Custom Masks

Your work is still fantastic, dude. Remember when Modalt was briefly involved with Is there any chance that you’d be interested in partnering up with the Bionicle Legacy Project, hosted here on the TTV forums?

Yeah, that was less of a partnership, more of “I need to host my website”. Not sure what happened to that site, it just went down one day and never went back up.

Can’t hurt. Not sure what I would do though, I’m not particularly good at sculpting whole masks out of nothing.

Yeah, back when I was new to the fanbase, I was helping them out a bit; they didn’t really have their act together. Pretty much none of their plans were realistic.

It wouldn’t be necessary to build masks from scratch, at least not for our 2017 waves. We’re starting small this time around, don’t worry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you planning on doing any modded G2 masks? Anything with the Summer 2016 masks, perhaps?

Well defined detailing and great finished look on them all! Copper protector mask is probably my favorite.

The only thing stopping me right now is scarcity/price. Since G2 came out only a short time ago (and only ran for two years) there isn’t really anyone selling masks in bulk. I’m lucky I even got my last batch of G2 masks at all!

:open_mouth: why arent MOC contests allowing this this adds for some variety to your MOC! like you have a Completley grey MOC and you cant paint parts so you have a complete sore thumb Mask of creation on there! and you lose horribly cause you couldnt paint it grey! i mean seriously!

Are you still working with non-mask parts? I recall a very unique painted Gali 2015 that may have been yours.

I’m pretty sure the whole issue is that one of the main points of MOCing is that your toolkit is limited. You have to come up with a creative solution to your problem that’s still aesthetically pleasing. Like with the example you provided, if you didn’t want the mask to stick out like a sore thumb you would either have to abandon having a monochrome gray color scheme or not use the Mask of Creation at all. The other issue (at least in terms of contests) is that if you allow painting you might end up with stuff like this.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m the last person to go around saying people’s MOCs are bad because they’re painted (I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I did), and this still looks good, but it’s ignoring the shapes of the pieces themselves in favor of creating a block of color using paint. A MOCing contest shouldn’t be influenced by how good you are at painting.
In my opinion, a MOC should show off painted pieces, not be supported by them. If the MOC falls apart when the painted piece is removed, then you’re not showing off your skill in MOCing, you’re showing off your skill in painting.

Yup, that’s one of mine! I had a Tahu and Lewa I painted as well.



Aha I thought I had seen your works before. I follow you on deviantart. I actaully used your photos of the Kanohi Miru to make Eljay’s mask. The paint allowed me to line the polygons up easier. I have saved many of your works for reference pieces in case I need to model other masks.


@MrCod I read that you aren’t taking commissions right now, but I recently edited a g2 hau to attempt to make it look like a kanohi Kiril, and I was wondering if in the future this type of edit would even be possible:


You can ask him what the motives were on painting that Lewa; to be honest, I feel lile a more brightly colored Lewa challenges the character’s snarky personality well.

As long as it’s just cutting pieces of the mask out I should be able to do it just fine.

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@MrCod I have a bit of a question regarding the paint you use. Do they match up with official LEGO colors? and how durable is the paint?

Most flat colors I can get pretty close, but since color matching only seems super important for straight-up recolors I end up not doing it in most cases. Metallic colors are pretty much impossible, since not only do you have to match the hue/saturation/brightness, you also have to match the albedo, and I don’t have many colors to mix in to change that without changing the other three significantly.

For most masks the paint is pretty durable, any mask made in between 2001-2002 and all G2 masks take the paint pretty well and won’t chip or wear unless a dog chews on them (though recently I’ve found an exception for my lightest shade of pink, the other extremely light colors might share this issue, but this does not include white, which is fine). There is a slightly softer plastic that the metru masks are made of that still holds paint pretty well, but is ever so slightly more likely to come off. As for straight up rubber like the inika masks, those I don’t paint. I’ve seen it done, but it’s a lot of effort to go through. The only other caveat is masks with big flaps and such like the kualsi, anything that bends easily is liable to chip almost immediately.

Do people send masks to you? or are they included in the overall price?

If I’m not mistaken he does have masks but you can send him yours for a discount, or if its a rare mask you might have to send it to him.

Yep, that’s pretty much how it works. I have a lot of masks, but if you’re unsure if I would have it in stock you can always ask.


What are the prices?

My god Modalt this is the coolest thing you’ve done.
(now I need a full Ekimu like this… Oh wait I’m dead broke)