Dark Hunter Mafia


Edit: I have little idea as to what specific mechanics are involved. If you could PM me, Paradox, and give me a quick summary, that would be nice.

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Can’t access the map because I’m using a tablet.

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When does the day end?

It has. People have 24 hours to PM. I recommend moving if you look for masks, as you have a chance to see each mask you pass. Move on the Night 3 map, do whatever, yeah.

Wait, the day’s already ended?

I moved, changed my avatar, and other stuff!

Also, I will look for masks.

I had a feeling that this would be too convoluted for its own good…


DarkTakanuva was looking for masks in his hut. He was going to travel to the south end of the island later, but he thought it best to search his hut first. He was looking in his bin of spare Shadow Leeches when he heard the music. He knew it. It was the sound of the Outback ShadowShrimp Truck. He remembered chasing after the truck to get the delicious ShadowShrimp in his childhood. It brought back memories of a time before all his friends had been brutally murdered. He stepped out of his hut, listening. The music was coming from the alley between Oonie and Fangface’s huts. He began to walk towards it, but when he passed by Charyas’ house, he stopped. Through the ajar door, he saw something glinting. Walking over and grabbing it, he discovered it was a Mask, buried in a pile of plastic Barraki figures. Putting the mask on, he continued toward the sound. He saw a ShadowShrimp truck parked between Oonie and Fangface’s houses. An employee was inside the window.
“May I take your order?” he asked.
“I’d like a box of ShadowShrimp,” DarkTakanuva replied.
The employee grabbed a Cordak Blaster from below the window. DarkTakanuva yelled and leaped to the side, knowing it would do no good.
“Here is your order”, the employee said, shooting all six explosive rounds.
All six rounds flew to the side of DarkTakanuva, exploding the wall of Charyas’ house.
The employee seemed astonished. “Where did you go?” he asked.
Then the sound of footsteps were heard as the Dark Hunters ran to the source of the explosion. Cursing, the employee ran, reverting to a Toa of Stone as he sprinted away.
Moments later, the Dark Hunters arrived. “Where’s DT?” someone asked.
“Right here,” DarkTakanuva replied.
The surrounding Dark Hunters jumped.
“What?” DarkTakanuva asked
"Where are you?
DarkTakanuva looked down. He couldn’t see himself. As he gasped, he reverted to a visible state. One of the more scholarly Dark Hunters gasped. “DarkTakanuva! You’ve found the Mask of Stealth!”
@DarkTakanuva, saved by Kanohi Volitak
The ShadowShrimp truck turned out to be a slab of stone, carved perfectly and colored by mineral impurities with a Toa of Stone’s power. It was reasoned only one of the people who arrived from the direction of TFM’s house, @Baldric, @Oonie, @Ranaki_Pakewa, @fangface1, or @Greencapps, could have done it, as that was the way the Toa had run.
You have 24 hours to vote or ask questions.
You will be PMed if you saw or found anything

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0o0 Huh. Honestly I’m betting on @Greencapps if only for how silent he’s been.

Wgut hapenned heer?

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