Did You Guys Ever Read The Bionicle Books?

I read Time Trap a few days ago on BMP, it was awesome. :smiley:

(Time Trap and the Legacy of Evil are the two most hard to find books in my public library system)

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Haven’t red them but I have listened to some of them with the audio narration project when I went skiing last year and I enjoyed them.

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You’re gosh darn right I read the books!

This book is freaking impossible to find in print; it is the only novel that is missing from my collection. I look every time I go to a thrift store, since that is where the rest of my collection has come from. I have seen every other book multiple times (I could have 5 or 6 Chronicles series if I wanted), but I have never seen Time Trap. In fact, I have only ever seen a single picture of a hard copy in someone’s collection in my entire time on the internet.


Yes. Absolutely

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Yes, and I really enjoyed the Adventures series! Adventures #3: The Darkness Below is one of my favorites to read, and I feel like it is a little known story to most. I won’t spoil it for anyone who wants to read it, but it is essentially a body-snatcher horror story in the Metru Nui archives. Definitely give it a read if you’re curious.

That book is definitely within my top 2! I especially like the scene in which Krahka takes on Nokama’s form and assaults Vakama

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Did you try amazon.com?

I’ve been slowly collecting them all, is Makuta’s guide to the universe any good (as in does it have info that’s just there)

I think I’ve read 9 of the novels, 1 of the graphic novels, and 1 encyclopedia.

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It is fabulous, the fact that it contains the last chapters to a lot of the 08 of the serials is great to refresh your Memory.

And it’s loaded with tons of info including a map of the mu

The book is the original source for plenty of information that is not included in any other books.

(Of course, all of this info has been compiled on BS01 if that’s all you’re interested in though)

I think I’ve read all the guidebooks as well sans the updated encyclopedia.

It is a visual guide (though not an exhaustive one) of Bionicle’s first eight years. It includes (if I’m recalling correctly) bios about each year’s canister sets, as well as a good deal of the other sets, every island that has “Nui” in its name, and at least some of the vehicles, in addition to having supplementary passages from the novels and serials, as well as journal entries from Teridax to the reader that did not show up in any of the other books. BS01 describes it better here:

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I read the first two back in the day. But mainly just had the comics available to me for the rest of the story. And it’s really only recently I’ve discovered I missed out on a lot of the story. Sure didn’t help my LEGO magazine with a bionicle comic inside got lost in the mail every now and again. Wouldn’t know it until getting the next issue and not having a clue what’s going on.

Read them all, have them all, and still read them to this day.

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I have read ‘City of the lost’ and ‘Time Trap’. The first one we just had (don’t know from where) the second one I had to order from the USA because I think here in the Netherlands there just wasn’t a (huge) supply for Bionicle books.

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I read all of the books from 2001-2007 on Wall of History, though I haven’t gotten around to reading the other books yet. I’ll have to get around to that one of these days…

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Nope, I grew up reading the comics, but I did get the books as gifts in the first few years.

I did read Dark Hunters and Rahi Beast front to back and a few other guides.

Maniac4Bricks (Joey)