Catalogue of Kanohi Masks (v. Cha)

There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of Kanohi in existence, but not all of them have Matoran names, just descriptions of their powers, which I think is really lame. What I’ve done here is catalogue those masks that have appeared in my MOCs so far that are either canon but simply don’t have a Matoran name (or appearances) or are original mask powers that I or others have created.

This is not necessarily an exhaustive list and will be updated as time goes on.

Aithris, Mask of Conjuring
Aithris, Mask of Conjuring

  • Enables the wearer to program another power into the mask for a limited time via voice commands. Can cause a range of side effects if a command is spoken incorrectly.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Kitea (reforged)

Ako, Mask of Psychometry
Ako, Mask of Psychometry

  • Enables the wearer to learn the history of any item they come into physical contact with.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Helryx

Amzen, Mask of Reconstitution
Amzen, Mask of Reconstitution

  • Enables the wearer to mutate a target but doesn’t control the mutation caused nor can undo said mutation.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Orde

Asoda, Mask of Aging
Asoda, Mask of Aging

  • Enables the wearer to artificially accelerate a target’s life processes and perception of time.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Kazdan

Datmak, Mask of Charisma
Datmak, Mask of Charisma

  • Enables the wearer to subtly alter the mind of the target to get them to agree to the wearer’s cause.
  • Notable wearers: Trinuma, Makuta Carnifex (shapeshifted)

Dest, Mask of Weather Control
Dest, Mask of Weather Control

  • Enables the wearer to manipulate the weather in their immediate vicinity. The greater the change, the greater the concentration required.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Nawados

Dolicho, Mask of Insect Control
Dolicho, Mask of Insect Control

  • Enables the wearer to summon large hives of bugs and insects to serve their will.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Archenora

Ekara, Mask of Vulture
Ekara, Mask of Vulture

  • Enables the wearer to drain residual energy out of recently deceased beings.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Tridax, Vultraz (powerless)

Foren, Mask of Fusion
Foren, Mask of Fusion

  • Enables the wearer to forcibly merge themselves with one or more other beings to create a fusion and keep other fusions intact.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Kalex (shapeshifted)

Greadai, Mask of Incomprehension
Greadai, Mask of Incomprehension

  • Enables the wearer to scramble most forms of language communication, including spoken, written, and signals.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Kojol (shapeshifted)

Hamara, Mask of Possibilities
Hamara, Mask of Possibilities

  • Enables the wearer to alter the likelihood of certain events occurring.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Gauss, Toa Nikila

Kaeri, Mask of Attraction
Kaeri, Mask of Attraction

  • Gradually alters a target’s mind to make the wearer more agreeable and trustworthy. Can even cause a target to betray their moral code out of dedication to the wearer.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Halumu

Kakatu, Mask of Projection
Kakatu, Mask of Projection

  • Enables the wearer to summon a construct of hardened light, its size and durability dependent on the wearer’s concentration.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Goldren

Kalodho, Mask of Shadow Walking
Kalodho, Mask of Shadow Walking

  • Enables the wearer to turn any shadow other than their own into a portal to travel through. Unlike the Olmak, this mask is not capable of interdimensional travel.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Consul R

Kaora, Mask of Healing
Kaora, Mask of Healing

  • Enables the wearer to heal any injury or illness of a target provided they have a general idea of the injury in question.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Jerere (reforged)

Kerus, Mask of Poison
Kerus, Mask of Poison

  • Enables the wearer to infect anything they touch with a dangerous venom. The greater the concentration, the more potent the venom.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Acheri the Lost (powerless)

Likua, Mask of Puppetry
Likua, Mask of Puppetry

  • Enables the wearer to completely control the body, but not the voice, of a target. Targets with great enough willpower can potentially break free if the wearer lapses in concentration.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Neo-Makuta W

Midnex, Mask of Psychokinesis
Midnex, Mask of Psychokinesis

  • Enables the wearer to control and move objects with their mind.
  • This mask’s power is generally stronger than that provided by the Kanohi Matatu, but also requires greater mental capacity in order to use. The Noble Midnex is stronger than a Noble Matatu but still weaker than the Great Matatu.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Taszeid

Mura, Mask of Fear
Mura, Mask of Fear

  • Injects seeds of fear into the wearer’s targets, making them more prone to make increasingly irrational decisions.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
    Notable wearers: Makuta Polnoc

Mutuku, Mask of Emulation
Mutuku, Mask of Emulation

  • Enables the wearer to replicate any sentient being’s power for a limited time provided enough time was given to analyze the power.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Chinelle, Toa Pouks (reforged)

Navara, Mask of Rahi Control
Navara, Mask of Rahi Control

  • Enables the wearer to influence and control the minds of Rahi.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Beroh (modified), Toa Kualus (reforged)

Nydak, Mask of Trust
Nydak, Mask of Trust

  • Enables the wearer to pick an ally to link with for a brief period of time. The greater their synergy, the greater their physical and elemental powers become.
    Notable wearers: Toa Aluva

Olavu, Mask of Pathfinding
Olavu, Mask of Pathfinding

  • Enables the wearer to plot the shortest (although not necessarily easiest) course between any two points.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Egis

Pehkui, Mask of Diminishment
Pehkui, Mask of Diminishment

  • Enables the wearer to shrink down to a minimum height of roughly 15 centimeters, their physical strength not shrinking in proportion to their size.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Norik (reforged), Emperor Sorean (noble)

Ponos, Mask of Sensory Deprivation
Ponos, Mask of Sensory Deprivation

  • Enables the wearer to weaken one or more of the target’s senses (including pain) for a brief period of time.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Frivix

Raki, Mask of Direction
Raki, Mask of Direction

  • The great version grants the wearer knowledge how to get to any location that they have a general idea of its location. Both the great and noble versions point the wearer north at all times.
  • Notable wearers: Valdi (powerless)

Rewera, Mask of Anger
Rewera, Mask of Anger

  • Injects seeds of anger into the wearer’s targets, making them more prone to turn on each other.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Dybbuk

Rhyfe, Mask of Combat
Rhyfe, Mask of Combat

  • Enables the wearer to enable any feat or ability they observe that they are physically capable of replicating.
  • Toa are divided on this mask’s moral status, as while one should always be ready to fight, seeking out fights is generally discouraged.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Osara

Roka, Mask of Stillkeeping
Roka, Mask of Stillkeeping

  • Enables the wearer to completely stop the movement of any object, even to the point of floating midair, until they let go.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Vojeryl

Rozask, Mask of Insanity
Rozask, Mask of Insanity

  • Renders the target temporarily insane. The strength and duration of the effect depend on both the wearer’s and target’s respective willpower.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Kolasi (shapeshifted)

Sileni, Mask of Sensory Aptitude
Sileni, Mask of Sensory Aptitude

  • Enhances the wearer’s senses for a brief period of time.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Samari, Verodha (modified, powerless)

Suuri, Mask of Growth
Suuri, Mask of Growth

  • Enables the wearer to grow to a maximum height of roughly 20 meters, their physical strength rising in proportion to their size.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Bomonga (reforged)

Syros, Mask of Fortitude
Syros, Mask of Fortitude

  • Boosts the wearer’s stamina (doesn’t replenish it the same way MOEE does).
  • Notable wearers: Toa Praetex

Tagio, Mask of Intangibility
Tagio, Mask of Intangibility

  • Enables the wearer to alter their density, namely to become intangible and pass through solid objects.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Tuyet

Travix, Mask of Molecular Disruption
Travix, Mask of Molecular Disruption

  • Enables the wearer to alter the molecular structures of any inorganic object, ranging from melting the object to disintegrating it.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Pavo

Vardia, Mask of Adaptation
Vardia, Mask of Adaptation

  • Senses the wearer’s environment and makes changes to their body accordingly. Greater changes require greater concentration.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Chorost, Toa Zaria

Ventra, Mask of Weapon Creation
Ventra, Mask of Weapon Creation

  • Enables to wearer to manifest tools seemingly from thin air, provided they’ve been programmed by the wearer in advance.
  • Toa are divided on this mask’s moral status, for the same reason as the Rhyfe.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Taioxis

Wahanu, Mask of Atoms
Wahanu, Mask of Atoms

  • Enables the wearer to split up their body at the atomic level and re-merge at will, a la Zaktan’s protodites.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Mulgarath

Weha, Mask of Division
Weha, Mask of Division

  • Enables the wearer to create multiple copies of themself, and regroup at any copy’s location.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Tahatai

Zanzan, Mask of Clairvoyance
Zanzan, Mask of Clairvoyance

  • Enables the wearer to see a vision of the near future. This mask does not grant the user ability to change the future, but said future isn’t always set in stone.
  • Notable wearers: Toa Gaaki, Makuta Minyak (shapeshifted)

Zesic, Mask of Undeath
Zesic, Mask of Undeath

  • Revives the wearer’s body at the moment of their death and attempts to complete the last objective they had.
  • Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Synocax

Zygoux, Mask of Mutation
Zygoux, Mask of Mutation

  • Enables the wearer to mutate a target from a distance. Unlike the Amzen, this mask’s effects can be controlled and undone by the user.
  • Notable wearers: Makuta Miserix (later shapeshifted)

really cool masks

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always nice to see some masks!

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This is great! I love that someone has finally taken the time to clarify what some of these masks do. Thank you very much!


ooh these are really cool! Nice that you gave the unnamed ones names.


Where’s you get them


These Kanohi are really well designed. Say will we get another Kanohi later on? I had the idea of another kanohi, called the Kanohi of Lust/Addiction which would work similarly to Antonblast’s Jewel Ghoul since Jewel Ghoul represents Lust as the Lust does not have to mean desire of love to someone, as lust is taking pleasure to something that is addicting, such as smoking, eating, etc.

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