Combiner: Lil B the BasedMOC

Requested by @Irrie. Onua Uniter + Energy Slizer.

Form 1

It has a propeller to fly.


>Transformation Complete.

The back can store another disk.

This was really fun to do. If you have a request, check the topic above.

@Irrie, since you requested this; what do you want to name it?

And, of course, let me know what you think.


Dang, that’s really nice! I really like how you were able to include the throwing disc feature.

I think an appropriate for it is Lil B the BasedMOC

LilB is too pure for this world.

All praise the base god…but daern - this is sweet moc.

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This is so weird, but I like it.

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Propellers are neat. Also nice that it transforms.

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