Since I saw a lot of these community MOC projects popping up, I decided to take my own go at one. So, the way this works is: you take 2, 3, 4, 5, max of 6 sets to make a MOC, and provide back story for it and a name. But unlike Lego’s combiners, you can combine sets from multiple years. For example, you create your own combiner model with, say, sets from 2007, 2002, and 2016. Happy building!
Is this the kind of thing you’re looking for?
I remember when topics like these were contests.
Yes. Fan made Combo models, and they can be from different years.
I’ll post when i get my PoS and PoJ in the mail.
wow dose anyone remember how many g1 combo models there where.
i might make one soon so make a spot for me
Challenge accepted.
I’ll do’t
And for that purpose I’ll anoint my sword;
Here is a combiner of Toa Metru Nokama, Bordakh, and Takadox. Leg design belongs to Zip on Brickshelf otherwise the rest is designed by me.
Here’s my entry /s
No, this is some crap I made two years ago with nokoma, nuju, and two visorak. I used to do combiner models all the time, but now I find them too limiting.
Check out the mata combiner models. If lego couldn’t do better than that, what makes you think I can?
I made this a while back, it didn’t really get popular. It’s a combiner of 2016/2015 Lewa.
Alright, due to some new rules laid down by Eljay here:
I’ll have to shut this down for now.