Combiner: Keet Speed

Requested by @nexolo. Keetongu + Jetrax T6.

At first I had a lot of trouble with this, I’m not so good with vehicles. Then all of the sudden it started coming together. Overall I think It turned out pretty good.

The engine? Exaust? I don’t know how motorcycles work.

Without the driver.

One side has a kickstand.

The front wheel actuality turns with the handlebars.

The driver.

“I call shotgun!”

This was really fun to do. If you have a request, check the topic above.

@nexolo, since you requested this; what do you want to name it?

And, of course, let me know what you think.


oh man that bike is really cool

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wow thanks Xing for making it, Id name it “Keet Speed” get it cuz keetongu

This was the thing I never knew I wanted.

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That’s actually pretty darned good.