Chiara's Volitak [ver.iylv]

Need a fresh look for Chiara fanon MOC? Here’s my take on her kanohi!
Consider this my submission to the Chiara fanon contest… almost… more on that below. Link to the stl is…



IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of the 5th August 2024, I’ve increased the thickness of the nose bridge so I can be printed. If you intend to 3d print, please redownload the stl if you have a version prior to 5th Aug 2024

Cause it’s a special fanon contest, and I want as many people to use my kanohi as possible, I’ve included the ports as well.

I’ll definitely be submitting this kanohi. Still working on Chiara’s body, cause there’s still time for the contest.

P.S. Here’s my WIP for her body, any feedback would help, since I’ve also just found out about the competition, and I want to get my entry in. Feedback & criticism highly encouraged.

P.P.S. I intend to do Zaria’s Mask of Adaptation soon-ish. Refer to sketches here (I know I’m not the best at 2D sketching) iylv’s unmodelled mask sketches


Just what I’ve been looking for! None of the existing Volitak designs seem to fit my build, this is gonna be perfect

Absolutely lovely design


Race you to the finish line. I hope one of us wins.

Also, made a minor update, so give it another download. It’s more to make the little design easter egg more noticeable. See if you can spot it. Hint: look at the front facing render.

Also, I’m on the fence about the centurion look. Yeah, I’m reinterpreting Lewa’s air katana as a gladius.


That centurion-style mask is to die for.

I also like how you kept the little hose ports on the sides instead of getting rid of them completely, keeps a very big part of the mask around instead of just getting rid of it.


True, but the centurion look just goes way too into the toa hagah look.
Then again, my incomplete MOC is going for the clean CCBS look too.
There’s still some time before the deadline, although realistically, I have to get work done during the weekends.

Uni submissions about the same time as fanon submission… so priorities. As in, I spent 2 days just on this kanohi kinda priorities.


looks like Mata Nui is quietly present in there. This looks good dude, nice job


Ah, you noticed.

I also noticed the nose bridge might be a bit too thin for 3D printing… yeah, it was a rushed job I did in 1.5 days (plus another half a day to make a v2 of SpecterL’s faxon).

BTW, would massively appreciate criticism for my Chiara WIP. Yeah, I know deadline is slightly over a week and it’s my first time participating.


Aight I have a few pointers

Chiara is a Toa of Lightning which obviously brings to mind quick things, so I don’t think the skirt you have now is exactly fitting. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice skirt, but it seems a bit too bulky for a character that’s presumably agile. Try getting rid of those big masks and adding more of those dark blue shells that are currently on top of the masks.

I see in one picture that you’re using Inika leg pieces as the lower arms - that’s good but may I recommend Rahkshi leg pieces instead? You may have to find some extra funky ways to fill in gaps on it but it all adds to the sleekness of the design (and they’re smoother than Inika limbs, blending better with the CCBS).

Apart from that everything looks pretty good, I like the use of CCBS parts, gives her a nice sleek look.


Good point, thanks for the advice. Only just read that, but I agree with you

Here’s a development, not sure if I want to go for the domed backpack or the crazy gundam fairy wings. Special thanks to @Synnova32 for letting me copy the pelvis design.

With & without the crested volitak for control. I haven’t even decided on the colour of the kanohi…

Of course I can add a hexagon crest, I’m the one who 3D modelled the kanohi after all.

Also, spear too simple?

Edit: @Minethuselah I like your suggestion. Looks like she’ll end up like the exo-force sky guardian…


Spear looks good but I think you’d have to finish more of the base design to really determine what it should look like.

I favor the crazy gundam fairy wings, they give a nice flair to the model and it kind of fits with the whole lightning aesthetic. Ties in with the little skirt pieces too. I think the way they’re attached could use some refinement, something that meshes with the rest of the torso would be good. The wings themselves could also have some funky lightning pieces attached to them, like this:

Other side could keep the translucent plates, like this:

Colored properly, it would look something like this:

I did some quick building and came up with something like this for the crazy fairy gundam wings:

I tried to make it work with the construction you currently have, but I don’t have your model so I don’t really know how this would fit in.

