Cordak Tactician: Nikila (Legendary Edition)

Presenting the Toa Cordak’s Tactician herself: Nikila!

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So for this build I used @SomeBionicleFan23’s original build from his Metru March builds he did a while back. Which he was kind enough to give me the instructions for that build.

From there I took the build and started comparing to her artwork appearance trying to make as close to the original art as possible, using a little customizations as possible. I did use some custom parts to get a more accurate look, such as painting the feet, as well as ordering a custom resin pink eyestalk! The mask was fun to paint, I enjoyed painting all the little details, and it really makes her pop!
And aside from those 6 parts, the rest of the MOC is completely purest.

I also added some weapon storage on her back for the trident, so there’s some similarities between her and Lessovik. Which although she is a metru build, she scales more to an Inika size.

Overall I’m very happy with this build, and again a big thanks to BioFan for the original build. I don’t think I would have ever built this character otherwise.

And here’s the Mask if you want to build her yourself

Thanks for taking a look at my MOC.


Gosh the colors are delicious



Love the build, nice custom brain piece


man this looks awesome!
great job.

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This is awesome! I might have to use some similar techniques when building my nikila!


Pretty nice!

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Idk why it struck me so much, but those feet really match that mask. Nice moc overall, too.

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Looks awesome!