Controversies and possibly conspiracy theories

I totally read that as “throne of flies.” I’m so professional… /s


That is exactly what an undercover Lego agent would say!
It is also exactly what a regular old dude would say…


all the pieces, they’re coming together before my eyes! Meso isn’t just a Lego agent, He is Lego.

sorry not sorry


How much do you want for them
I can pay in US dollars or widgets


This is almost as fishy as a fisherman’s boat who had great luck. This is not even funny, Meso :stuck_out_tongue:

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New Theory

Eljay had Waj close the topic to hide his mistake from the world!


what i find funny is that eljay or kahi still haven’t responded to this message. I’d love some acknowledgement for this amazing discovery on my part. i got this book from this thing in elementary/primary school called a toy fair where people would bring in their toys they don’t want anymore and they would donate the toys to the school to sell them for money for a fundraiser or something. So when the students got to go to the toy fair to buy stuff they liked my friend saw this book and he was like “Hey, you like bionicle, here’s a bionicle book” and i bought it. and to keep this post on topic heres my theory: Kahi went back in time and told my friend to get me to buy that book so that i could prove eljay wrong in the future.


Hey guys, so my brothers were watching Odd Squad the other day and there was this character named Miss O. Say it out loud. Who does that sound like? Miss O, Misso, Miso, Meso. @Mesonak is a PBS kids tv star.


That’s What I did!
How many GBs?

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TTV did indeeed work for Lego, but when Bionicle was cancelled, they were fired, explaining the lack of Lego content in the podcasts.
I still dont like that


Chronicler is @Calebmar12’s dupe account.

It gained sentience, travelled back in time and infiltrated the Message Boards as a mod.

The pieces are all there, you just have too put them together.

I can’t tell you everything right now, they are after me, I have to go…


@EvilLobsterKing recently went missing for unknown reasons. Only one picture of his kidnapper has been found


This seems pretty far fetched IMO.

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That is exactly what makes it a good conspiracy theory…


This isn’t an amazing discovery on your part. I own the book. My 11-year-old cousin who misses Hero Factory has the book. They probably own the book. You ain’t special for finding the book.

There’s also the Bionicle Encyclopedias, which likely have the same pronunciation you have (I haven’t checked in a while), Bionicle: the Game and the Bionicle Introspective, which use Loo-wah, and finally Bionicle: Mask of Light, the 2015 animations, and Bionicle: Journey to One, which all use Lee-wah. Since most people see the widely-broadcast visual media (approved by LEGO!) first, they go off of it.

(Note: The only sources that use Lay-wah are written by Farshtey. He didn’t create Bionicle, as much as people pretend,)

We could have discussions for years about name pronunciations, and we already have, and your “discovery” doesn’t change anything.



There was some irony/sarcasm in my post lol, but I still feel that the pronunciation written by Farshtey is the most accurate and the one we should listen to.




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As I said, Farshtey didn’t create these characters or names. The first thing he did in Bionicle was write a script for the first comic and it stuck. Don’t get me wrong, I like Fashtey and his books, but I don’t think everything that comes out of his mouth should be treated like holy scripture. We could just as easily go for Merlin P. Mann’s pronunciation; they have about equal say in Bionicle’s initial development (read: zero).

There was a fair amount of hostility in my initial post because I take issue with braggarts that consider that their discovery of common knowledge deserves special attention. It wasn’t meant as a personal attack, it’s just that I take issue with that way of thinking.

If you want to stick with Greg’s LAYwah, go right ahead. I’m not going to stop you; nobody will. I’m just saying that there are equally valid reasons why people are conditioned to use different pronunciations.

(If people really want to argue name pronunciations, they should go to the Avatar fan community. While I myself am not a member, I know they have just as many names with ambiguous pronunciations and there are battles between them.)


I’m on


I’m with the Bionicle narrator.


There aren’t many with that preference. Interesting.

@AceGreenLegend Well here’s the deal. For one thing, G2 was a mess with that stuff, so do with it what you will. Secondly, I was younger when i posted that, and most definitely more braggingly (is that a word?). I apologize on behalf of my younger self for ticking you off, but my opinion still stands. LAYwah for the win, but you can still say LEEwah if you want.

Doesn’t mean I agree with you though :stuck_out_tongue: