Here’s the page to request bionicle combiner MOCs built by me.
You can reqest combiners from the following Bionicles and similar things.
- Jungle -(moa)
- Energy -(Irrie)
- Ice -(Zero)
2001 Bionicle
- Pohatu -(Guywithbricks279)
- Gali
2002 Bionicle
- Boxor -(Zero)
- Lehvak -(Guywithbricks279)
- Onua Nuva -(Rockho)
- Pohatu Nuva -(Umarak)
- Gali Nuva
2003 Bionicle
- Nuhvok-Kal -(Rockho)
- Kopeke
- Rahkshi Panrahk -(Umarak)
- Rahkshi Vorahk - (Sammythekat)
- Makuta - (Sammythekat)
2004 Bionicle
- Nokama -(Sammythekat)
- Whenua
- Nuju -(Winterstorm345)
- Ahkmou
- Ehrye
- Vorzakh
- Zadakh
- Rorzakh -(Arsenic)
- Krekka -(Sammythekat)
2005 Bionicle
- Rahaga Iruini -(Omega_Tahu)
- Hordika Vakama -(Arsenic)
- Visorak Boggarak -(Smugleafthesmug)
- Visorak Suukorak -(TheRed1s)
- Keetongu -(nexolo)
- Hagah Iruini -(Hutere)
2006 Bionicle
- Dalu -(Rockho)
- Hahli -(Toa_Distraxx)
- Nuparu -(Toa_Distraxx)
- Hewkii
- Axonn -(Omega_Tahu)
- Brutaka -(Omega_Tahu)
- Hakann
2007 Bionicle
- Hahli-(darkbrick999)
- Matoro
- Takadox -(TheRed1s)
- Kalmah -(Arsenic)
- Ehlek-(darkbrick999)
- Pridak
- Thulox -(Hutere)
2008 Bionicle
- Kopaka -(Winterstorm345)
- Vamprah -(Toa_Distraxx)
- Krika -(Arsenic)
- Jetrax T6 -(nexolo)
- Solek ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -(Omega_Tahu)
- Galva -(darkbrick999)
2009 Bionicle
- Malum -(Radiation-7901)
- Gresh -(BioKnight)
- Vorox -(Rac)
Hero Factory
- Von Nebula -(Radiation-7901)
- Black Phantom -(Gearian)
2015 Bionicle
- Lewa -(BioKnight)
- Kopaka -(Arsenic)
- Lord of Skull Spiders -(Gearian)
- Skull Warrior -(Arsenic)
2016 Bionicle
- Akida - Creature of Water x2 -(TheRed1s)
- Pohatu -(Rac)
- Tahu -(Smugleafthesmug)
- Onua -(Irrie)
- Umarak the Hunter -(MaskmakerOfLight)
- Lava Beast -(moa)
Star Wars CCBS
- First Order Stormtrooper -(Omega_Tahu)
- Jango Fett -(Omega_Tahu)
- General Grievous -(MaskmakerOfLight)
###Rules for You
2 requests per person
2-3 sets per combiner.
Only 2 sets if one is a titan.
###Rules for Me
Only pieces from the sets you request
Extra non-lego pieces can be used.
(i.e. rubber bands, putty, cloth)
I will take requests in sets of five, so start requesting.
If you’ve requested before, you can request one more.
If you’ve never made a request, you can request two combiners. (Just one at a time please).
Have fun!