There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of Kanohi in existence, but not all of them have Matoran names, just descriptions of their powers, which I think is really lame. What I’ve done here is catalogue those masks that have appeared in my MOCs so far that are either canon but simply don’t have a Matoran name (or appearances) or are original mask powers that I or others have created.
This is not necessarily an exhaustive list and will be updated as time goes on.
Aithris, Mask of Conjuring
- Enables the wearer to program another power into the mask for a limited time via voice commands. Can cause a range of side effects if a command is spoken incorrectly.
- Notable wearers: Toa Kitea (reforged)
Ako, Mask of Psychometry
- Enables the wearer to learn the history of any item they come into physical contact with.
- Notable wearers: Toa Helryx
Amzen, Mask of Reconstitution
- Enables the wearer to mutate a target but doesn’t control the mutation caused nor can undo said mutation.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Toa Orde
Asoda, Mask of Aging
- Enables the wearer to artificially accelerate a target’s life processes and perception of time.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Toa Kazdan
Datmak, Mask of Charisma
- Enables the wearer to subtly alter the mind of the target to get them to agree to the wearer’s cause.
- Notable wearers: Trinuma, Makuta Carnifex (shapeshifted)
Dest, Mask of Weather Control
- Enables the wearer to manipulate the weather in their immediate vicinity. The greater the change, the greater the concentration required.
- Notable wearers: Toa Nawados
Dolicho, Mask of Insect Control
- Enables the wearer to summon large hives of bugs and insects to serve their will.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Archenora
Ekara, Mask of Vulture
- Enables the wearer to drain residual energy out of recently deceased beings.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Tridax, Vultraz (powerless)
Foren, Mask of Fusion
- Enables the wearer to forcibly merge themselves with one or more other beings to create a fusion and keep other fusions intact.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Kalex (shapeshifted)
Greadai, Mask of Incomprehension
- Enables the wearer to scramble most forms of language communication, including spoken, written, and signals.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Kojol (shapeshifted)
Hamara, Mask of Possibilities
- Enables the wearer to alter the likelihood of certain events occurring.
- Notable wearers: Toa Gauss, Toa Nikila
Kaeri, Mask of Attraction
- Gradually alters a target’s mind to make the wearer more agreeable and trustworthy. Can even cause a target to betray their moral code out of dedication to the wearer.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Halumu
Kakatu, Mask of Projection
- Enables the wearer to summon a construct of hardened light, its size and durability dependent on the wearer’s concentration.
- Notable wearers: Toa Goldren
Kalodho, Mask of Shadow Walking
- Enables the wearer to turn any shadow other than their own into a portal to travel through. Unlike the Olmak, this mask is not capable of interdimensional travel.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Consul R
Kaora, Mask of Healing
- Enables the wearer to heal any injury or illness of a target provided they have a general idea of the injury in question.
- Notable wearers: Toa Jerere (reforged)
Kerus, Mask of Poison
- Enables the wearer to infect anything they touch with a dangerous venom. The greater the concentration, the more potent the venom.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Acheri the Lost (powerless)
Likua, Mask of Puppetry
- Enables the wearer to completely control the body, but not the voice, of a target. Targets with great enough willpower can potentially break free if the wearer lapses in concentration.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Neo-Makuta W
Midnex, Mask of Psychokinesis
- Enables the wearer to control and move objects with their mind.
- This mask’s power is generally stronger than that provided by the Kanohi Matatu, but also requires greater mental capacity in order to use. The Noble Midnex is stronger than a Noble Matatu but still weaker than the Great Matatu.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Taszeid
Mura, Mask of Fear
- Injects seeds of fear into the wearer’s targets, making them more prone to make increasingly irrational decisions.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
Notable wearers: Makuta Polnoc
Mutuku, Mask of Emulation
- Enables the wearer to replicate any sentient being’s power for a limited time provided enough time was given to analyze the power.
- Notable wearers: Toa Chinelle, Toa Pouks (reforged)
Navara, Mask of Rahi Control
- Enables the wearer to influence and control the minds of Rahi.
