Darkseid v2

Can anyone here help me with figuring out the what is needed for stipahlu

I’m not exactly sure what you mean.

A parts list, instructions if possible

Couldn’t find either of those, but you can take a closer look at specific parts of the moc (and possibly reverse engineer them) in this video

Hi, I currently am working on this myself. I just recently deleted my parts list for Stipahlu and Frennak on bricklink, but I could provide the parts I think are needed as well as Building instructions after all parts arrive. Currently waiting on one order from Lithuania and three more from my home country/the neighbouring country which is 400 meters from my door :smiley:

This could be a good Marendar.

Sure that’d be helpful. That’d be appreciated.

Well, this is version 2. My latest version of this MOC is this one. Primordial Zydus

A significant and vast improvement from this one, where everything is about 100% my own building techniques.

How’s it going for the parts list/possible instructions going?

My shipments from Germany and Switzerland have arrived, I am currently waiting on the last ■■■■■■■■ of parts from Lithuania with an estimated delivery time between 3 and 7 weeks. (also, I made slight modifications to the hammer regarding the half bushings and the way the hammer part is connected)

Ok. Notify me once it’s all in hand and I can see what stipahlu requires to be built


edit: after building, i realized that one 3 long black pin, two of the hand pieces and two of the 3 long mixed axle/pin in gray are left over. so those can be omitted


Are some instructions possible?

dude, i already built mine. just use the video for reference during the under the hood part

I don’t know how this became a how-to-built Stimphalu video… But it has nothing to do with the MOC, I made. So, maybe take it to the private messages?

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probably because this version of your moc is a straight-up copy of stipahlu except for the back plating/head

Sure it is.

ex … actly.