Chibi Rahkshi / Daddy Teri

Okay, massive credit to @Zero for this request! Originally I was gonna do a chibi drawing, just like I had done with the Barraki. But because all the rahkshi look very similar, I thought of doing something a little different, and I came up with this. Out of all the drawings I have done I think this is in my top 3. I love how this turned out!


Cute. Vury cute.

that is Adorable

Oh and I guess I’m a protector now yay XD

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Aw so adorable.


I picked lehrak for obvious reasons


This is cute.

“Daddy Teri”… :laughing:.


I love this so much, that Rahkshi is just so precious!

Oh look stoax is back :slight_smile: any request buddy?

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Maybe my self MOC?


dis adowable

Why not ?
Send it to me and I’ll draw it

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Cute and adorable. I like it!

D’awww. They’re so cute together. :blush:

Love it, need more. :stuck_out_tongue:

More chibi rahkshi please? :heart_eyes:

Though yeah, its adorable. I think it could work well in a sort of ‘sharkpuppy’ inspired one-panel comic, where each panel is just a Rahkshi who is doing adorable things. Something like beneath;


Oh its so cute… aw i cant handle it

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awww, that’s so cute.

I know that’s weird to ask, but can we try reaching to 50 likes for this drawing? If one of my drawing has to be in front page, I really want it to be this one!