As for the mask - crazy idea… but would a marbled mask work? Kind of like Jaller’s 07 mask, merge two colors together to create a two-colored mask. Personally I think dark blue with the slightest bits of white at the top would look the best, but you’re the mask and model maker in this case. Then again, I have no clue how hard it is to actually model something like that.


Googled a picture of the Exo-Force Sky Guardian… that would work surprisingly well. Obviously, don’t copy the set, but those legs when slimmed down would probably make a pretty good look.


NGL, I’m tempted to use the Exo-Force Sky Guardian sword as the spear tip… problem is, I can’t find the part. Could always 3D model it another time…

Also, decided to give myself a little break from MOC-ing to try a new variant of the crest.

Update… somethings not working right.

Upperdate: Got the crest to work… only problem is the kanohi is too organic, so it clashes against the new crest… or does it? What’s your opinion?

Update: I’m stuck at the legs. Looks like I’m ape-ing off Synn’s entry a little too hard there. Lower arms might also be wayyyyy too long

Inika build for reference.

Maybe I should reference my previous Helryx MOC for her shins?

Tempted to give her the exo-force Sky Guardian sword as spear tip, and a zamor, as a reference to exo-force.

I’m thinking this can be the spearhead… Or maybe, it’s both the spear head and the jetpack (it’s got the same design language)… like a transforming thing that doesn’t actually transform.

Question: Which pelvis design? Left is slightly taller, right is slightly shorter. Right has more… sideways volume, let’s say.


You need to show off the teckkrest!


Ask, and you shall receive.

EDIT: Opinion, which colour for the wings/ spear and kanohi. I’m thinking of keeping the spear & wings the same colour, with the implication that her wings is her spear.


I favor both white. seems more balanced to me


Seems like people want a white kanohi. I admit I prefer the blue kanohi… but the dark colours pretty much kills the details of my sculpt.

Yeah, white makes the kanohi details (I painfully made) very readable.

Also, which butt?

Or should I just have the kanohi be a metallic colour? Say, copper?

Also, any advice on how to do the legs? I’m completely stuck there.


I must admit I wasn’t expecting thicc Chiara but it looks much better than leaving the backs of the thighs completely empty


Threw together some quick legs:

Probably wanna aim for slimmer legs that look more or less like the arms. I used some funky methods with the standard foot pieces to make them a bit more interesting.

As for the butt… man I don’t like saying that. Anyways. I like the idea of covering up the backs of the legs, but I don’t really like the thiccness of it. Maybe use some Technic bits on a CCBS limb to make it seem more armored?

Concerning the color of the Kanohi, the white looks good but it seems to unbalance the colors too much. Maybe try making the gundam wings and the mask the same color? I personally like dark blue.


I those leg designs are quite nice, but I don’t like how many nonexistent parts are needed to make them. So far the current model uses only two elements not available physically, namely the white bicep bones.

I think one method could be what I often do, make something look complex without it actually being so

This thigh looks like dense technic but it’s actually just a standard double socket with a few other bits on it


Yeah… the nonexistent parts are a problem for me as well, I turned off the color validator so I can’t tell what’s right and what’s not. I just threw some stuff together in the colors of the model.

I like that construction you’ve got with the dense looking Technic bits, but I just realized both of our ideas probably don’t mesh with the skirt pieces well. Maybe the solution is something like this?

I used a CCBS bone with a shell on it and just slapped some system crap on the back. I think the Poe Dameron Star Wars buildable figure did something like that.


EDIT: Forgot to include the inika build legs into my render. Fixed that now

All good suggestions. I’ll experiment more with the thighs, since that determines if I’m going for thick Chiara, or the other one. I’ll probably continue tomorrow.

This kneecap isn’t supposed to be assymmetrical, I just couldn’t figure out how to get the kneecap. The left kneecap is too large, but the right one doesn’t fit the hexagonal design language. In either case, it’s the bar connector.

Also, the dark blue rahkshi piece exists and is legal, but the white one isn’t, if that’s a concern.

More colour test, because I still can’t decide.