Here’s hoping that this character is good for this.
And yes Answer is a huge Question fanatic. He does not personally know the hero, nor have they met in the past. The Question was only
the biggest inspiration for him becoming a hero and his identity as a hero, even if “Reckless Vigilante” might fit the bill better.
Name: John Locke
Alias: Answer
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Alignment: Self-proclaimed Hero
Power: The Answer: This ability forces Locke into a vision whenever he asks a question. In that vision he sees the answer to his question, albeit the answer isn’t clear. The visions often appear as a flash of images, each image a clue of the answer to his question. From this images he can usually piece together the answer to his question. Sometimes the visions are very clear and sometimes they are very abstract. One thing is consistent, every time his power activates his eyes glow white.
Alright so… this is a rather interesting power, basically how this will work OOC. Each vision would require input from myself and the party who was asked. Essentially to make this work I would need to come to an agreement with the party asked on the contents of the vision. Once that agreement is made then I can write the vision based the requirements of the agreement. This may seem to be more work than it’s worth but I’m writing this now so that you know that when this power is used, if you are that party involved you get a direct say in what goes in that vision. These visions don’t need to be clear answers, they can be clues to the answer, so there is a lot of flexibility here.
Equipment: Answer carries on his person two pistols and five extra magazines of ammunition on the back of his belt. He drives around in a plain grey sedan with the custom license plate “ɹǝʍsuɐ”. He is often see taking notes in a small spiral bound memo book, here he writes any clues he comes across in his hero work.
Abilities: Answer is trained in hand to hand combat as well as proficient use of his firearms.
Appearance: Answer is dressed in a black overcoat, with a white dress shirt and black ties. He wears black shoes and black dress pants, along with a plain black belt. Underneath the overcoat, answer has a shoulder holster with his two pistols. He wears thin white gloves made of a durable material that keep him from spreading his fingerprints. His face is covered in a white mask that hides his facial details.
John Locke himself has grey eyes and black hair. He is roughly six feet tall and has a decently built body. He has bags under his eyes from the sleepless nights he spends on his cases.
Bio: Detective Locke, John Locke, discharged for misconduct during a police interrogation. The ex-detective saw no real reason to continue, his fears were becoming true. Every night was filled with terrors, he would always wake in a cold sweat. He kept one thing to keep himself going. He always admired the hero, Question, for his brilliant detective work and cutthroat tactics.
The cynical self-proclaimed detective went on and studied Question’s tactics finding them to be quite suitable for his own goals. His night terrors only grew worse and worse, until one night.
There was nothing, only darkness, no matter where he looked there was only void. In a bright flash millions of images swarmed the extent of his vision, flooding his pupils with so much information. What each of those images meant? He had no answer, but he saw something beyond the images, a figure. Locke was unsure of what the being was, even less sure of who it was, but the longer he stared at it the greater his eyes burned. He tried closing his eyes but his eyelids did not work. He tried covering his eyes with his hands, but they did not move. The pain became greater until he could no longer bear it, at that moment there was a blinding flash and along with it a cold sensation.
His vision came to him and as he looked down he noticed that a light was being emitted from his face. The ex-detective took to his mirror and immediately noticed what had changed. His eyes where glowing white in the darkness. He spoke aloud, “What… happened to me?”
As if to answer his question the detective found himself in the void, but this time he saw himself. He watched as his eyes were filled with countless images, and saw that being… who ever it was. He came to, lying on his floor. What was that? It was the only question that flooded his mind, but after gazing in the mirror a second time he noticed his eyes were back to their grey selves.
Locke spent two weeks in his apartment, testing the event. Every time he asked a question he would find himself in the void, the darkness, and the images would flash in front of him. At some point he remembered the images and realized one thing. The images were clues to an end, to the answers of his questions. This was his theory.
Locke spent the next two days testing his theory, he would speak aloud a question, starting off with very simple ones. For example; where is the sink? The vision would occur and show him images of his apartment door then the direction of the kitchen from the door. These visions did indeed provide him with answers. They were a means to an end. His experiments continued until the ex-detective felt that he could reliably count on his newfound power.
He could finally use it to bring justice to his forsaken city. Locke knew it would be dangerous if the villains could know his identity or even if the authorities knew it, there was only one path. Locke took inspiration from his hero, Question. He found a black overcoat in a local store and bought it. Luckily, Locke kept his two firearms and his shoulder holster. Locke took a white dress shirt and put it on, along with black dress pants and a plain black belt. He put on a white mask that covered his entire face. He knotted a black tie and tightened it. On the back of his belt he attached several extra loaded magazines. His ensemble was complete once he put on thin white gloves that would keep him from spreading his fingerprints. His costume was ready.
He would become a hero to save the city, but he needed a name… his power brought hims answers… Answer, that is his alias. Locke bought a grey sedan and removed the plates, replacing them with his own custom plates that read “ɹǝʍsuɐ” Shortly after that Answer took to the streets.