- Notable wearers: Toa Beroh (modified), Toa Kualus (reforged)
Nydak, Mask of Trust
- Enables the wearer to pick an ally to link with for a brief period of time. The greater their synergy, the greater their physical and elemental powers become.
Notable wearers: Toa Aluva
Olavu, Mask of Pathfinding
- Enables the wearer to plot the shortest (although not necessarily easiest) course between any two points.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Egis
Pehkui, Mask of Diminishment
- Enables the wearer to shrink down to a minimum height of roughly 15 centimeters, their physical strength not shrinking in proportion to their size.
- Notable wearers: Toa Norik (reforged), Emperor Sorean (noble)
Ponos, Mask of Sensory Deprivation
- Enables the wearer to weaken one or more of the target’s senses (including pain) for a brief period of time.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Frivix
Raki, Mask of Direction
- The great version grants the wearer knowledge how to get to any location that they have a general idea of its location. Both the great and noble versions point the wearer north at all times.
- Notable wearers: Valdi (powerless)
Rewera, Mask of Anger
- Injects seeds of anger into the wearer’s targets, making them more prone to turn on each other.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Dybbuk
Rhyfe, Mask of Combat
- Enables the wearer to enable any feat or ability they observe that they are physically capable of replicating.
- Toa are divided on this mask’s moral status, as while one should always be ready to fight, seeking out fights is generally discouraged.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Osara
Roka, Mask of Stillkeeping
- Enables the wearer to completely stop the movement of any object, even to the point of floating midair, until they let go.
- Notable wearers: Toa Vojeryl
Rozask, Mask of Insanity
- Renders the target temporarily insane. The strength and duration of the effect depend on both the wearer’s and target’s respective willpower.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Kolasi (shapeshifted)
Sileni, Mask of Sensory Aptitude
- Enhances the wearer’s senses for a brief period of time.
- Notable wearers: Toa Samari, Verodha (modified, powerless)
Suuri, Mask of Growth
- Enables the wearer to grow to a maximum height of roughly 20 meters, their physical strength rising in proportion to their size.
- Notable wearers: Toa Bomonga (reforged)
Syros, Mask of Fortitude
- Boosts the wearer’s stamina (doesn’t replenish it the same way MOEE does).
- Notable wearers: Toa Praetex
Tagio, Mask of Intangibility
- Enables the wearer to alter their density, namely to become intangible and pass through solid objects.
- Notable wearers: Toa Tuyet
Travix, Mask of Molecular Disruption
- Enables the wearer to alter the molecular structures of any inorganic object, ranging from melting the object to disintegrating it.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Toa Pavo
Vardia, Mask of Adaptation
- Senses the wearer’s environment and makes changes to their body accordingly. Greater changes require greater concentration.
- Notable wearers: Toa Chorost, Toa Zaria
Ventra, Mask of Weapon Creation
- Enables to wearer to manifest tools seemingly from thin air, provided they’ve been programmed by the wearer in advance.
- Toa are divided on this mask’s moral status, for the same reason as the Rhyfe.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Taioxis
Wahanu, Mask of Atoms
- Enables the wearer to split up their body at the atomic level and re-merge at will, a la Zaktan’s protodites.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Mulgarath
Weha, Mask of Division
- Enables the wearer to create multiple copies of themself, and regroup at any copy’s location.
- Notable wearers: Toa Tahatai
Zanzan, Mask of Clairvoyance
- Enables the wearer to see a vision of the near future. This mask does not grant the user ability to change the future, but said future isn’t always set in stone.
- Notable wearers: Toa Gaaki, Makuta Minyak (shapeshifted)
Zesic, Mask of Undeath
- Revives the wearer’s body at the moment of their death and attempts to complete the last objective they had.
- Toa generally consider this mask immoral.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Synocax
Zygoux, Mask of Mutation
- Enables the wearer to mutate a target from a distance. Unlike the Amzen, this mask’s effects can be controlled and undone by the user.
- Notable wearers: Makuta Miserix (later shapeshifted)