Cave Story+: Message Boards Edition - Development Log

Hey guys.
I’m attempting to mod most of Cave Story+ on Steam (this being the textures and main script) to include references to the boards and its members.

A little preview of what’s to come, here’s the main character:

I’ll be posting more previews as time passes. If you wish to help out with sprites, that’s alright with me, but make sure to keep up with the game’s style. I’m also accepting suggestions for the main story, so feel free to send me some ideas if you have some :slight_smile:

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Is that Gali Mata?

No, it’s a new Matoran :slight_smile:


I’m confuzed.

What? I don’t get it…

It’s Cave Story’s Steam version, but edited to feature references to the boards :stuck_out_tongue:
That sprite is the player character.


Here’s a question for you guys: What community members should become the game’s main cast? :smiley:

Hmmmm… Not me, I’ll never get time to do it. I really don’t get much time on my computer and I’m actually on mobile most of the time anyway. I vote Pot8o and Beef

Can I be a quest giver? I don’t want to be prominently featured though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, go for it :smiley:

EDIT: Then again, there’s not many quests in the game…

If I’m in it, I don’t necessarily care how I’m represented, so long as I’m not a Hi-then-Die character.

Here’s an update:

I’ve been working on the preliminary script for the past few days. The dialogue is strikingly similar to the original Cave Story’s, hence the script being a work in progress. This will all change once the mod is finished (duh).

and uh, sprites are not done

More previews soon, or something :stuck_out_tongue:


UPDATE: Here’s the current weapon list. I’ll be updating this as time goes.

Polar Star = Speculation (nod to Bionicle 2015 speculation)
Fireball = Tide Blaster (nod to @Eljay)
Machine Gun = Flick-Fire Machine Gun (nod to Bionicle 2015 sets)
Missile Launcher = Silver Sentinel (nod to @Nyran’s Illumakuta mech)
Bubbline = ???
Blade = Hype Blade Bellum (nod to @SammySpartan)
Super Missile Launcher (upgraded Missile Launcher) = Golden Guardian (nod to @Risebell’s Illumakuta mech)
Snake = Viperifle (nod to @Viper)
Nemesis = Potato Cannon (nod to @pot8o)
Spur (upgraded Polar Star) = Confirmation (nod to Bionicle 2015 confirmation)

If anyone has any weapon ideas, feel free to post them here :smiley:


The snake should be called Viper.

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Pride Of The Forest - overpowered sword.

UPDATE: Here’s a preview of the icons for two of the weapons:

What do you think, @Eljay and @SammySpartan? :smiley:


It’s good, though Bellum is supposed to be made of Steel, which is silver in color.

Ah, alright. I’ll see if I can fix that :slight_smile:

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Machine gun NEEDS To be a Flick Fire Machine Gun.
Bubbline is Mango Fanta, nuff said.

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How would this look like, though? :smiley: