Most Makuta made their mark on the world through their conquest, their bloodshed, and/or their aspirations of godhood. Dimorgo was not most Makuta. Rather than destroy, he was always driven to create.
Makuta Dimorgo
Gender: Male
Species: Makuta
Kanohi: Ekara, Great Mask of Vulture
Pieces: 118
Although initally loyal to Teridax’s cause, Dimorgo eventually had a change of heart and began to use his talents to construct a series of increasingly twisted tributes to Mata Nui and the other Great Beings. In Dimorgo’s mind, pain and fear are what connects all living beings together, what make us truly alive, so his work has a special emphasis on these emotions, believing we ought to feel these when gazing upon the Great Spirit, for we will all look upon him with pain and fear on the last day.
Ultimately, even Teridax grew to be disturbed by Dimorgo’s portfolio, so using (not entirely unjustified) suspicions of treason, he assembled a team to put an end to Dimorgo’s career. The team apparently succeeded. Only his Kanohi Ekara remained after the fact, and it was locked away in Teridax’s private vault on Destral, never to be worn again. In truth, a small drop of Dimorgo’s antidermis clung to the mask; an amount not enough to spring him back to life, but just enough to enable him to survive in a dormant state. And so Dimorgo lied in hibernation, waiting for someone to claim his mask, free him from this prison, and continue his work once again.
Laus Mata Nui nunc et in perpetuum.
- Dimorgo’s character is based on that of Darth Momin, a Sith Lord from the Star Wars comics and one of my favorites from the post-Legends era.
- Though Dimorgo revered Mata Nui as did most beings in the Matoran Universe, his beliefs, which border on dystheism, are wildly different from theirs.
- Dimorgo was ostensibly killed before Mata Nui went to sleep, so it’s unknown how he would’ve reacted to that development.