Combiner: Yashe & Bepo

Requested by @Zero. Boxor + Ice Slizer.


Leg support.

The tail is a slizer arm.

The matoran riding on it’s back.

This was really fun to do. If you have a request, check the topic above.

@Zero, since you requested this; what do you want to name them?

And, of course, let me know what you think.


this really reminds me of the old combiners- Nice work

The matoran is named bepo and his steed (aka fish friend reborn.) is called yashe.

Waitaminute [quote=“Zero, post:3, topic:26939”]

Joshy is that you?

Gotta love those saw hands on the matoran.

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It’s so weird…
I love it.

That Matoran is nightmare fuel. His neck is snapped backwards and his arms are saws.


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Karzhani would be proud.

Darn it. Revived another yearold topic.