renders by Stoovano and @Rukah respectively, who were kind enough to render her for me after my fourteen-year-old computer still running windows 7 gave up on me
I may create my own renders sometime later but this should work for now
Anyways this build is very neat, the translucent pink is awesome! I really like the use of mata feet and the way the spear was built is pretty cool-looking. Best of luck!
Hmm… great colors, not so sure about the thinness of the torso and her chronic thiccitis, but otherwise it’s a pretty good look with those lightning pieces.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that using those spiky ball joint things for attachment points for the wrists and ankles is genius.
I tried desperartely to slim her down but everything I tried just looked even more awkward, so classic monopoly-style proportions it is. This was partially a rush job and I would’ve refined her more if I had more time, particularly with a visorak foot spine
also just realised I could’ve made her thighs with roborider heads instead, gah