Since I’ve made a Catalogue of Kanohi Masks documenting most of the extra mask powers I’ve used in my MOCs so far, I figured it would only make sense to do the same with the Makuta in my headcanon as well. As of the date of posting (Feb 1 2023), I have nowhere near a complete collection of 100 Makuta nor do I know when I could have all 100 finished (as of right now, I’m not open to suggestions or collaborations).
Characters marked with a * are canon characters (applicable characters will have MOVs linked). Characters marked with a ^ have yet to be posted here–canon contest posts do not count–but have their characters conceptualized (will update once posted).
Males (85 in total)
Females (15 in total)
- Gorast*
- “Consul R” (real name unknown)
- Wardám
- “Asha”/Provera
- Polnoc
- Halumu
As I’ve explained in the past, if one knew what they were doing, the creation of a Neo-Makuta separate from the original 100 is absolutely possible. To date, W is the only known Neo-Makuta, but only time will tell if there will be more.
Update (6/20/23)
I have decided that once I get to 40 total Makuta (before Neo-Makuta such as W), I’m gonna start creating MOVs of other people’s characters for this catalogue. Obviously, appropriate credits will be given.