Chiara V2 and Zaria V3 (Version JT, I guess)

I’ve got nothing to say other than that constructive criticism is appreciated :slight_smile:


ooo cool
zaria looks good
still not huge on chiara’s huge shoulders and super large hips


I really like Zaria’s mask.


Chiara looks good, but I’m not a fan of the really large shoulders. Zaria is pretty cool though. :wink:


Maybe I just like being defiant but Chiara’s shoulders were the first thing that made me think “ooh, that’s nice.” I’ve not seen that kind of shoulder build before, and I think it pretty cleverly enhances the range of a Metru torso. Actually, Chiara’s armor style really seems to fork outward from her body; was this an intentional reference to her power set?

Zaria looks sturdy. A good look for Iron, which is the elemental backbone of the modern world. I’ve said it before on another Zaroa MoC, this guy looks like he could sock a Makuta across the jaw and get away with it. Also, I’m really enjoying that staff; a simple, yet visually effective build.



just realised i dont know whos who

orange boi looks really good, especially the mask

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Nope, just a coincidence. Glad to see someone liking the big shoulders, as I consider them to be defining traits and have no plans to shrink them. Might switch the Nuva shoulder armor for spikes though.

Thank you for such a generous score. It really means a lot to me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Chiara is blue, Zaria is orange :slight_smile:


Where can I get those masks? Nice Zaria and Chiara Mocs!

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the more you I know


Chiara is a wearing a non aquatic Kanohi Volitak, and Zaria is wearing a combination of a dark orange (scopeless) mask of Voidstepping and a dark metallic grey mask of Retrocognition.

All three masks are designed by Galva_Nize, and are available in the Galvapack.

here’s a link to Google drive, where you can download the Galvapack, among other parts packs

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very good

I like the dual-moulding on Zaria’s mask.