For all you MOCers out there,how would you define your MOCing style? Are your MOCs smooth,greebly or simpy technic-heavy?
Me for example:
I try to make most of my MOCs with a smooth looking armor,but with added greebles and technic bits inside.
For all you MOCers out there,how would you define your MOCing style? Are your MOCs smooth,greebly or simpy technic-heavy?
Me for example:
I try to make most of my MOCs with a smooth looking armor,but with added greebles and technic bits inside.
Looking at a majority of my MOCs, I find that they use a fair bit of technic with some greebles here and there
In all seriousness I’d say that my MOCs are a bit on the TECHNIC heavy side with a couple greebles here and there.
A 3 length axle through a gear.
That is all of my MOCs.
i wanna see this
I love it 10/10
I come up with an unorthodox idea, try to build it, it falls apart, I rebuild it, and say “That does’t look as good as I thought it would.” I shrug and put it up on my shelf anyway. I walk away and it falls over.
IN CONCEPT: Create a MOC that’s not generic, and that has a sense of character to it
IN PRACTICE: Take the color scheme and the few main ideas for the selfMOC, and build a body with those elements in place. Critique and repeat.
Simple, yet aesthetically pleasing. I actually pretty suck at custom builds due to a relatively low parts budget, but if I manage to make them look like the opposite of trash, without being too costly, they’re a success in my book.
Well I can’t make Toa worth crap but I really like making Rahi which are usually pretty smooth. My Toa Mocs are definitely technic heavy
I usually don’t have a lot of pieces, so I usually have to go with a rather crudely made gen1 and CCBS combo. Usually I try to implement megaman style legs in my mocs but some characters get more fitting legs.
For a very bad example here’s my now broken down WIP Keliku.
Well, mainly CCBS and technic, a bit of system scattered throughout.
I can built in two different ways.
Terrible or Inika build.
I moc either something that could be a set it a custom guy made of my spare parts. Like my g1 Mocs are a lot of custom with some ignika builds and my g2 stuff is a lot of guys based of what this year gave us.
I actually dunno. I really LIKE building technic based Bionicle torsos, with a mix of CCBS and little bits of system, but I am VERY limited with technic parts and sometimes I just like building Simple Inika builds. So I guess I don’t really have a building style.
I minimize my character as “set-size” I would like to make them massive, but that will drain alot of parts. Even in LDD, I still limit some of my moc size for some reason-
Way too dependent on this piece for custom torsos
/s sort of
Bionicle and ccbs
I never use moc tutorials and prefer to do all designing myself.
I often avoid using designs the community dislikes. except for rahkshi heads as breastplates on female Mocs as I really like how it looks
I have no idea how you attach nuva beebz. the advantage of never having any nuva shoulders until takanuva stars came out
Almost confident in my ability to mix constraction and system
Even though I’d rather use ccbs and bionicle I’m more talented at using system according to friends and family. (I built a postosuchus today)
Better at building articulated figures than buildings and vehicles
If my budget was that of jang bricks ( so pretty much no budget) I’d build things as big as myself.
now an idea pops into my head and I try to make something out of it.
My go to style for toa sized mocs is a larger, and more articulated form of the inika build, however I’ll make what the moc needs to work. My first goal is making a stable and posable design, then polishing it up to look great. I also am firmly in the camp of mixing ccbs and old bionicle together to make a better moc.