Discussing colorblindness

A place to discuss colorblindness, as I find it generally misunderstood.
where it started:

@GoodGuy2006, @Senit


What kind of colorblindness do you have?


severe red-green


My dad has trouble seeing the color red unless there’s a lot of it, so I think he has red-green color blindness, too.

Interestingly enough, green is his favorite color.


so beyond your mind just being blown on karzahni’s color scheme, has this ever affected you with bionicle in the past?
(it just occurred to me
no tahu for you)


yeah, I have to look closely to make sure I dont grab metru green instead of black. keetorange and yellow (plus other similar colors?) are also troublesome


Oh thats gotta be annoying. Happens to me when its to dark only.

what color is my profile pic to you?

Also the Axalara has gotta look really boring as a set to you same for the rockoh

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theres one of the things I hoped to address here.
colorblindness (NORMALLY) isnt that severe, and it isnt “I cant see red” either. it almost always requires two or more colors, and its fairly difficult or downright impossible for someone who has the right kind of colorblindness to tell them apart (UNO is a huge pain, I swear, Im taking a sharpie to that deck)

also this. Im sure it isnt just me, so Ill say it: people who are colorblind dont like being asked what color something is. (I understand it was a joke, I just wanted to put that out there)


Ah ok well I didn’t know that. Interesting to know that a bit better now


thats the point of this topic, helping people understand colorblindness


Did you ever have anything “dangerous” happen to you because of the colorblindness? Not meaning anything life threatening.

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no, though I know my older brother has blown through a few stoplights at night.


Oh ok. Is he colorblind aswell? Because if he is not thats just weird.

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Out of curiosity, does it affect dark brown? (I.e. the color seen on Jyn Erso’s feet) I know i sometimes mistake it for black in low light.

(I mean the actual lego color and not the picture, I just include the picture for reference)


not for me, but if anybody else on here is colorblind, they might have a hard time with it. its different from person to person, but there are enough similarities for many people that overarching categories like red-green exist (for example, red-green actually covers a range of colors, but its generally called red-green because thats most prominent or is the base that the others come from)

yes. colorblindness is a sex-linked trait, so males are more prone to it than females. thus its not really a suprise that him and I are colorblind while our sister isnt


Ok. Thats something new. And its strange that it has a different probability based on what your gender is. (Ok not that weird if you think about that being a thing with multiple stuff)

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its fairly simple when you think of it this way:
sex-linked traits are carried on the X chromisome. males have an X and a Y, while females have two Xs. if a female gets a bad X (colorblindness in this case, which is a recessive gene) from one of their parents, the other can correct it. males dont have this corrective opportunity, so what we get is what we have. If I remember correctly, autism is also sex-linked, as are many things


this is a really neat topic, i hope someone else with colorblindness sees it and gives their thoughts

so has there ever been a time in your life where you thought something was one color, but you were shocked to find out it was a completely different one?


all the freaking time


any specific examples that stick out?
like, how did you react when you found out about grass?

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