watch metal rust in mere seconds. If he were to touch a sapling it was said it would reach it’s end in a mere 3 seconds. He gained the shadow king’s abilities from when he absorbed the shadow king’s very being.

  • Telepathy: Shadowbreaker can speak to his targets via telepathy and with his psychic influence he can “interact” with the environment that his target is in. He can only see what his target sees or senses.
  • Psychic Influence: Shadowbreaker has great psychic influence over his targets, he can make minor illusions so that his targets perceive or sense something that truly isn’t there.
  • Shadow Gates: To Shadowbreaker any shadow is his window and his door. He’s able to teleport through any shadow and manipulate the shadows to his will.
  • Shadow Constructs: Shadowbreaker can make make constructs of ‘pure’ shadow, these constructs do have physical form and mass and can make a dangerous weapon.
  • Shades: Shadowbreaker is able to construct shades, which are zombie-like shadow golems that are controlled by the souls of the dead. The shades are able to access a weaker form of Shadowbreaker’s Shadow Construct ability.
  • Gift of the Shadows: Is a unique ability of Shadowbreaker to give a target weaker versions of his abilities.
  • Shatter: Is one of Shadowbreaker’s original abilities to shatter any substance he touches. It was how he used to travel the universe, by shatter the dimensional walls in-between universes.
  • Decay: Another one of Shadowbreaker’s original abilities to age something in milliseconds, and to speed up the decaying process even faster. It only works by touching the object he intends to decay.
  • Corruption: The last one of Shadowbreaker’s original abilities, it corrupts any material he touches, causing metal to rust and defect, causing stone to crack and shatter. It is perhaps his weakest and yet his strongest ability, dependent of his situation, as it can also corrupt machines causing them to go haywire.
  • Pocket Dimension: Like all id, Shadowbreaker is able to construct a pocket dimension, although for him it was the deepest curse. In this dimension he could only see destruction of the environment around him, so he rarely would use if he would use it at all.

Alignment: Shadowbreaker is zealously aligned to the Xir’algath and plans to use their war to his benefit.

Bio: Shadowbreaker’s past is kept under a lock an key. Very few know the entire ‘truth’, though many id know more than any other universal race. Like all id, Shadowbreaker was born at the very beginning and he felt cursed with his abilities. He soon found that his purpose was to be the end of things, and he took it as that he was the means to the end of corruption. He fell into a war with his brother Null over some dispute about id abilities and the ramifications of them. The war ended with Null disappearing and several planets being wiped out along with several races born on those planets. Shadowbreaker was captured and arrested for the damaged being one of the first to be locked up in Whitegate.

For many years he was left alone in Whitegate, thinking about his purpose in the Multiverse. He soon came to the idea that he represented the end of all things. Shadowbreaker knew what he would do know. He would end this multiverse.

It was a surprise when his next victim contacted him. The Shadow King, wanting to use him, set out to free Shadowbreaker, though Breaker took advantage of Shadow King and absorbed his entire being. He had broken the natural order of the id.

Breaker knew one other thing as well. His brother, Null, was still out there… Null had sent one of his creations to rescue Breaker from Whitegate. It knew the id runes and it called itself a “krito fer”, whatever that meant, this happened

Now Breaker is part of the Xir’algath legion and is working his plan to destroy all.

Appearance: Shadowbreaker is a shadow-like being with glowing red eyes and a glowing red crown above his head. He stands seven feet tall and is rather gaunt for his size.

courtesy of @Bramsley

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Name: Luxatium “Light”

Gender: Male

Species: ID

Powers/Abilities: Control of light. Also, the spread of enlightenment, knowledge, etc. Basically intangible, but can become tangible when neccessary.

Tools/Weapons: A Primal shard. (Normally kept just outside of the dimension. Tied to him by strands of I energy.) Allows him to mix it’s primal energy with his light power.

Alignment: Good

Appearance:Most commonly appears as a transparent person in a white/yellow/stereotypical light colors robe. He doesn’t really have a problem appearing as something else.

Personality/Bio: A very rigid person, and a believer of absolutes. Black or white, no grey area. Despite this, he knows he isn’t always right, and believes everyone can have their opinion. He will often debate to come to a conclusion, but sometimes comes off as overagressive.

He believes that knowledge is the way to real peace and that violence should be a last resort. Don’t be fooled though, he has mastered his control over light and is more than competant in combat if he seems the situation warrants it.

He has kept close ties with the infinities, or at least as close as an Id can be expected to. Is also friends with “truth” and “wisdom” ids.

Through the history of the multiverse, Luxatium has kept himself hidden from the fighting. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried to work for that which he views as good. He has worked from behind the scenes protecting someone here, causing a distraction there. Now, with the fate of the multiverse at stake, he believes it is time for a more active role.

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